HMRC investigate the accounts of LionheartGB, Britain First, The Patriot Store.The Patriot Store is all pervasive on many pages on Facebook. Originally the domain was registered by Mr James Dowson (ex-BNP, ex-Britain First), but then transferred to Lionheart Products. EVERY Britain First, LionheartGB (and others) pages contain links to the Patriot Store. The newest page is Knights Templar International,which is being heavily promoted by Britain First. The website allows donations to be made (exactly the same as Britain First's), and it solicits donations from abroad. According to Electoral Commission rules, any donation of £500 or more must be returned to the donor if they are not on the UK Electoral Roll. It is urgent that the HMRC investigates the accounts of these 'businesses'. HMRC needs to find the links between the companies, just how many donations/profits are going to 'Britain First', whether or not the donations have come from abroad, and who is behind the entire 'group'.791 of 800 SignaturesCreated by Al Doughty
Amend the financial requirements for spousal immigrationThe Laws for UK Spouse and Partner immigration are tearing families apart. A requirement of £18,600 in income or £62,500 in savings is placed solely on the UK spouse. At minimum wage this would involve working 55 hours a week, which is simply unavailable in this climate. Many families and partners of British citizens are stuck from returning home due to the strict financial requirements, whilst European residents walk freely into the country. Ironically the English speaking countries of Australia New Zealand and America also fall under this bracket, unlike countries such as Romania, Russia and Poland. House owners and highly skilled workers, are all prevented from returning to the UK, despite being in well paid jobs abroad, this is due to the lack of work in the UK that exceeds this requirement. The requirements do not consider assets such as house ownership, or partners earning capacity. Those with savings are prevented from investing in the country as only cash savings count when held for over 6 months are considered. A plea to reduce this requirement to around £13,000 was rejected by the high court claiming it did not infringe on the right to a family life. However it seems obvious it is. This is clearly a move to reduce immigration that has failed, it has isolated working and middle class families, and by its own admission ''did not consider any other factors but financial, and was based solely on central London'' Its other purpose was stated as being to stop dependence on state support, however this does not prevent foreign EU residents from claiming state support, only British citizens wishing to bring their partners and family home. This is a policy from the Tory government which has betrayed our rights as citizens and further divided our ability to have family lives. Typically to Tory politics, this was based on money and favoured the rich. Please sign the petition to bring our families and loved ones home, so we may not be replaced by the new wave of European immigration.151 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Патрик Панда Холмс
Save Sherdil, Shafiq, Izatullah And Others From Horrific Deportation to AfghanistanUPDATE 10th March 2015 the Home Office sadly went ahead with the deportation of 32 people to Afghanistan. HOWEVER 20 people were taken off the flight though, including Sherdil, Shafiq and Izatullah. We would like to continue collecting signatures to show opposition to further deportations whilst Afghanistan remains unsafe. We have more time now to really build our opposition- if we collect 100,000 signatures, the issue will have to be discussed in Parliament. NEW PETITION: 38degrees.org.uk/justiceforafghans An Afghan government minister, Mr. Hussain Alami Balkhi, has stated that returned refugees will not be accepted and will be turned away at the airport. Despite this warning, the UK government is still willing to waste thousands of taxpayers money, with an average charter flight costing £218,617, and the government having spent nearly £4m on deportations to Afghanistan in 2011/2. Sources:https://kabulblogs.wordpress.com/2015/02/21/afghan-minister-for-refugees-and-repatriation-stop-deportation-to-afghanistan/ http://www.corporatewatch.org/news/2013/jan/24/cost-charter-flight-deportations-increased-eight-fold-over-last-decade1,501 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Lara Farrell
Security of pilgrims to Sri Vraja Bhumi.Barbaric Sexual Assault In Vrindavan On February 24, 2015 At 7 AM, in broad daylight, 82-year-old Chandrika Devi Dasi was raped and robbed at Kesi-ghat, Vrindavan. Chandrika is from Russia. She is a saintly vaisnavi and has come to Vrindavan to pass the final years of her life. In her advanced age has performed Vrindavan Parikrama everyday for the past five years. On February 24th, as she passed through Kesi-ghat, two Indian men, approximately 20 years of age, approached from behind and pushed her to the ground. One of the men stole her parikrama bag and ran away. The other man climbed upon her chest and held her mouth to keep her from screaming, pulled his genital from his cloth and while sitting upon her to keep her from moving, masturbated and passed semen on her chest. After his climax he jumped up to run away and a large knife fell from his cloth. He quickly grabbed the weapon and ran. By Krishna’s blessings Chandrika Devi Dasi broke no bones when she fell. She is shocked and traumatised by the event. Though there were pujaris at the Kesi-ghat temple but they did nothing to help. From her shock, and feeling of shame, she did not report the event to the police on the day that it happened. On the second day when I was informed I instructed her to file a First Information Report with the local police. She did so on February 25, 2015 I reported the incident to our Vrindavan Temple President he sent his legal assistant to deal with the local police. By Krishna's grace the criminals were captured within two days and legal proceedings have been opened against them. But, as events go in India, unless noise is made, they will simply pay a bribe and be released. What if someone tried to rape your 82 year old mother. What would you do ?918 of 1,000 SignaturesCreated by Rachel Stokes
Justice For Missing Father/Son/Nephew Ambrose Garfield Gene BallIn order to prevent other young fathers/sons/nephews/uncles disappearing without a trace we feel that a number of failures by the police need to be brought to the knowledge to those at the top. Ambrose went missing after spending the evening in the Fox Pub with 2 friends. He was let out of the back of the pub by a security guard to look for his keys, which he had lost. We were informed by the FLO that Ambrose had been captured on CCTV getting int his car at Arnose Grove, 14 minutes later his car was involved in a crash. Ambrose has not been seen since. One of the friends Ambrose was out with, arrived at Ambrose's mums house at 08.00 hours, apparently within 7 hours of this person last seeing Ambrose. He informed Ruth that Ambrose had been involved in some fights, had crashed his car twice and had simply disappeared. This person also informed her that Ambrose's car had been towed away around 3 a.m. Ruth, Ambrose's mother reported all this to the police twice on the 24th January and once on the 25th January. Ever since Ambrose was reported missing there have been a number of incidences that have concerned us as a family. These are regarding the way the police have dealt with Ambrose's disappearance; the treatment and lack of support his mother Ruth has received from the police since Ruth Brought this to their attention; the inconsistencies in what the police have been telling the family and the failure of the police to follow the correct protocol in relation to the grading of Ambrose's disappearance. If you would like to know more about this case please go to Ambrose's goup which is called "Ambrose baall missing"..2,429 of 3,000 SignaturesCreated by Alexandria Georgina Harrison
Stop UK registered business destroying environment & Indian tribal communitiesThe Government should stop British registered companies destroying the lives of tribal people and environment in India. Essar Energy is registered in Britain and is part of the same multinational giant that is involved in Stanlow Refinery in Cheshire. It is planning to dig coal in Madhya Pardesh province of India, which is the same state where in Bhopal poisonous gas from a chemical plant operated by Union Carbide (part of an American multinational) in 1984 killed many thousands innocent people and left even greater number with permanent serious health problems. Mahan Forest which Essar Energy may be destroying is one of the oldest Sal tree forest in Asia. It is sanctuary for wild life including some endangered species. Many thousand tribal people in the area also make sustainable living from collection of forest produce. So they are campaigning to save their culture and sustainable mode of living with the help of Green Peace India. Although on paper Indian laws provide protection for tribal people. Some people have alleged that to get around Indian laws that provide some protection to tribal communities, fake documents were created by some parties involved. The new Government of India under Prime Minister Modi (who was chief minister of Gujarat when in 2002 nearly thousand innocent citizens of India were killed by religious extremists and some his colleagues were found guilty of those crimes in 2012) is not only supporting this environmental vandalism but has also started to intimidate those who are helping the tribal people. Soon after coming to power Modi led BJP Government of India froze the funds of Green Peace India, which has since been judged to be illegal action by the High Court. Recently lawyer Ms Pryia Pillai was on her way to London to meet all party group of MPs who are interested in the welfare of tribal people. But Indian authorities stopped her at Delhi airport under laws meant for absconding dangerous criminals and terrorist. So it is reasonable to suspect that the Modi led government is trying to intimidate environmental and human rights activists and stop them from letting British people know about the unethical involvement of British registered firms in destroying the lives of tribal people and environmental vandalism in a fellow Commonwealth member nation. Please sign the petition requesting Prime Minister Cameron to stop British registered firms indulging in unethical practises which may destroy the lives of tribal people and environment of Mahan Forest area in India or in other places. And object to Modi led Indian government hindering friendly people to people contacts between British and Indian citizens. Paramjit Bahia156 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Paramjit BAHIA
Rozanne Duncan Must Resign at TDCBecause the people of Thanet deserve to be served by councillors who aren't racist "Leadership - Holders of public office should promote and support these principles by leadership and by example, and should act in a way that secures or preserves public confidence."417 of 500 SignaturesCreated by Ian Venables
STOP PUNISHING VICTIMS OF CHILD SEXUAL ABUSE!The Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority (CICA) currently compensate 'blameless victims of crimes'. However, they also state 'We may refuse or reduce a payment if you have a criminal record, even though you may have been blameless in the incident which resulted in your injury'. As somebody who works in the legal profession representing victims of abuse, I have witnessed victims of abuse (whose abuser has been convicted) refused compensation on the basis that they have unspent criminal convictions. Some victims were drugged, laced with alcohol and forced to commit crimes by their abusers - they too have been refused compensation because they have 'unspent convictions'. These people were CHILDREN who were abused and put in that situation and CICA are punishing them for their abuse. Common symptoms of those who were or are being abused are anger, use of drugs and alcohol, committing crimes and lashing out because they want to be heard and helped. Their experiences will be with them for the rest of their lives and they will never be able to regain their childhood or live a normal live. These issues were submitted to the government last Autumn but to date they have failed to acknowledge the correspondence sent to them. Is this being swept under the carpet too? These victims need help to rebuild their lives, not to feel they are being punished by CICA: A government run organisation!6,075 of 7,000 SignaturesCreated by Odette Tovey
Stop the Counter Terrorism and Security BillPlease sign the petition to stop this government rushing through legislation that has the power to impact on all our lives not just the Muslim community. This year is the 800 year anniversary of the Magna Carta, this bill seeks to undo the very principles signed 800 Years ago. In the guise of fear mongering and scaring the wider community about Islamist extremist and criminalising the whole of the Muslim community, this bill will erode the civil liberty of all people and all communities. For further details please see www.stopthebill.co.uk or sign this petition It is an erosion of civil liberty, fair trial, the freedom to travel and justice for all.48 of 100 SignaturesCreated by shahida siddique
Civilised treatment for failed asylum seekers"Failed" asylum seekers are prohibited from working and will not have the resources to present themselves in Liverpool. The effect of this ruling will be to make appeals virtually inaccessible to "failed" asylum seekers. In the past many asylum claims have been upheld on appeal.75 of 100 SignaturesCreated by peter salomon
Rights of spouse to live in UKBackground David suffers a bipolar disorder, his condition is well controlled with medication and family support but oddly enough this story is not only about David, it is also about his Uganda born wife Mary (not her real name). Mary was an asylum seeker who went through the proper channels to request asylum in the UK. It was during this time that she met David and love blossomed. Mary's asylum request was refused and in 2005 she was deported from the UK separating her from David. In 2006 David pursued Mary to Uganda and they were legally married. David and Mary applied again as a married couple for Mary to be permitted to live in the UK, because of her deportation history, she was refused permission. David has been reluctant to raise the profile of the case, for fear it might reignite problems for his wife with the authorities in Uganda, hence we have changed her name in this story. David sought help from his local MP Rosie Cooper, she liaised with the then immigration minister Liam Byrne MP. David was advised in a letter that he had to appeal the refusal decision, but as long as their marriage was legally recognised in Uganda and the UK, there would be no problem. The case was represented by a barrister who failed to disclose the existence of the letter from Liam Byrne MP. The appeal was refused based seemingly only on the past asylum history. David has considered emigrating to Uganda, but his medical condition is not treatable in Uganda. He returns to the UK frequently for medication and the trips play havoc with his medical condition. Between visits to Uganda to be with his wife, David continues to campaign to get permission for her to enter this country legally and is currently receiving the support of John Pugh MP for Southport in his quest for justice. Other information In a recent EU legal case the judge ruled that foreign families of EU citizens cannot be stopped from moving to Britain http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2878913/Millions-given-right-UK-court-rules-EU-workers-free-bring-families-from.html Yet David and Mary are still struggling to get justice. Please help them in their quest for fairness and justice by signing the petition.469 of 500 SignaturesCreated by Paul Bradshaw
End DWP Benefit SanctionsIn a new report the government’s imposition of sanctions on Jobseeker’s Allowance claimants has led to a significant rise in people leaving unemployment benefits, but they are not returning to work, according to researchers at the University of Oxford and the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine. Sanctions are unfair, disproportionate and cruel - they are leading to the deaths of our citizens; causing suicides, mental health issues and increasing the involvement of the police, hospitals and social services. Whistleblowers are reporting that JCP staff are setting people up to fail to meet internal targets. Radio 4 reported the case of Danielle, a woman with dyslexia and learning difficulties. She had been instructed to complete 48 ‘actions’ to get work a fortnight. With her problems this was not easy. When once she had only done 47 acts she was sanctioned. She ended up dependent on food charities. There is a need for a cost-benefit analysis of sanctioning, looking at it not just in narrow terms of unemployment benefit, but also the bigger picture, focusing on employment, health, and other social costs. The senior author of the new working paper, Professor David Stuckler from Oxford has presented these fact as an expert witness before the Work and Pensions Committee: PLEASE help us and sign our petition @ABCorgdotnet175 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Simon Collyer
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