Recognition for Rescuers and safe routes for asylum seekersMigration is the future. With climate change and increasing border conflicts more and more people will be displaced and need safe haven. The UK together with Europe need to work together on a strategy to make asylum seekers safe and welcome.6 of 100 SignaturesCreated by David Braund
Harry Kane: wear the OneLove armband anywayThe more football fans, people from the LGBTQ+ community and LGBTQ+ allies who ask Harry Kane to wear the OneLove armband anyway, the more likely he is to listen. We need to act now. Kane didn't wear the arm band for the first game and we need to send a strong message so he'll listen in time for future games. Support this petition and show the FA, FIFA and Qatar that they cannot brush LGBTQ+ rights and other human rights abuses under the carpet.25 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Adam Haworth
UK Government: Find the missing child migrantsDear Mr Jenrick There are currently between 150 and 200 missing child migrants in this country. These are children directly under the responsibility of the state. They are missing from hotels and accommodation where they've been placed by the Home Office. They either do not have adult family members in this country to look for them or, these adults are detained, without recourse to funds, advocacy, local intelligence or any form of enablement and support to do so. If this number of British children had gone missing from government care in the last year, there would be a national outcry and you would no doubt be thinking carefully about your position. How can we treat children from other nations any differently once they are within the UK? What does this say about us as a nation? Please confirm that you will make finding these children, who are now highly vulnerable to modern slavery and abuse, the number one priority of your time in office. Please confirm that plans to find these children will shortly be debated in parliament and then acted upon. Children often go missing but most are found again with a short time. There are currently between 150 and 200 child migrants missing within the UK without language skills, without local knowledge, often without parents able to look for them. They are highly vulnerable to human trafficking, modern slavery, and other forms of abuse. We wouldn't stand for this if they were British children. How can we stand for any children at risk like this within our shores?9 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Rosalie Faithfull
Suella Braverman - a danger to UK securityFor too long now this Conservative party has been a party of rule-makers who are rule-breakers. This Home Secretary loves quoting the law - changing it to fit the Tory narrative, where required - to justify her proclamations on a range of controversial bills: freedom to protest - she wants to water down significantly our right to freedom to protest, stifling our freedom of speech, Rwanda-madness, et al15 of 100 SignaturesCreated by frank kelly
Headstone for a ww2 FEPOW veteranNo veteran if they died during war or peacetime should be forgotten for there service, they should be rembered for the sacrifice they gave for our lives, there are many cemeteries for the soldiers that died in wartime but as my grandfather came home he is not entitled to be given a headstone there to be remembered by ,even though he suffered ptsd for the rest of his days , I am willing to cover all costs for a headstone at Crawley cemetery , I just want my grandfather a fepow veteran to be given the dignity he deserves5 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Serena Gear
Fathers and mothers justice lawBecause alot of people are in my situation fighting to see there children in court and they don't get listened to from anyone3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Thomas Mcelligott
Make Hoarding Support Safe for People who Hoard (In Line with the CareAct2014)Hoarding Specific Support Teams Needed Across the UK Housing officers need better training or even specialist support teams to deal with hoarders – according to new research from the University of East Anglia. From environmental health and fire risks to dealing with often complex mental health needs, a new study reveals the challenges faced by housing officers supporting people who hoard. At present there is no established national guidance for managing hoarding behaviours. The research team recommend that housing officers are given better training – particularly to deal with hoarders with mental health disorders and underlying trauma – and that specialist teams could help hoarders reduce their clutter. Lead researcher Dr Sarah Hanson, from UEA’s School of Health Sciences, said: “People who have a hoarding disorder have trouble throwing things away, they collect and accumulate belongings, and their living spaces become very unmanageable. It’s hard to know how many of us are hoarders because it’s so stigmatised and people with the disorder are likely to feel embarrassed or ashamed. But it’s thought that about two per cent of the adult population are affected. Hoarding behaviours are associated with a higher rate of healthcare utilization, chronic and severe medical concerns, a higher rate of mental health service use and housing insecurity due to the threat of eviction. As well as affecting the individual’s health and wellbeing, hoarding often affects relationships and family life. It can also cause a significant fire and environmental health risks and a significant economic burden to housing providers and emergency services. Working with hoarders presents many challenges to housing providers, who need to balance the care of their properties with the care of their tenants. Dealing with the results of hoarding can be traumatising for the person who hoards and the hoarding behaviours usually re-occur. We wanted to find out more about the nature and extent of hoarding, about the challenges faced by housing officers, and how they could be better equipped to deal with hoarders.” The research team worked with housing officers from Norwich City Council and developed a database for the officers to log hoarding cases. A total of 38 cases were recorded between May and August 2021 and each was assigned a clutter rating. Other information – such as the vulnerability of the tenant, safeguarding issues, referrals to other agencies, tenancy duration, and environmental health and fire risks – was also logged. The research team found that the majority of hoarders lived alone (87%) and almost half (47%) had a known vulnerability or disability. Around 60% of cases lived in flats and just over a third (34%) posed an environmental health or fire risk. Dr Hanson said: “We interviewed 11 housing officers and they were each working with up to 10 problematic hoarders. The officers felt very conflicted about how to best protect the property, whilst acting in the best interests of the tenant and their mental health issues and vulnerabilities. We found that hoarding often presented alongside other support needs, for example substance misuse, trauma, and depression. But housing officers are not mental-health trained so many of the problems they’re dealing with go beyond the boundaries of their role and expertise. Overall, we found that housing staff are very committed to finding person-centred solutions. But building relationships and finding solutions to manage hoarding to levels that are safe and acceptable to the tenant, the property and neighbours is very time-consuming. Housing officers need long-term, ongoing support and specialist training to manage hoarding cases, but this is often challenged by other demands of the job, which are often emergency situations. It’s really important that housing officers should have stronger links with mental health providers be able to refer hoarders for further support packages. Managing hoarding cases is emotionally demanding for staff, and they may require additional support themselves,” she added. “Our research shows that there needs to be a greater focus on a holistic and community-based approach to hoarding cases. Training up dedicated hoarding teams or ‘hoarding champions’ to manage cases of hoarding could work really well,” she added. Rachel Omori, Independent Living Manager at Norwich City Council, said: “This collaboration with UEA helped us raise the profile of tenants with complex self-neglect and hoarding behaviours and explore more deeply how we might best support tenants and staff. Staff welcomed the opportunity to share their experiences with the researchers who were independent from the council and were comfortable to share how they felt about working alongside people with very entrenched behaviours alongside their other day to day work. The research highlighted a number of issues which we will explore further via an action plan. This includes a more systematic approach to data collection, holding regular workshops to share good practice, implementing a trauma informed approach with a special training programme, reviewing our internal process and guidance, assessing the prevalence of cases across the county, and exploring approaches to case management.” Council tenancies and hoarding behaviours: A study with a large social landlord in England is published in’ the journal Health and Social Care in the Community on March 21, 2022.14 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Megan Karnes
Stop General Dynamics sponsoring Hastings Half MarathonGeneral Dynamics is a 'Sponsor' of Hastings Half Marathon. Charity War Child UK has accused General Dynamics of ‘profiteering from the deaths of innocent children’. Arms companies including General Dynamics have made more than £6bn from sales to Saudi Arabia during the ongoing war in Yemen. International humanitarian law prohibits attacks against civilians yet the British armed Saudi-led coalition has bombed schools, markets, hospitals, and health centres. Since the conflict escalated in Yemen nearly seven years ago, the UN verified that more than 10,200 children have been killed or injured, while survivors face malnutrition and disease with the collapse of infrastructure. Unicef warns that, ‘nearly every child in Yemen’ is in need of humanitarian assistance. Hastings Half Marathon claims to offer family-friendly event with a children’s mini marathon. This is totally at odds with its with association with General Dynamics. Ironically, this year’s ‘brass’ commentates the great Alan Turing whose BOMBE device - the name of an electro mechanical machine developed during World War Two, and was famous for breaking the German Enigma Codes, helped shorten the War by two to four years, and saved millions of lives. Again, this is completely at odds with accepting sponsorship from General Dynamics. And in a time when weapons manufacturers (or in fact, their shareholders) benefit so heavily from wars, nuclear weapons proliferation and personal gun-use, no local or business or charity can justify working under the shadow of General Dynamics reputation. http://www.hastingsagainstwar.org/GD.html https://www.google.co.uk/amp/s/www.forbes.com/sites/williamhartung/2019/09/09/should-arms-makers-be-held-responsible-for-how-their-weapons-are-used/amp/ https://inthesetimes.com/features/us-saudi-arabia-yemen-war-arms-sales.html https://www.google.co.uk/amp/s/www.theglobeandmail.com/amp/news/politics/think-tank-under-fire-for-accepting-donations-from-arms-maker/article31086389/75 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Beth King
Help get Black and ethnic minority people to safety from Ukrainian bordersPeople have a right to safety and signing this petition could help effect real change in many lives.57 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Norrisa Gayle
Governments £200 Debt Scheme for UKWe need to stand together and prevent the chancellor Rishi Sunak from enforcing the £200 electricity debt. We all have human rights and by enforcing this he is as well as the government breaking them. Our utilities are the highest in Europe by a significant amount, so let’s say NO 2Gether13 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Rhian Thomas
Stop This Government Cancelling Free Prescriptions For People Who Are In Desperate Need For ItI know that my family is not the only family in the uk that is finding it extremely hard to manage on a day to day basis. And also just like my family are struggling more than ever to just pay the bills The last couple of years for my family has been the worst ever on record for Debt. I Urge other people who are in the the same Financial Crisis as us to ask this Government not to stop the free Prescriptions For those who are worse off financially Who Cannot Afford The Prescription Charges And to have to pay those charges would push right over the edge.18 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Mark Beaumont
Save Abdul Ali and Family from Taliban Torture now!Adbul Ali did everything possible re documentation, application only to be denied safe passage by not fulfilling criteria. He risked his - and his family's lives - to assist in trying to give a life free from tyranny and torture to the population of Afghanistan by assisting our forces. Now these forces are gone and these friends have been deserted and left to fend for themselves against the terror of the Taliban, ISIS and others.3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Mark Brown
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