• Remove the statue of the racist coloniser Captain Cook from The Mall
    Captain Cook symbolises racial oppression and violence. James Cook invaded Australia just over 250 years ago. He shot the first Indigenous person who showed any sign of resistance and then claimed possession over the entire nation even though it clearly belonged to the people already there. Under James Cook's leadership, Australia was declared uninhabited because they did not view Indigenous people as humans. Therefore, murdering, enslaving and raping Indigenous people was legal under Australian law. What followed was over 250 years of genocidal activities and policies based on that murdered, enslaved and oppressed thousands of women, men and children. What James Cook did in Australia, New Zealand, Hawaii and others should be condemned in our history so that we can begin to heal from our shameful past. Cook should no longer be celebrated with a prominent statue. [1] - https://www.sbs.com.au/news/anti-racism-activists-in-the-uk-are-targeting-murderer-captain-cook-statues [2] - https://www.toppletheracists.org/ [3] - https://www.nytimes.com/2017/09/15/magazine/how-to-pull-down-a-statue.html
    31 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Holly Dawson
  • Restart prison social visits and actually get answers when this will happen
    Studies show that maintaining family ties Is vital to rehabilitation and reduces re offending! How is keeping inmates away from families doing this!? My son is 19 years old and in a hmp&yoi with no signs of video calls happening anytime soon and I’ve not seen him for 14 long weeks. Being in prison is the punishment they do not deserve a further one Others are in the same situation and need to see loved 1s it’s affecting inmates mental heath and their family’s.
    25 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Amy French
  • Petition to our MPs to stop the sale of police weapons to the US. (support Black Lives Matter)
    We must support the right to protest and condemn both the President of the US for his inflammatory words and actions and the extreme violence exhibited by police. This is not just an international issue in order to protect black people in the US but a step towards liberation for black people everywhere.
    23 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Vankshita Mishra
  • Stop Arms Exports to the USA
    Right now arms are being used by the USA to fight back against the peaceful protests of black citizens. This is ingrained into the systematic racism that is rampant in the country. We need to ensure that we send a strong message to the USA that we do not approve of them using arms for fighting peaceful protestors, who are fighting for equality within their country. One needs to only look at the videos being shared by users on social media. Including police firing rubber bullets directly into the eyes of protestors, despite being peaceful. Or tear gas being used very frequently, and as a first resort. Our relationship with the USA is special, and as a result of our "special relationship" (government's words, not mine), we should be pressuring the USA to do the right thing. One final thing to note that is that opposition MPs are also calling for the UK to stop arms trade with the USA for the same reasons. You can find a source of this at https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/uk-protests-boris-johnson-donald-trump-riot-gear-arms-george-floyd-a9545406.html
    43 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Daniel Ratcliffe
  • Emergency funding for local domestic abuse support services
    In line with the lockdown restrictions we have all been getting to know our homes a lot better, for some this has been a blessing but for many a curse. 14 women and 2 children lost their lives three weeks into lockdown, the charity Refuge had reported a 120% increase in helpline calls portraying the severity of the knock-on effect of the pandemic. The lockdown is not the direct cause of this upsurge of domestic violence but has contributed to a rise of tension within households, stemming from increased responsibility for childcare, economic struggles and reduced sociability outside of the household which can expose pre-existing abusive behaviours. Our homes are the primary barrier for individuals leaving an abusive relationship, therefore during this time we are relying on virtual support services which are vital, but they are under-supported. Although these services are saving lives, as they have done for decades, they have suffered economically long before COVID-19 and many are at breaking point, particularly women's centres supporting BAME communities. People's lives will be at an even greater risk without these domestic violence associations, many are facing risks of closure due to the lack of support from the government, emergency funding can save lives and violence can be prevented before it happens. Many associations are worried the Government funding will not reach smaller, local services. Our Government leaders and local councils need to disperse funding fairly across the charities that are working tirelessly to support our communities because no one is safe until we are all safe.
    32 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Alice Lowes
  • Overnight accommodation available for all
    Within 21st Century Britain, it is completely unacceptable that thousands of people are sleeping rough every night because they are not properly supported by their local authority. 'Priority need' means that people are prioritised over others due to their vulnerability, however, surely it is not unreasonable to view every homeless individual as vulnerable? Local authorities should be providing beds for people that are sleeping rough, whether that be in the form of a youth hostel, hotel or permanent. The Homelessness Reduction Act 2017 states that "a local housing authority’s duty under section 189B(2) or 195(2) is a function of the authority to secure that accommodation is available for the occupation of a person only if the authority decide to discharge the duty by securing that accommodation is so available.” The simple fact of the matter is that accommodation can be made available if people are prioritised over profit. There is always beds available, even if this means that councils have to pay for beds themselves. Nobody should be without a basic human right.
    20 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Harrison Scaman
  • Let's go nuclear on health service investment
    If you have to ask this question you're probably part of the problem, and won't see the solution. How can it be sensible to continue to invest our 'public tax trillions' into something which can only end humanity, when we could invest in something that we've all now realised is actually our first and last line of defence against a threat which is real and likely to come back bigger and badder in the future?
    24 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Paul Taylor
  • UK citizenship for foreign nationals who have worked at the NHS
    This is important to recognise the sacrifice and contribution that foreign nationals have made whilst risking their lives in providing care for those who have unfortunately contacted the Covid-19 virus.Cabinet members of the UK government have praised foreign nationals for their contribution, it is time to put some substance to that praise and do something which will help those NHS staff who need help too.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Marjorie Rantoul
  • Universal credit: scrap the five week wait
    Cause universal credit is just not working it's making people get into debt also may be putting people into depression also people not being able to pay rent and also people losing their homes and ending up homeless
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Francis Welsh
  • Allow refugee children to join their relatives in the UK
    Because Coronavirus will overtake the camps. Not taking action means the virus will mutate. Not taking action when we can means people will die through no fault of their own. Do not murder these children.
    69 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Janet de Vigne
  • Key workers on zero hours contacts to receive a living wage if they need to self isolate
    So that we can safely self isolate without the added stress of financial insecurity. We are some of the most productive workers at this time and our dedication and valuable contribution should be be recognised. We should be guaranteed financial equal to that offered to permanent employees and the self employed.
    11 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sue Powell
  • Abolish Mp's perks
    because the general public at work doesn't get to claim for the like expenses why should we subsidise them for what they can afford to pay for it it's obscene when we have child poverty. in-work poverty and starving homeless on the streets
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Daniel Boyle