• Give Knightswood and Jordanhill back their link to the 4 bus service
    In 2016, Firstbuses Glasgow axed the 4 bus service from Knightswood and Jordanhill, disconnecting our two communities and denying them direct access to their town centre, the Byres Road area, Glasgow University and Sauchiehall Street. To get to these places now, the 27,000 residents have long walks or have to take two buses or means of transport and go long ways round. Journeys that used to take 10-25 minutes now take up to one hour. The cut affects families and people of all ages, making it harder to get to schools, nurseries, work, health services, education, friends, families and social activities. Older people, the disabled and women are worst affected. The Sauchiehall Street area is a shopping and entertainment centre, with cinemas, theatres and concert halls as well as a transport hub with Buchanan Street Bus Station and Queen Street Station. The drop in numbers of people being able to access these areas must be affecting businesses along the route. The cut is forcing people who previously opted to use the bus to use their cars. This is the exact opposite of what Glasgow Council and the Scottish Government are calling for, that is for people to leave their cars at home as they account for 68.1% of overall transport greenhouse gas emissions. Cuts to local bus routes like this make it more difficult to reach carbon neutral targets. The cut is also contrary to local and national government policy which advocates greater connectivity, reliability, frequency, affordability and accessibility of public transport services. The current situation increases social isolation for residents, making many prisoners in their own homes and adversely affecting their physical and mental wellbeing. We are calling for the reconnection of our communities to the number 4 bus route so that we can once again access our town centre and local services with ease.
    677 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Ruth Campbell
  • Stop the catering cuts on Greater Anglia
    Abellio, which operates the Greater Anglia rail franchise is proposing to reduce the catering provision on its service between Norwich and London Liverpool Street. Currently the majority of trains on this route have a buffet car service and during the week many trains have an additional trolley catering service. Under the proposals, a number of weekday and Saturday services would no longer have a catering provision, and no catering at all would be provided on a Sunday. The proposals would also lead to the buffet car being closed for periods during journeys. The RMT firmly believes that these proposals are about maximising profit and will have a negative impact on passengers who value the presence of catering facilities on intercity routes. Between 2014 and 2018, Abellio, which is owned by the Dutch state railways made a profit of £85 million on the Greater Anglia franchise, and paid out a massive £61 million in dividends to its shareholders. The RMT is also concerned that if these proposals go ahead, Abellio will attempt to cut the catering provision even further. In fact, it has done so before – it axed the trolley service on the Stansted Express route. The RMT is calling on Abellio to halt these cuts and commit to retaining the current level of catering provision on its Intercity Service.
    320 of 400 Signatures
    Created by RMT Union Picture
  • Equalise the Speed Limit through Woodmancote
    There are some 14 accesses and 6 frontages over this short distance. On the North roadside are two cottages the front doors of which are within 4 metres of the road edge with no pavement. On the South side is a path which is so narrow it is unsafe for pedestrians being passed by lorries doing 50mph creating a suction force tending to pull the less strong, dog walkers, children walking to the bus stop and baby carriages towards the road itself.
    119 of 200 Signatures
    Created by HARRY LINFIELD
  • Improve railway services in Seaham
    Seaham is a flourishing town with an increasing number of people moving into and visiting the area and requires a reliable train service for work or leisure purposes for the local community . Direct access transport services from Seaham to popular destinations such as Newcastle and the Metro Centre are limited and the train service is therefore vital and well used. However trains are limited to one an hour and two carriages, this is inadequate to meet local demand resulting in customers waiting for hours trying to get a train as they are often full.
    602 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Kay Brennan
  • Retain and improve First Leeds bus services 33 & 34
    Cutting these services means long waiting times where there is no alternative service, or when a service is – as happens all too often – cancelled. The 33 and 34 routes serve a number of areas with no rail service and are the only public transport option available to many residents. Bus users find it hard to rely on the current service for timely access to school, work or important appointments and a reduced service would only serve to worsen this and may reduce bus use as a result.
    1,312 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Eleanor Thomson
  • Make the A5 between Lutterworth and Smockington Hollow Safe
    This section of the A5 has always been a black spot for serious accidents, but in recent months has become increasingly treacherous for locals and people passing through. There have been 3 serious accidents very recently, including a fatality on October 22nd. Due to the expansion of the Logistics centre at Magna Park, Lutterworth, and the huge numbers of new houses being built in the area, the volume of traffic on this stretch of road can only increase, thereby making it ever more dangerous to turn onto. The junctions at High Cross and Smockington Hollow are particularly dangerous, although any adjoining road along this stretch carries enormous risks.
    2,330 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Helen Saunders
  • Complete and Publish Oakervee Review before the December Election
    The review will allow all the political parties and the public to clearly assess the viability of the HS2 project .The Review has been funded by the taxpayer and we were assured the findings would be made public. Much more importantly is that the Government have allowed HS2 to continue with this destruction of ancient woodlands ,forests and disrupt communities along the route whilst the review is being conducted .This review needs to be completed and a Published before the December election so as to enable all political parties and the public to make informed decisions regarding the HS2 project .
    989 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Katie Hill
  • To address dangerous parking
    For the safety and sanity of local residents; for the safety of parents with prams, wheelchair users and everyday pedestrians... This flouting of traffic laws everyday would not be allowed in other more affluent areas of Bradford.
    121 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Bradford4Better Making it Happen
  • Reverse TFW decision for 2 hourly services
    Train Services are important to residents and the local economy given the Welsh Government Decision to declare a Climate Emergency. Reducing carbon emissions and investing in the Rail Network is critical to meet carbon emission targets by 2030. This line has increased passenger numbers at each of the stations year on year of up to 20% over the last 5 years and continues to grow.
    1,949 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by David A Bithell
  • Make Headley Road zebra crossing safer!
    There has been an increase in dangerous driving and speeding on Headley Road, Liphook which has resulted in a number of serious incidents on the zebra crossing near Liphook Infants and Junior School. The crossing is a key route for families travelling to school. The children, families and adults of all abilities who use this crossing perceive this to be a significant risk. Recently people have been hospitalised as a result of drivers not stopping. The community is seeing an increase in 'near misses' during school commuter times and throughout the day. The increase in dangerous driving and speeding could lead to more injuries or even fatalities. Before this happens, the community want to see this crossing improved and the policing of behaviours/speeding to be increased significantly. Whilst we appreciate that this issue is an increasing concern for all residents regarding the arterial roads of Liphook, the zebra crossing, Headley Road, is the main concern of this petition.
    560 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Emma Winfield
  • Give Bramford's 89 Bus back please.
    Hundreds of people have been isloated and stranded without the bus. Appointments, shopping and socialising is only possible with taxis and an obscure skeleton 'alternative' bus, early morning or two late afternoon that offers a limited route, which doesn't serve the whole village. The carbon footprint of villages has increased immensely and the anxiety for many is crippling. With the expansion of the local primary school and housing, the 89 bus is vital transport from Ipswich and to Needham Stowmarket also.
    626 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Angela Morgan
  • West Yorkshire Combined Authority buy FirstBus and Arriva
    Up until the 1980s buses in England were mainly run by local councils and transport authorities. Then deregulation meant that buses had to be sold off to private companies. In London Transport for London were allowed to move to a franchised system where routes, fares and standards for vehicles were set and private companies bid to run each route. Users need not care who runs their bus as their tickets will work on any bus but can expect a constant experience. However in the rest of England we have a patchwork of private operators. They get to decide what routes to run and their frequency. They set the prices and usually won't accept tickets from other operators. While in London Bus usage has gone up in the rest of the country it has declined. We want West Yorkshire Combined Authority to take control of our buses for the benefit of everyone in West Yorkshire. Creating a proper network of reliable buses built around the needs of the region. More profitable routes can be used to cross fund less profitable but vital routes. Currently bus companies can make profits from busy routes and then get additional public money to run the vital services subsidised by councils. There is now legislation to let this happen, the Bus Services Act 2017 [5] finally allows Combined Authorities to move to a franchised system like London's. Only last week Greater Manchester CA announced their plans to proceed with these new powers [6]. WYCA can't currently do this as we have no elected mayor because of a dispute with central government around how devolution should work in Yorkshire. Once this is sorted out we want WYCA (or any Yorkshire-wide Authority that replaces it) to move to a franchised system as soon as possible. However before then there is an opportunity. FirstBus and Arriva's parent companies are about to put their West Yorkshire operations up for sale. Together they represent more than 80% of bus services in West Yorkshire [4]. We are calling on the West Yorkshire Combined Authority to take action to buy these operations. This will make it much easier to move to franchising in the future but will allow some of the benefits of this to be realised now. There will be a cost to this now but this money should be recouped when the buses are sold to companies biding for the franchises in the future. We are also calling for action to be taken to prevent FirstBus splitting up their operations to make them more attractive to potential buyers. This has happened in Greater Manchester and has resulted in route between areas being cut back and less profitable routes cut. This has had an immediate impact on people who rely on these services but also could make it harder for GM to implement its franchising plans. The current system of multiple operators is fragmented enough. Please share this petition if you care about our bus services; if you are a passenger, a potential passenger or see the congestion-reduction, environmental and social benefits of more people using them. References and further reading: 1 - https://www.westyorks-ca.gov.uk/all-news-and-blogs/west-yorkshire-combined-authority-to-consider-role-in-sale-of-bus-services/ 2 - https://www.yorkshirepost.co.uk/news/politics/bus-services-could-be-brought-back-under-public-control-combined-authority-claims-1-9866367 3 - https://www.yorkshirepost.co.uk/news/politics/bus-privatisation-attacked-as-transport-chief-hints-at-changes-for-first-and-arriva-bus-networks-1-9851619 4 - https://www.examinerlive.co.uk/news/local-news/first-bus-yorkshire-sale-could-17027301 5 - https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/558349/the-bus-services-bill-an-overview.pdf 6 - https://tfgm.com/future-travel/bus-reform Image credits: Licensed under Creative Commons from Stefan Baguette. For license and image information see https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Volvo_B7TL_First_West_Yorkshire.jpg
    841 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Andrew Dunlop