The Battle of Winnington Bridgethe 1909 single-track bridge is woefully inadequate and ceased to be fit for purpose several years ago if not decades ago, also the addition of 2500 more houses close to the crossing with no infrastructure is a travesty in itself without any facilities ie shops medical centre school etc on the entire estate they are all bound to leave the site for these services410 of 500 SignaturesCreated by Steve Mills
Public Transport Not Road Building in the West of EnglandThe Joint Local Transport Plan for the West of England contains plans for 10 new roads and 5 big road-widening schemes. These plans will damage the countryside, increase traffic, pollution and carbon emissions, when WECA and all four authorities have declared climate emergencies. The Transport Plan also contains big plans for public transport, but the money to fund those plans has not been secured. See: https://thebristolcable.org/2020/01/plans-for-new-road-threaten-bristols-countryside-and-undo-action-on-the-climate-crisis/1,356 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Steve Melia
Keep Northern PublicAfter years of providing a terrible rail service Northern was ranked the UK’s worse performing railway in Britain for passenger satisfaction. Despite this shameful performance, in the last decade alone, over £178 MILLION was paid in dividends to Northern’s private shareholders. Thankfully, Northern will be taken into public ownership from 1 March 2020. Once in public ownership, instead of passengers being fleeced for private profit, the cash will be able to be invested in providing a reliable and affordable railway, with accessible services facilitated by properly staffed stations and guards on trains. We now need as many people as possible to send a clear message to Government to KEEP NORTHERN PUBLIC and not return it to private ownership. Please sign this petition and share as widely as possible.486 of 500 SignaturesCreated by RMT Union
Parking on Penryn CampusOn multiple occasions students at Penryn campus have had their cars targeted by vandals. Most recently 11 cars tyres have been flattened. By providing suitable infrastructure for student parking, not only would the uni keep us and our property safer; it would also please the residents of our community as we would not be causing an undue burden on the roads.427 of 500 SignaturesCreated by Dexter Jones
TRAFFIC LIGHTS AT BULL'S HEAD JUNCTION IN HALL GREENThis is the site of repeated accidents, the most recent on Thursday 23 Jan. The residents of Hall Green and those who use the A34 Stratford Road in Birmingham have been campaigning for many years for attention to this dangerous junction and to speeding and hazardous driving along this stretch of dual carriageway. We are scared that unless something is done urgently, the next accident will be fatal. There have already been two fatal collisions here. Improvements should include traffic lights as a priority and safety measures to prevent speeding and dangerous driving. This should include all options including the possibility of installing average speed cameras along the length of the A34 from South & City College up to the Robin Hood Roundabout.800 of 1,000 SignaturesCreated by Lou Robson
Act Now to Improve McDonalds Junction!Saturday evening (18th Jan) saw yet another accident at this junction. A young man was thrown from his bike, injuring his leg. It could have been much worse! Living opposite this junction, I have been witness to the increase in accidents, prangs and near-misses (many of which never get reported) since the opening of the 'new' McDonald's. I have gathered concerns from local residents and shared these with the Hampshire County Councillor for Aldershot South, Bill Withers, who assures me that the junction is being "looked at". Yet residents and road users have seen no improvement in over 2 years, since the restaurant opened. We cannot put up with this delay any longer. The time for action in now! I don't want the next time I hear a collision and look out of my window to be faced with the scene of a life changing injury or even a fatality involving someone's loved one/family member/friend. I wouldn't be able to live with myself knowing I could have, indeed should have, done more. The time for dither and delay is over! Hampshire County Council need to take action NOW!1,302 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Gaynor Austin
End the privatisation of cleaning on London Underground and London OvergroundTransport for London has privatised cleaning on London Underground. Underground cleaning has been handed to global outsourcing company ABM while London Overground has outsourced cleaning to Vinci. The collapse of outsourcing giants Carillion and Interserve has shown that outsourcing is both inefficient and unfair to workers. Despite working unsocial hours in dirty, hazardous conditions, cleaners are treated less favourably than directly employed workers. We call on the Mayor to commit to ending the privatisation of cleaning, bringing this work in-house and working to end privatisation and outsourcing generally within Transport for London.1,801 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by RMT Union
BCP Council Should Remove Dale Valley Road BollardsThe bollards which were erected halfway up Dale Valley were initially constructed by Poole Borough Council several years ago with the intention to reduce speeding. Yet the bollards have caused more collisions for road users and problems for pedestrians than they have prevented them. Motorists frequently crash into the bollards. As a result, the bollards quite often fly many metres from the chicanes. As a resident who has had one bollard fly as far as 20 metres from the chicane onto my front garden on impact, my family and neighbours are increasingly expressing their speculations and concerns that the bollards may, to put it bluntly, eventually hit an elderly person, a child or someone and cause a fatality. Each of the bollards weights can range from approximates of 25kg to 60kg and they are dense. More locally, a relatable case which occurred in Lymington, Hampshire, supports how fatal a bollard related accident can be, even when one is not crashed into by a vehicle going at a 30mph+, but instead, when stationary and loose. In this case, a young child reportedly spent 6 months in critical condition after one bollard fell on them. For more on that story, see: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-hampshire-50663631 Taking the above story into consideration: imagine if a bollard was hit by a motorist for whatever reason and seriously injured them, their passenger, another motorist or a pedestrian? As a resident and an older brother to a five-year-old, my family and I fear that a bollard could soon hit and fatally injure someone if crashed into. We do not want that to happen to anyone. Dale Valley Road is quite a populated area and a busy thoroughfare. The road is used by all kinds of people from residents with young children, schoolchildren, the elderly and commuters as well as people's animals etc... I have lived on Dale Valley Road on and off for around 13 years. Before the bollards were erected, I and others rarely witnessed or heard vehicles crash. But now, crashes are a frequent occurrence. At night time, typically when the bollards are hit, the area surrounding the bollards is poorly lit. That is not to say more lighting would solve the problems we have experienced and will most likely continue to do so as the bollards have been crashed into during daylight hours, and many motorists should use their lights when visibility is poor. However, lights won't decrease accidents or the impact they can have alone. Many residents are demanding alternative initiatives to reduce speeding, e.g. speed cameras. Based on the previous occasions of when bollards have flown off, BCP council have implied that they are fit for purpose; council workers have repeatedly put the bollards back up on numerous occasions. The bollards are frequently crashed into roughly around every 2-4 weeks now and this will continue unless BCP does something about it. So now is the time for BCP council to remove the bollards on Dale Valley Road outside Dale Close. Then perhaps the local authority should consider safer alternatives because the current method is proving to be a hazard in itself rather than accident prevention. If you are a local resident who lives in the area. Or a commuter, parent, school pupil etc... who uses Dale Valley Road as a thoroughfare. For example, you drop your child off at St. Edwards School by car or walking or you walk your dog up the road and around Parrs Plantation etc.. - then it may also be within your best interests to sign my petition so that we can mount pressure onto BCP Council into having the bollards removed then maybe come up with safer alternative solutions to speeding or bollards. Frankly, the bollards are increasing accidents. Thank you for taking the time to read this. Please sign and share my petition!113 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Danny Windle
Object to the A38 road development around DerbyHighways England are planning on expanding the A38 to add an extra lane of traffic. In doing so, they will fell hundreds of precious trees from Markeaton park. Trees are important because they take carbon dioxide out of the air, and play a role in removing other pollutants produced by vehicles. The kinds of mature trees that will be destroyed as a result of this road expansion cannot easily be replaced. Central Government and Derby city council have both declared climate emergencies. We should be aiming to reduce volumes of traffic, not encouraging more cars and more toxic car fumes. Furthermore, the current plans for expansion are set to take four years. That's four years of disruptive construction for locals, just for higher levels of air pollution. Visit: https://www.a38derbychaos.org/ or join the Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/stopa38derby/ for more information and ways to get involved with this campaign5,757 of 6,000 SignaturesCreated by Mair Perkins
Staff Our StationsViolent crime and assaults on rail passengers and staff continue to rise. In 2018/19 there was a 16% rise in violent crime on our railways. Despite this, train companies are increasingly attempting to close station ticket offices, cut hours and staffing at stations and increase levels of lone working. In a recent survey, over 70% of RMT railway worker members think violence on the railways has increased in the last year. A massive 90% of RMT London Underground members say violence on the Underground has increased in the las year – and over 80% think this increase is linked to cuts to station staffing. Station staff play a vital role in ensuring staff, secure and accessible railways. They assist with train dispatch and help passengers onto the train. Station staff help prevent suicides, make stations feel more secure, deter crime and provide additional assistance for elderly and disabled passengers. Station staff also provide expert travel advice to passengers and assist them in navigating the complex ticketing system to ensure they get the best priced ticket for their journey. The RMT resolutely believes these cuts are about profit, not passengers. In the last decade, over £2 billion has been paid in dividends by private train companies to their shareholders. The RMT Staff our Stations campaign is calling for: • Stop the cuts to station staffing across the railways and on London Underground • Stop ticket office closures and cuts to ticket office opening hours • Ensure all stations are fully staffed and accessible for passengers • An end to the violence against passengers and railway workers Please sign this petition, and call on the Government, Train Companies and Transport for London to ensure fully staffed and accessible stations across the rail network and London Underground. An Early Day Motion has been tabled in parliament, in support of this campaign. Please consider asking your MP to sign EDM #38. A model letter for doing so is available on the RMT website - https://www.rmt.org.uk/campaigns/rail/sos-staff-our-stations/2,080 of 3,000 SignaturesCreated by RMT Union
Mill road speed reductionThere's been an increased number of incidents on Mill road, residents on the road noted increase of traffic speeds. Previous Fatalities on the road. Breaking speed limit. Road traffic accidents coming in and out of Buckden Marina/Greenway/traffic calming area.292 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Vikki Brooks
M65 Colne to BurnleyThe M65 is extremely dangerous from Colne to Burnley. It floods in several places because the drains cannot cope with the amount of surface water trapped by the concrete barriers. There are no lights resulting in difficult driving conditions at night; especially in winter, culminating in many accidents every week. This situation is only going to cost lives. It is time action was taken to improve the M65 and stop using 'money' and the reduction in 'carbon footprint' as an excuse. Lives are far more important.5,490 of 6,000 SignaturesCreated by Rebecca Holme
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