• Stop the Mersey Tunnel fast tag increase
    It will impact on peoples jobs, incomes and sets communities against one another
    1,501 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Justin Madders MP
  • Increase pedestrian and cyclist safely on the A38 footpath between Lee Mill and Ivybridge, Devon
    There have been fatal collisions between pedestrians and vehicles on this particular stretch of road in the past. Just this month (April 2019) a car came off the A38 onto the pedestrian walkway. There are frequent car accidents along this stretch of road as evidence by the additional collision on 17.04.2019. It is a regularly used footpath for both pedestrians, cyclists and school children. The footpath is extremely narrow in places. There are particular areas of the footpath which are extremely close to fast moving traffic (70mph) with no protective barrier should cars diverge off the road or bicycles slip into oncoming traffic. The slip road from Lee Mill onto the A38 in the Exeter direction is of particular concern as if traffic is unable to filter onto the often heavily congested A38 there is a risk they will drive onto the pedestrian footpath as there is no protective barrier in situ. The footpath is pitch black at night time making it unsafe for pedestrian walking. This stretch of road has a bus stop which requires passengers to disembark along it.
    119 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Caroline Packer
  • Highways Department to take preventative action to preserve St Michaels Lane Canal Bridge BLS
    This is the 200th anniversary of the canal, which is to be celebrated this year. The bridge needs to be repaired for this, but steps need to be taken to prevent this damage happening again.
    172 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Philip Wilson
  • Pedestrian Crossing Sullivan Road Brighton HIll
    The road is very busy particularly in the area of the Brighton Hill Centre. The sight lines are poor with stationary buses and a blind corner. Cars regularly exceed the speed limit. There are high numbers of vulnerable people crossing the road. Elderly and unwell people cross to access medical facilities, children and young people cross to access two local schools and there is significant footfall to local shops. Often the only way to cross is to rely on the goodwill of drivers. When buses are stationary cars cannot see pedestrians crossing and vis-versa. Do not wait until a child is injured or worse before improving road safety here.
    146 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Basingstoke & Deane Independent Councillors Basingstoke & Deane Borough Council
  • 20mph zone for Cromer Road School
    This is important for the safety of pupils attending Cromer Road School, and for parents, staff and local residents. We consider that these measures are urgently required in order to protect the safety of our children. A resident’s cat lost its leg after being hit by a speeding vehicle on Shaftesbury Avenue. It does not bear thinking about this happening to a small child, and there have recently been some near misses along Cromer Road after school. There is also a problem with Lorries persistently getting stuck on the narrow roads, causing log-jams and damaging parked vehicles. The Cromer Road one-way system includes: Cromer Road, Shaftesbury Avenue and Bulwer Road (to the east of Plantagenet Road), New Barnet, EN5
    394 of 400 Signatures
    Created by philippa whitecross
  • Apply Congestion/Pollution Charges to Blackcab-users
    60% of all lethal car NOx in London is emitted by blackcabs. Blackcabs are up to 30 times more polluting than equivalent private cars! [1] As even ambulances have to pay the mayor's pollution charge, then really toxic black cabs should not be exempted from paying it. They are a public health emergency on our streets. 40% of all cars in central London are blackcabs. [2] Yet they only carry 1% of all trips in London. [3] They are the most inefficient use of precious road-space. Empty London blackcabs drive 230 million miles every year, looking for paying customers. [4] Emergency vehicles and people trying to get to work, school & shops are blocked daily by black cab jams, yet the mayor allows cabbies to drive empty in bus lanes for free. The Mayor must impose congestion and pollution charges on London’s largest source of vehicular pollution and congestion. New York has imposed a congestion charge on cab-users rather than cabbies and that is what we want – a £5 per trip congestion charge for all cab-users. Blackcab pollution is carcinogenic and damages the lungs of our kids for life. Even the new Electric Cabs emit 70% of the particulates of non-electric cabs. Blackcabs are not public-transport. They are expensive privately chauffeured vehicles for hire. For the sake of the lives of those using buses, walking and cycling, we need to radically reduce unnecessary blackcab usage in London. We need cleaner and far fewer cabs. Those with disabilities would be exempted from the cabuser congestion charge, which we also want applied to minicab users. This petition is hosted by Stop Killing Cyclists. Please sign & share widely on your social media. Yes We Can! Thank you! ___ Notes: 1. Stat on blackcabs emitting up to 30 times more lethal NOx than equivalent car & 60% of all car NOx in London is from the Independent: https://www.independent.co.uk/environment/black-cabs-taxis-air-pollution-london-research-true-icct-a8688141.html 2. Stat on Blackcabs making up 40% of cars in cczone is in Travel In London Report 9 Table 6.6 Pg 187 http://content.tfl.gov.uk/travel-in-london-report-9.pdf (Taxis make up 20% of total traffic, Private hire vehicles 12% and private cars 18% - so taxis make up 40% of car traffic) 3. Blackcabs making up just 1% of all trips is from the TfL Report Travel in London Report 10. Page 22 http://content.tfl.gov.uk/travel-in-london-report-10.pdf (taxis make up 400k of the 27.1 million trips) 4. Approx 23,000 black cabs, drive an average of 20,000 miles each and approx 50% of that is without passengers http://content.tfl.gov.uk/taxi-and-phv-demographic-stats.pdf https://www.insuretaxi.com/2016/08/taxi-driver-survey-2016/ https://www.accountingweb.co.uk/any-answers/dead-mileage-percentage
    2,309 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Donnachadh McCarthy
  • Reinstate free disabled parking at Guildford railway station
    The regular trips with my daughter to Great Ormond Street Hospital just got even more expensive. Free disabled parking has been scrapped. There are no hourly rates and no concessions. It costs £15 to park. Disabled people have a daily struggle to get to places. APCOA now manage car parking for National Rail at Guildford Station and the car parking at these venues for disabled blue badge holders is no longer free. This is causing disabled people not only financial issues but is massively impacting on their day to day stress levels. I've just started this petition and would be really grateful if you could take the time to sign it. Thanks so much.
    127 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Bethany Halliday
  • Mitigate H2S impact on Toton, Nottinghamshire
    HS2 is coming and whatever your views are on the actual project, it's clear that all of us want to mitigate the impact it will have on Toton during its construction. Our campaign doesn't seek to undermine or promote HS2. We simply want HS2 to listen to residents, councillors and community groups that are asking them to ensure disruption is kept to a minimum.
    239 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Lee Fletcher
  • Protect our children from dirty air in Cardiff
    Air pollution is a public health crisis, with illegal and harmful levels of air pollution across the UK. We need national and local government to act to clean up our air and make our towns and cities a healthier place to live for everyone but especially for babies and children. Air pollution affects us all, from when we are in the womb through to old age. It is linked to premature births and can stunt lung growth in children. Air pollution can trigger heart attacks and strokes, worsens asthma attacks and causes lung cancer. Babies, children and older people are more vulnerable to the impacts of air pollution. We need the Council, with the support of national government, to take urgent action to clean up our air to protect the health of children and babies.
    136 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Elinor Dixon
  • Safe School Streets for Sheffield
    School Streets are roads next to schools where traffic is restricted during the times of the day when children are arriving or leaving school. Sheffield has 25 schools in areas of high, sometimes illegal, air pollution. High air pollution levels exacerbate respiratory illnesses like asthma and recent studies have shown that children exposed to high pollution levels have reduced lung capacity that can affect them for the rest of their lives. Sheffield has a clean air strategy that already recognises the need to take action on poor air quality, especially around schools. 20mph and anti-idling initiatives are great but will not make enough of a difference. Edinburgh, Southwark, Hackney and Solihull have already implemented School Streets to protect children from traffic and traffic related pollution at the school gate. School Streets encourages active travel, improves air quality in the classroom, and reduces traffic congestion for everyone.
    1,541 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Graham Turnbull
  • Parking Restrictions at Thornes Park, Wakefield
    Many users of the Thornes Park Athletics Stadium and the park itself, regularly need more than 3 hours parking. Both Gymnastics and Bowling sessions run for 3 hours or more, changing and set up time has not been factored in, athletics meets sometimes last all day. The Council is supposed to be encouraging people to have healthy lifestyles and should not put obstacles in their way.
    136 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Nic Stansby
  • Change the crossing near Bitterne Station (Southampton) to make it safe for pedestrians & cyclists.
    It takes 7 mins to cross as a pedestrian with the lights, so people take risks running across. There's no safe cycle route, but it could be much safer with a few dropped kerbs and some paint. It is monstrous that the proposed Highways England scheme does not take this into account. We need a regular combined pedestrian/cyclist phase over this dangerous junction. Also, eg: - pavement alteration for bikes by derelict hairdresser and opposite for bikes. - crossing point is needed from station across to Athelstan Rd - over just Bitterne Rd West instead of multiple crossings. - traffic calming needed by the concrete blocks on Bullar Rd, as the crossing is often ignored by vehicles. Please join us on 18th Nov: https://www.facebook.com/events/266846273945353/ (or contact us via http://www.southamptoncyclingcampaign.org.uk/about-us/contact-us/ )
    873 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Lyn Brayshaw