• Protect our children from dirty air in Leeds
    Air pollution is a public health crisis, with illegal and harmful levels of air pollution across the UK. We need national and local government to act to clean up our air and make our towns and cities a healthier place to live for everyone but especially for babies and children. Air pollution affects us all, from when we are in the womb through to old age. It is linked to premature births and can stunt lung growth in children. Air pollution can trigger heart attacks and strokes, worsens asthma attacks and causes lung cancer. Babies, children and older people are more vulnerable to the impacts of air pollution. We need the Council, with the support of national government, to take urgent action to clean up our air to protect the health of children and babies.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Roy Flavin
  • Reinstate the Preston to Fleetwood rail link
    Dr Beeching started the closure of the rail link and Fleetwood, a seaside town on a peninsula, has been in decline since. The infrastructure to and from this beautiful town is diabolical. It is quicker to fly to Geneva from Lancaster than get to Westminster from Fleetwood. It is 5 miles to the nearest station which is gridlocked at peak times. There is no direct bus to the station and 35.2% of Fleetwood residents do not own a car which is above the 32% National average. The whole of the district of Wyre, approximately 110,000, have had one train station since 1970 when the last passenger train left Fleetwood. With the creation of more houses in Wyre another train station is needed and with the shortening of the platform at Poulton-le-fylde meaning no direct trains to London/Glasgow can stop in Wyre the reinstatement direct to Preston is needed.
    821 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Mary Stirzaker Belshaw
  • Car seat safety stars
    Currently, any seat which passes the European regulations ECE R44 04 or ECE R129 can be approved for sale. However, the level at which the seat passes can vary considerably, and car seats perform very differently in real life crash situations, meaning some offer more protection than others. The cost of car seats is no indication of performance in crash testing. Some of the more expensive seats, have not performed as well in crash testing as less expensive seats. The performance of the car seats should be something that is made clear to consumers, so that parents and carers can make an informed decision for their family, and have a true understanding of what it is they are spending their money on.
    418 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Multimac Child Seat
  • Dartford Crossing Price increase
    In the beginning we were promised that toll charges would stop once the crossing had paid for itself. Then the government welched on that agreement and said it would continue until they had a maintenance fund, currently crossing charges make a whopping £70 million profit; but still we continue to pay exorbitant charges; and they continue to increase the prices; and the money is being used to fund other projects which is in breach of the agreement.
    9,247 of 10,000 Signatures
    Created by Jayne Phillips
  • Remove The Anti-Poor Notice At Brighton Station
    Many of you would have seen the story in today's Argus about the notice at Brighton Station asking commuters not to help beggars. Here's the Argus article: http://www.theargus.co.uk/…/16412688.commuters-are-asked-n…/ I must confess I never saw that sign, mainly because I seldom use the trains. I mostly cycle. But reading about it in the Argus this morning got my blood boiling. It deeply offended me that in austerity-ravaged Britain, where more and more families are forced to resort to food-banks, and where people are increasingly going into debt just to provide their kids with the basics, that anybody or company could be so heartless as to advice against Brightonians helping each other. I've lived here for one year, and I have never lived in a more welcoming, generous and kind city. The people here look out for each other and are happy to help people worse off than themselves. This notice is a blot on our city. It reflects badly on us. When people visiting us from all over Britain and the world arrive at the station, that is one of the first things they see. IT MUST BE REMOVED by GOVIA, the company that runs the station. I am trying to put together an effort to force them to remove it and replace it with a notice that reflects our city for the kind and generous city it is. PLEASE sign this petition.
    558 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Johnbosco Nwogbo
  • Protect our children from dirty air in Birmingham
    As a parent, I am extremely concerned about the impact of dirty air on Birmingham children, including my own two sons. I urge everyone who cares about their children's health to sign my petition. Air pollution is a public health crisis, with illegal and harmful levels of air pollution across the UK. We need national and local government to act to clean up our air and make our towns and cities a healthier place to live for everyone but especially for babies and children. Air pollution affects us all, from when we are in the womb through to old age. It is linked to premature births and can stunt lung growth in children. Air pollution can trigger heart attacks and strokes, worsens asthma attacks and causes lung cancer. Babies, children and older people are more vulnerable to the impacts of air pollution. We need the Council, with the support of national government, to take urgent action to clean up our air to protect the health of children and babies.
    728 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Sandra Green
  • No. 17 bus service
    The no. 17 bus is more than just a bus from A to B. It is a lifeline for many elderly people who live in the area, they use this bus service for companionship. When this bus is withdrawn many of these people will be left housebound; not able to walk to the local shops and not able to afford a taxi. St Marys hospital is expanding with more appointments being held there, with the new service cutting out a large portion of the route many people will be unable to get to the hospital, again too far for people to walk and taxis being far too expensive for OAPs to afford. It is not only the elderly this will affect, it will also affect the kids getting to school, students attending Portsmouth College, people getting to work. First Hroup are axing this service as too many old people enjoy this service.
    443 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Julie Kemp
  • say no to u-turns on A30
    need them to listen to us bikers and car drivers they need to put CRASH BARRIERS up or some thing simular to stop car driver doing the illegal maneuver U-TURNS on the A30 between hayle roundabout and st erth roundabout far too many car driver have been caught doing this last year 2017 one person was killed by a person doing U-TURN today 2/8/18 a biker was injured by an impatient driver it won't belong before some one else is killed ACTION IS NEEDED NOW
    186 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Brian Lupton
  • Stop First Bus from carrying out devastating cuts to timetables in South Worcestershire
    Many people rely on these services to enable them to carry out every day tasks such as going to work, doing the shopping, attending medical appointments and meeting with friends & family. South Worcestershire is a largely rural area where public transport is limited and isolation a real risk. In addition to this an over reliance on car use is having a detrimental impact on air quality and health and well-being. These drastic cuts would be devastating.
    800 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Natalie McVey
  • Save Penny Pie Park
    Barnsley Council are wanting to build a gyratory on Penny Pie Park in Pogmoor effectively turning the remaining park into a roundabout. The objections are: It’s a much loved and used green space by a variety of people from young children, teenagers, dog walkers, disabled, the elderly, people reading papers and everything in between. Obesity levels are on the rise and to take away one of the few large green spaces would be a detriment to the community. Children would end up on street corners or in their bedroom Both noise and air pollution would rise due to the felling of healthy trees We should be discouraging cars rather than creating ways to encourage them to come into town so improvements should be made to our public transport system The park is a lifesaver as the Yorkshire Air Ambulance lands on the park due to the hospital not having a helipad this is usually to support the Embrace service The park creates an income as the Scott Pullen & Son Fairground comes several times a year The park is maintained by a Community group who organise events throughout the year. They have been nominated and won awards including Pride of Barnsley. They have raised funds to provide a pathway, trees, shrubs and are still doing the good work. Tree sculptures have been created around the park incorporating a story/nature trail for the younger children.
    2,883 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Lyndsey Darren Picture
  • Dont cut school funding for school buses
    It is important so my son and other children get to and home from school safely
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Amanda Walton
  • Don't cut funding for children's school buses
    In September Thetford Academy are cutting funding to Lewis Coaches so that they no longer run the bus service for our children to get to school. I have no other way of getting my 12 year old to and from school. And many other parents are in the same position. Please don't compromise the safety or education of our children.
    181 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Amanda Walton