• Rename the Westminster carriage gateway "Palmer's Gate"
    Important to be done in recognition of PC Palmer's selfless, and heroic act, in confronting the armed terrorist, and protecting the security of Parliament, of Democracy, and the freedoms of this great country. For this, for us, he paid with his life. Keith Palmer must be the first person in over 300yrs to die in the line of duty, directly protecting from attack, the Palace of Westminster, the seat of Government, the seat of our democracy. RIP PC Keith Palmer, and thank you.
    87 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Bob Rusk Picture
  • Westminster Bridge Road Safety Measures
    With hindsight it is obvious that there is no separation of pedestrians from heavy traffic ... nothing but a small curb ..... We want to stop the terror attack on the Westminster Bridge and similar locations by adding buffers to prevent traffic mounting the curb deliberately or by accident Public safety demands safety measures now
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Judith Randall
  • Stop the Government raising the nations pension age.
    Your pension is a right not a benefit, we pay all our working lives into it and therefore should have a right to take it at its value when and at what age we choose to retire. It is a myth that people are still fit to work over the age of 60 or 65 in a lot of cases and a lot die before being able to claim their pension. It is a money making exercise by current Government. Your pension is your right not a benefit
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Geri Reeves-Nurse
  • All police to be armed
    Because in todays society we live under constant threat, as such we should step up so that we can adequately deal with any situation which may arise. It is a basic human right to have an ability for self preservation, and as such we rely upon our police service to protect us to that end. If the police cannot protect themselves then they cannot protect the people and then everyone is under threat from attack. This measure would alleviate the issue and would also bring us in line with the rest of the world.
    19 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Anthony Giles
  • Dog Mess Bin For Arddleen
    Our childrens safety js paramount and with the amount of dog mess on the path this could become a health issue. secondly its just not nice for the children and the parents to be walking this mess into schools / homes / cars
    15 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Neil Evans
  • Hedgehog emoji rights
    The hedgehog population is in serious decline in th U.K, it is estimated that during the 1950s, they had a total population of 36.5 million, shockingly, that figure now stands at roughly just 1million. Having a hedgehog emoji would put theese creatures in people's minds, thinking about what they could contribute to their welfare, they shall not be forgotten about. They should not be left out of the 'emoji club', they are far too worthy and adorable!
    29 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Holly Hunt
  • Palm Oil
    The devastating effect the farming of this product has on the land, environment, animals and the local population is heartbreaking.
    34 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Pauline Jenkins
  • Make men more aware about men's breast cancer
    This issue is important because the majority of men are not aware they can get breast cancer. They need to understand how effected they can be and what chance they have of getting it.
    23 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ben Ingram
  • Fortnightly bin collections are a rubbish idea
    Mismanagement of local government finances in the B&NES district now means that rubbish collections will only take place on a fortnightly basis after November of this year. If there is one public service that is required to run smoothly to maintain public standards of health and cleanliness, that is rubbish collection. The present B&NES administration don't seem to understand that fewer rubbish collections will inevitably lead to increased risks to the health of all of the residents and also visitors to the area, or that their plans for extra numbers of wheelie bins probably aren't sufficient to prevent the inevitable increase in animal and gull nuisance, let alone the probable odour issues that are certain to arise as numbers of uncollected binbags mount up in the summer months. Say that you do not agree with these badly thought out plans and want to live in a cleaner, safer, and less smelly environment than B&NES council have got planned for their residents. Demand that weekly bin collections are retained and that the Conservative led council actually work on behalf of those they claim to represent, instead of reducing an extremely important public service regardless of consequences.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jon Gordon
  • Part-Time Salaries for Part-Time MPs
    For most people in the UK, a full time job is a 35-42 hour per week position, and to get a full time salary it is expected that this work is completed. However, we clearly have MPs undertaking additional work that means that it is impossible that they are fulfilling the hours required to justify a full time MPs salary. With wages stagnating, 0 hour contracts becoming a reality for thousands of workers, increasing budget cuts and a recent rise in the annual salary of MPs, it is unjustifiable that so many are abdicating their duties, and subcontracting their workload to their staff and interns (also paid for by the tax payer). We need a full audit of the time MPs spend undertaking their roles vs. other commercial enterprises in order to relieve the tax burden on many millions of UK citizens. If an MP cannot demonstrate that they are committing full time hours to their role, they should be paid, pro-rata, based on the hours they can justify.
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ben Fellows
  • Defibrillators for all Sports Facilities in Scotland
    We as parents want our children to participate in a range of activities. Sports Club's should have a defibrillator as it could save someones life
    16 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Heather Storrie
  • Homeless man for two years
    This man has been homeless in city for two years. a bbc west news report features him late 2016 and he is still on the street. He was promised accomodation then but nothings changed
    9 of 100 Signatures
    Created by steve gower