Help ban the cruelty of Bull Fighting no animal should suffer like thisThere is absolutely no need for animals of any description to be killed so cruelly for plain and simply entertainment of crowds, there is nothing honourable in the way these Matadors dispatch the poor beasts it is plain and simply cruelty, time people were educated to the fact that it is wrong to treat animals in such a manner, at least at the slaughterhouse they are dispatched quickly.54 of 100 SignaturesCreated by robert brownlie Leggate
NCAP style fire safety notices to be installed on buildingsCars already display their safety features so why don't buildings. Food outlets display their hygiene rating so why not fire safety rating People should know before they enter a building the level of risk they take in event of a fire. Building owners would also then be under immeadiate pressure to ensure they achieve and maintain at least minimum standards. This could help prevent another Grenfell Tower Tragedy94 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Geoff Wilkinson
Weekly Custard Pie vote for the most deserving MP.The public need to see there be consequences for MPs who fail to do good.3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Chris Wilkinson
Justice for Brixton Ritzy staff!The Ritzy Cinema is one of the iconic landmarks in Brixton, made famous by its promotion of progressive cinema and art. However, since Autumn 2016, Picturehouse has been in dispute with its staff over payment of the Living Wage. For a company that made profits in excess of £83.8 million in 2015 and who attempts to brand Picturehouse as an 'ethical' business, selling Fairtrade products and and hosting independent films, such treatment of staff is unacceptable. It is with great sadness therefore that we are calling for a community boycott of Cineworld and Picturehouse Cinemas until they engage in meaningful dialogue with your staff and their representatives, ensuring decent employment conditions and full recognition of their right to Trade Union representation.81 of 100 SignaturesCreated by James Goodman
Protection of the Environment against Irresponsible Dog OwnersA Dog is not a God! Dogs allowed off the lead do enjoy their freedom but in public areas a dog's freedom prevents that of others - dogs chase the wild life in the area causing distress to new born, they run round blindly after other dogs creating a hazard to the general public - in particular the disabled, and are a genuine hazard for people engaged in professional work with expensive equipment. Loose dogs are a hazard where vehicles are parking and reversing. Untrained dogs jump up at people, frightening the elderly and young children - dogs by nature, have an unpredictable reaction to human behaviour as has been shown in many tragic reports. Dog owners have a responsibility not only to the general public - but to the animal that they have chosen to own. By allowing their pets to be off a lead, leaves the animal open to attack by more aggressive animals at too great a distance for the owner to intervene. Dogs that run away from the owners, places them at risk of accidents and kidnap, when they cannot be seen. Several off the lead dogs have gone missing in the area and have never been found. Dog owners escape accountability. They are seldom brought to account for a dog defecating in public areas. Never in the cases for carelessly discarded pick up bags, for a dog that harms or kills wildlife, for damage to property, clothing or expensive equipment. The dog owner should be brought to account and take full responsibility for their animal. The general public and owner's dogs demand it! Licencing dog owners will do several things: Protect the welfare of all wildlife as well as the welfare of dogs Hold pet owners accountable and responsible for their pets Increase revenue to improve parks and green spaces for the local area Possibly include low cost veterinarian insurance for animals Fines and penalties for those owners who allow their dog to foul public spaces or who fail to supervise their animals when in public , who allow the dog to become a nuisance or threat to the health, safety and well being of the public in general.15 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Marvin Arbiton
Tommy Robinson white supremacistBecause innocent people are getting killed and hurt, he spreading false propaganda and lies, London fire tower and man ran Muslims over in London.. Tommy Robinson also said he's going to take the law into their own hands6 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Daniel Morris
AFTER LONDON FIRE KCBC LEADER SHOULD RESIGNPoliticians should be held accountable both for their actions and for their failure to act in the best interests of the community they have been elected to serve.17 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Julian Cunningham
Speed camera to be put up on the quinton roadFor the safety of us adults and young children.5 of 100 SignaturesCreated by William Roberts
Theresa May: Review Trump's UK state visit invitationDonald Trump's ill-judged, offensive and divisive response to 3/5/17, and his internet harassment of London's democratically elected Mayor, disqualify him for the honour of a state visit. This petition calls on Theresa May to invite the elected representatives of the UK Government to review its offer of a state visit to Donald Trump, in response to the offence that Trump's comments on 3/5/17 have caused to huge numbers of people within the communities of London and the UK; most importantly, those directly affected by the terrorist attacks.15 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Rachel Withers
REOPEN INVESTINGATION INTO FOREIGN FUNDING OF VIOLENT EXTREMISM IN THE UKIt is no secret that Saudi Arabia in particular provides funding to hundreds of mosques in the UK, espousing a very hardline Wahhabist interpretation of Islam. It is often in these institutions that British extremism takes root. An investigation into the foreign funding and support of jihadi groups that was authorised by David Cameron may never be published, the Home Office has admitted. The inquiry into revenue streams for extremist groups operating in the UK was commissioned by the former prime minister and is thought to focus on Saudi Arabia, which has repeatedly been highlighted by European leaders as a funding source for Islamist jihadis. The investigation was launched as part of a deal with the Liberal Democrats in exchange for the party supporting the extension of British airstrikes against Islamic State into Syria in December 2015. Tom Brake, the Lib Dem foreign affairs spokesman, has written to the prime minister asking her to confirm that the investigation will not be shelved. The Observer reported in January last year that the Home Office’s extremism analysis unit had been directed by Downing Street to investigate overseas funding of extremist groups in the UK, with findings to be shown to Theresa May, then home secretary, and David Cameron. However, 18 months later, the Home Office confirmed the report had not yet been completed and said it would not necessarily be published, calling the contents “very sensitive”.36 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Steve Trimmer
UK Asylum for Chechnya's gay menAround 100 gay men in Chechnya, Russia, have been rounded up and tortured, seemingly on account of being gay. This is a violation of Article 14 of the European Convention of Human Rights - the right to freedom from discrimination on account of something uncontrollable. It is my firm belief that the UK should follow the example of Lithuania, whose foreign minister has granted asylum to two queer men from Chechnya, who fear for their lives. The U.S., under the Trump administration, has outright rejected the idea. We do not have to follow their lead. Please sign to show your support for the gay and bisexual in danger in Chechnya.13 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Tionenji Lishomwa
Stop moor's murderer Ian Brady's ashes being scattered on Saddleworth Moor.Because it is an insult to the families and the memory of the young victims killed by Ian Brady and Myra Hindley. It would be morally wrong to allow the placing or scattering of this man's ashes on Saddleworth Moor.77 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Brendon O'Brien
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