• Westminster Bridge Road Safety Measures
    With hindsight it is obvious that there is no separation of pedestrians from heavy traffic ... nothing but a small curb ..... We want to stop the terror attack on the Westminster Bridge and similar locations by adding buffers to prevent traffic mounting the curb deliberately or by accident Public safety demands safety measures now
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Judith Randall
  • All police to be armed
    Because in todays society we live under constant threat, as such we should step up so that we can adequately deal with any situation which may arise. It is a basic human right to have an ability for self preservation, and as such we rely upon our police service to protect us to that end. If the police cannot protect themselves then they cannot protect the people and then everyone is under threat from attack. This measure would alleviate the issue and would also bring us in line with the rest of the world.
    19 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Anthony Giles
  • Stop Bullying
    This is important because i have seen someone very close to me being bullied from being a confident, beautiful, talented, intelligent young lady to self-hate, lack of confidence, uninspired young lady. The bullying is going on for nearly two years now and we have tried to do everything, report to the school, get in touch with the police but it did not help. Many young people in the UK are being bullied until they commit suicide, self harm or stopping them from being who they are meant to be not only young people even in work places some adults find it okay to make someone's life unbearable. Everyone should have the right to be happy and live in freedom from being bullied with other people.
    39 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Alvina Dube
    I have facial disfigurement and I have encountered discrimination and hate crime throughout my life. Society judge by my disfigurement. I encounter staring, negative comments, and sniggering. I have failed employment interviews. I have encountered bullying. I have been stopped from driving due to new ruling with DVLA after 30 years of safe driving with a congenital defect.
    60 of 100 Signatures
    Created by MICHELLE WILLIS Picture
  • Criminal records data retention until a person is 100 in UK
    Bill to amend the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 will be debated soon. England and Wales brand young offenders criminals for life. The punitive and penal approach to the rehabilitation of young offenders and disclosers and retention of criminal records is vastly different to many other countries. Below is brief guide of how other nations treat criminal convictions. • Canada permanently deletes records of juvenile convictions once an individually turns 18 or after 5 years of turning 18. Murder, manslaughter and aggravated sexual assault are never deleted. Canada also has a pardon system that allows adults to appeal for their records to be suspended and not disclosed if an individual can show good character and rehabilitation since the offence. Also in the USA individuals can apply to have their records expunged; this is for citizens under 18 and varies from state to state. • Scotland does not disclose convictions if 15 years has passed or if an individual were 18 or over 18 at the date of conviction, 7 and half years, if an individual were under 18 at the date of conviction • Australia expunges juvenile convictions after 3 years of no repeat offending and has a pardon policy for adult convictions • In Spain, conviction records are not erased completely but are ‘cancelled’ in a process known as ‘cancelling a conviction record’. Once conviction records are cancelled, the individual will possess a clean criminal record. Therefore, the record of their convictions will be sealed in the Central Criminal Records Registry and is likely made unavailable to the police. To cancel a conviction record a period of time after having served the sentence must have elapsed (6 months, 2 years, 3 years or 5 years depending on the sentence); no further crime has been committed in the interim and civil compensation has been paid or the person has been declared without money. • Ireland. If 3 years has lapsed juveniles records are wiped clean. • In France for adults once the rehabilitation period has passed (depending on the severity of the conviction either three years for misdemeanors or five years for felony crimes, after the sentence was completed) the records of the convictions will remain on the system but will not show on the request of a record. In the case of minors and children, these are removed once the individual concerned has reached 18 years and/or three years from the date the crime was committed. • In Germany most adult convictions are deleted after 5, 10, 15 or 20 years, respectively.
    125 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Kyle Doyle
  • Driving penalty points
    Because as a driver you have had to pay for a raised premuim for the time you have your penalty points as well as your initial fine so it should not have to continue for the next two years
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Michael Dailly
  • Do Not Overhaul the 'WikiLeaks Act'
    Extract from 'The Goldwater': "The current laws are being overhauled by the British Government as it seeks to ban journalistic freedom. This will be the first official reworking of the Official Secrets Act in 100 years. The new law will mean that whistleblowers who leak information will face a massive 14-year prison sentence."
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ismail Mir
  • Stop online bullying
    Because online bullying is one of this century biggest problems and we need to stop this from happening in the future and so the children of the future dont have to go through this
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Dylan Gover
  • British Man's Wife Denied a UK Visa
    We are a family of 5 people, 4 of us are British citizens. My wife in Venezuelan. The children are aged 8, 7 and 3 months. I live and work and pay taxes in the UK and my wife is being denied a UK visa for no reason. Our family is being destroyed by this ridiculous decision. My wife and children are currently in Venezuela while I am in the UK setting up a home and working so everything is ready for my family to come here. We have been separated for more than 10 months while waiting for the visa to be issued. We meet all of the visa requirements including my wife passing an English proficiency exam with the British Council in Venezuela and me being in full time employment earning more than the £18,600 wage threshold that is required by the British Government. Regardless of my stability in the UK, mine and our 3 children British nationality and citizenship the immigration department refused the visa and a Judge dismissed the appeal. The dismissal was based on my work situation but this is not a true or valid reason because I am in full time employment and earn more than the minimum wages required. There is no reason to deny my wife the visa yet she is being denied the visa. My children are suffering terribly by this unnecessary separation that has been enforced upon us by the British authorities. Their future is being taken from them by a decision that is wrong and is contradictory to the visa requirements. We meet every one of the requirements and we are still being denied the visa.
    1,248 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Craig Reynolds
  • Fair Fines
    Unfair on the poorest in society. The new speeding fine is 1.5 x the weekly wage up to a maximum £1,000. So someone on a £300 would be fined £450 and a celebrity on £100,000 a week would pay £1,000 nother £150,000. I believe that the Lower paid individual is less able to pay 1.5 x the weekly wage. So why is there a cap, celebrities will pay more than £1,000 on a bottle of champagne. This not fair and promotes the richest being above the law! The limit must be removed.
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Alan Kellett
  • Police Wear Body Cameras
    Police Officers and Citizens are protected from the violation of the law.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Viran Patel
  • Make VW pay NHS for diesel car health effect
    The consequences or a company's deliberate avoidance of healthcare measures (such as NOx control measures) must be punishable by compensation and/or costs to all affected parties. The NHS and taxpayers should not have to carry the bill for this type of profit enhancing avoidance measure. In this particular case (VW 'dieselgate') it seems likely that the NHS will be the largest single financial loser and should therefore seek to recover costs.
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by David Cooper