End the shame and stigma for survivors of domestic, mental, physical and sexual abuseAbuse in all its forms is largely a silenced issue. It's estimated that up to 20% of adults have been abused at some point in their lives - yet we never hear these stories because people are too frightened or ashamed to come forwards. Abuse survivors have to live with the trauma of abuse as though it is still happening to them in the here and now, living with a range of issues including mental health problems such as depression, anxiety and PTSD, flashbacks, trust issues, even an inability to go on and have healthy relationships. Some may develop dangerous coping mechanisms such as alcoholism and drug addiction. Perhaps on some level, society thinks if we never discuss it, it doesn't exist. But we do need to talk about it. We need to talk about it so that survivors can talk about it without fear and get the help they need. What has happened to them is NOT their fault, yet they are living with the repercussions and it has affected every aspect of their life. I speak from personal experience, having been the victim of abuse myself. I never spoke out about my experiences due to fear and shame, feeling that I would be judged or treated differently if I came forward. It took me many years to get the courage to speak to someone and begin to deal with the events that had happened, and the effects they had on me and my life. I want to remove that shame and stigma, I want us to talk openly about abuse - it happens everyday! We need to be open about it, accept it, and help survivors to come forward and get the help they need. This petition will be delivered to: Secretary of State for Health Secretary of State for Justice It will also be sent to all UK local councils, general media, medical professionals and made available to the general public. Thank you for your support. Useful Links Please note that these links will take you AWAY from this petition, so please sign and share the petition before clicking the links, or bookmark this page so you can come back later. Domestic Abuse Statistics - Living With Abuse (http://www.lwa.org.uk/understanding-abuse/statistics.htm) Child Abuse Statistics - NSPCC (https://www.nspcc.org.uk/services-and-resources/research-and-resources/statistics/) Statistics on childhood abuse - Office for National Statistics (https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/crimeandjustice/articles/abuseduringchildhood/findingsfromtheyearendingmarch2016crimesurveyforenglandandwales) Support If you need help or support to deal with any abuse you have suffered, please visit these sites. If you are having suicidal or worrying thoughts, please call 999 or speak to The Samaritans on 116 123. Rape Crisis (www.rapecrisis.org.uk) Women's Aid (www.womensaid.org.uk) Samaritans (www.samaritans.org) National Association for People Abused in Childhood (www.napac.org.uk)14 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Tess Milligan
Get rid of the 'Bedroom Tax' cut to Housing Benefits!These cuts are unfair and further disadvantage people who are in a position of need. Approximately 660,000 UK social housing residents have been impacted by the cuts (Fullfact, 2013). This has had significant negative impacts on lives across the UK, leaving thousands of people desperately struggling to pay rent and make ends meet. Hundreds of thousands of residents have gotten into rent arrears, resorted to food banks, and been kicked out of homes they have lived in their whole lives. This is drastically immoral and WRONG. Sign the petition to help us rid the unfair Bedroom Tax!46 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Rachel Coates
Recognise Parental Alienation as child abuse in lawIt is important that the law is changed for many reasons. Primarily to stop the pain and suffering of children, parents, grandparents and extended family members who do not see one another, a basic human right for anyone, at the hands of another. Children are human beings and are entitled to love all family members.45 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Andy Yarwood
Stop Animal TestingThis is important because lots of animals are being harmed most of them resulting in death and they shouldn't be. Lots of makeup brands do not test on animals and are still equally successful as those brands that still do. This just proves that there are different ways of testing cosmetics without harming animals or even involving them in any way.36 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Ella Jones
Demand CPS charge or dismiss MPs allegedly guilty of electoral fraud by May 2ndInvestigations by Channel 4 News over a year have uncovered alleged electoral fraud & corruption which has already led to the resignation of some officials. It has been reported that 14 police forces have so far referred approximately 30 MPs to the CPS for alleged electoral fraud who, with officials may have illegally influenced the result of the previous election. The police forces would not have referred the matter to the CPS without compelling evidence. The electorate has a fundamental legal right to know which MPs may be found guilty may face custodial sentences preventing them from representing their constituents. If charges are brought, as many expect, an immediate high court injunction or supreme court hearing must be brought on behalf of the allegedly defrauded electorate either to bar those found guilty or at least to postpone the election until such time as guilt or innocence is proven. All details must be disclosed prior to the proposed election or those already allegedly guilty of of gaining election through corrupt means may be re-elected and the proposed election being judged null and void.92 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Tim Corcoran
No hate in politicsWe have seen a rise in hate crimes in the last 18 months. Hate crimes including homophobia, racism, Islamophobia, sexism and antisemitism. The way politicians talk about "others" is disgusting. Asylum seekers are not our enemy. Moslems are not our enemy. Jews are not our enemy. Women are not our enemy. Gays are not our enemy. Trans are not our enemy. Benefit recipients are not our enemy.8 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Colin Appleby
Stop selling British Citizenship!We saw the governments refusal to budge on the earning threshold for British Citizens bringing a non-UK/EU partner to live with them. Now, even if someone can afford to bring their partner to live with them, they may never be able to afford to become a British Citizen, meaning they will live with a constant threat of having to leave because of expired visas. The government has now approved its decision to increase the cost of settlement by up to 22.5%. This could increase a single applicant's costs to over £2000. More when you have a family. The government need to stop "selling" citizenship. They need to stop penalising people just because they want to become citizens of this great nation. Surely people's commitment and desire to be a functioning member of society should be of higher importance than the size of your wallet. I have heard first hand, story after story of British Citizens leaving the UK because they cannot afford to bring their partner to live with them. Families get torn apart because it is unaffordable. In addition, there are people who have committed 5 to 10 years to living and working in the UK to building a life here with the hope of become a British Citizen. Not because they want benefits (on the contrary, these are people who have not been allowed access to public funds), in fact, these are people who have only paid in to the system. They want to make a formal commitment to a place they have come to call home. But the government want to charge them extortionate fees to do this. It is time for the government's targeting of hard working people to meet their outrageous and unattainable migration targets to end! Stop penalising or not penalising people based on where in the world they come from. Stop selling British Citizenship to the highest earners! Work for the good of families and people who love this country and focus your efforts against the abusers of the system.65 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Greg Cockrell
Bring back legal aid for family law. Our rights to a fair justice systemIt's diabolical that legal aid has been removed from family law. Parents all over the country are not getting a fair hearing and through lack of knowledge and unfair rules they are having to be litigants in person.55 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Frances Ward
Stop cars becoming terrorists' weapons with a new Vehicle Technology ActRecent events in London and and Europe have shown how terrorists are using vehicles of all kinds as weapons. This has to be stopped to stop the loss of life and disruption caused by the terrorists weaponising vehicles. Foootnote - just like driverless vehicles post collision system responses can be managed to protect the driver and others from further injury. PLEASE SIGN NOW! So many people have been injured and affected by the latest London atrocity. Action is required immediately. Effective Action can be taken using modern Technology. New Vehicle construction regulations are needed which will: (a) Compel all vehicles to be equipped with sensors (Warning sensors) triggered when the presence of people or objects with which a vehicle may collide. (b) Compel all vehicles to be equipped with sensors (Collision Sensors) that will detect if a vehicle has actually collided with a person or object. (c) When Warning Sensors are triggered a vehicle alarm system with responses at graduated levels must be automatically operated. (d) When Collision Sensors are triggered the vehicle must be automatically brought to a halt the duration of which will be automatically graduated in time depending on severity. This will not only prevent Weaponising but also all failure to stop events. This should apply to all new vehicles(Warning sensors) sold in the UK no later than 1st January 2023 and all vehicles on the road by no later than 2025 with a government sponsored car modification scheme. PLEASE DO NOT Delay - sign TODAY12 of 100 SignaturesCreated by David Southwell
An appeal to British media not to over-react to terrorist attacksLast night, among hours of coverage, the BBC took ten minutes to retrace the Westminster terrorist's steps in detail over the bridge. This unnecessary reporting reflects how extreme the coverage has been across both TV and newspapers. This hysterical and over-the-top coverage is exactly what terrorists want. It encourages fear and over-reaction. If media agencies can agree to restraint - to report the facts in a concise and unemotional way - then this will be a powerful message to terrorists that no one, not even the media, is going to be swayed by their actions.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Peter Hart
Army Veterans Tobias Elwood MP, Tony Davis, and Mike Crofts should be awarded the George CrossThese men have already served their country, and still selflessly ran to give aid in the face of danger. Their actions deserve recognition. The George Cross is awarded for "acts of the greatest heroism or of the most conspicuous courage in circumstances of extreme danger."5 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Dan Hughes
Give PC Keith Palmer the George Cross for Valour posthumouslyThis policeman gave his life to stop terror it will be a sign we honour his sacrifice and that terror has no place in our lives and proof we are not afraid.11 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Claire Baker
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