• Keep the elderly in their own homes
    Mears helps the elderly to remain in their own homes. Elderly neighbours and relatives have found this service vital when they did not know who else to turn to. The cost is reasonable and the workmen are very good and caring.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Heather Gould
  • Cardiff without Culture? - Caerdydd heb Ddiwylliant?
    Arts and culture have an important role to play in the life of a capital city such as Cardiff. The ambition that has been laid out for Cardiff in the current 10-year strategy, Cardiff Proud Capital, wants the city to be a great place to live, work and play. Arts festivals, venues and organisations make a valuable contribution to the delivery of this vision, not just by providing leisure activities, but also by supporting community cohesion, health and wellbeing outcomes, and educational attainment. What would our city and our nation look like without this provision? Investment in the arts often more than doubles in the return to the economy. Three of the arts festivals that are under threat of cuts bring visitors to Cardiff from across the world to see the world class visual arts and music they produce. Tourism is a key part of Cardiff’s economy and the proposed cuts also seeks an increase in tourism income. Surely, in light of this, the cuts are a false economy. Many of the arts organisations and venues that Cardiff Council are proposing to cut are working with some of the most vulnerable residents in Cardiff to improve their quality of life. These venues and organisations are willing partners who will work the Council to develop this provision the funding is sustained. The right to culture is a basic human right. We want Cardiff Council to ensure that Cardiff is the Capital City Wales deserves and needs, and that culture remains alive and vibrant in the city. We don't want a #cardiffwithoutculture. Mae'r celfyddydau a diwylliant yn chwarae rhan bwysig ym mywyd prifddinas fel Caerdydd. Mae'r uchelgais sydd wedi ei gosod allan ar gyfer Caerdydd yn y strategaeth gyfredol, Prifddinas Falch Caerdydd, eisiau i'r ddinas fod yn le gwych i fyw, gweithio a chwarae. Mae gwyliau celfyddydol, lleoliadau a sefydliadau yn gwneud cyfraniad gwerthfawr at gyflawni'r weledigaeth hon, nid yn unig drwy ddarparu gweithgareddau hamdden, ond hefyd drwy gefnogi cydlyniant cymunedol, iechyd a lles, a chyrhaeddiad addysgol. Sut le fyddai ein dinas a'n cenedl, heb y ddarpariaeth hon? Mae buddsoddi yn y celfyddydau yn aml yn fwy na dyblu'r budd i'r economi. Mae tri o'r gwyliau celfyddydol sydd o dan fygythiad o doriadau yn dod ag ymwelwyr i Gaerdydd o bob cwr o'r byd i weld y gorau yn y byd o ran y celfyddydau gweledol a cherddoriaeth. Mae twristiaeth yn rhan allweddol o economi Caerdydd ac mae'r toriadau arfaethedig hefyd yn ceisio sicrhau cynnydd mewn incwm twristiaeth. Yn sicr, o ran hyn, mae'r toriadau yn economi ffug. Mae nifer o'r sefydliadau a'r lleoliadau celfyddydol y mae Cyngor Caerdydd yn bwriadu eu torri yn gweithio gyda rhai o'r trigolion mwyaf bregus yng Nghaerdydd i wella ansawdd eu bywydau. Mae'r rhain yn lleoliadau a sefydliadau fydda'i yn bartneriaid parod i weithio gyda'r Cyngor i ddatblygu'r ddarpariaeth hon os yw'r cyllid yn parhau i fod ar gael. Mae'r hawl i ddiwylliant yn hawl dynol sylfaenol. Rydym eisiau i Gyngor Caerdydd sicrhau bod Caerdydd yn brifddinas y mae Cymru ei haeddu a'i hangen, a bod diwylliant yn parhau i fod yn fyw ac yn ffynnu yn y ddinas. Nid ydym eisiau gweld #caerdyddhebddiwylliant.
    6,065 of 7,000 Signatures
    Created by Cardiff Without Culture Picture
  • Protect Our Invaluable School Transport Service
    A year ago my adult sons lost their transport when Salford's mayor decided they did not fit their criteria to keep it. Both my sons are totally dependent for all their needs and now we have to transport them ourselves. This has taken its toll on our health, and now the same mayor is looking to stop children's coaches to get them to their schools. This really cannot happen again. Our children need this service - it's vital to give them a better future. It is also needed for parents, to give them that little bit extra respite so that they can relax and know that their children are in safe hands on the way to and from school. So I am asking all the people who read this: please sign and don't let this happen again. Our children deserve the best.
    736 of 800 Signatures
    Created by noreen bailey
  • Call for the dissolution of parliament
    The policies of your government are causing, the deaths, homelessness, increased poverty and child poverty, among your subjects, with people taking their own lives because they can no longer cope with the way they are being treated by your government, due to welfare cuts,and unfair sanctions, and the spare room subsidy (bedroom tax) increased risk of flooding due to cuts in funding to flood relief. All being done in the name of austerity. But with all the money the cuts are saving them why is this country getting further and further into debt.Where is all the money from these cuts going.your subjects are suffering and dying needlessly as most financial experts agree that austerity doesn't work. This government needs to be stopped before more people die or are made homeless needlessly. This government needs to be stopped before this country has been destroyed beyond repair, they are selling off one of our greatest institutions the NHS, do you really want to be the queen of a country that sees the return of workhorses for the poor because they have completely dismantled the welfare state, a country where the poorest and most vulnerable, and the disabled, can not afford healthcare, because they have sold of the NHS, This was once a great country but it is fast becoming a laughing stock around the world, when a rich country like ours is being investigated by the UN for the treatment of disabled and for child poverty. Please help to defend your subjects from the excesses of your government.
    819 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Raymond Beale
  • Please help save vital bus routes in Herefordshire
    The reason that this is an important issue is because there are many community’s that rely on bus services in Herefordshire. The importance of this is compounded by the reality that most people who use buses are those who are the most vulnerable in society who do not have access to private transport such as those who are retired and/or on low incomes. This issue is particularly significant in Herefordshire as its bus services have been one of the most affected by cutbacks in the whole of the UK. The extent of this is shown by the fact that since 2010 there has been a 49% cut in funding resulting in 13 routes being cut and the reduction of 31 services. Finally, on a personal note this is something that is very important to me as I have relied on bus during my time in education and still do in order to have a social life.
    2,617 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Jordan Creed
  • Please Don't Close All Swindon's Childrens Centres
    Swindon Council plan to Decommission the following five children’s centres currently provided by 4Children service to achieve a reduction in the budget for this service  Drove  Moredon  Gorse Hill  Pinehurst & Penhill  Parks & Walcot East Instead, create a new family support service running from Penhill Sure Start Centre offering targeted help for families with vulnerable children Utilise the remaining four children’s centre buildings for early years’ education and wider community-based services The two family centres at Butterflies in Abbey Meads and West Swindon Family Centre are not affected by these proposals and continue to be funded in 2016/17 as part of the two year funding commitment made in 2015. This will also apply to the Ladybird Centre, Highworth Please also complete the consultation www.swindon.gov.uk/childrenscentres
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Fay Howard
  • Keep NHS bursaries - don't let Cameron run down the NHS
    Nursing degrees involve much more work, and fewer holidays than most degree courses. Most qualified nurses will work at a band five and will not earn sufficient money to repay the loan. Most nurses already find their salary difficult to survive on, especially in the south of England where rent is high. Considerable research evidence indicates that the better educated nurses are, the lower the patient mortality rates. It is a matter of patient safety that student nurses should be concentrating on their studies, and not be trying to work alongside their studies. There is already a shortage of nurses, and removal of NHS bursaries will reduce the number of candidates for nurse training, and increase the drop out rate on courses. Then of course the government will say the NHS is not working and needs to be scrapped. I would urge everyone who values the NHS to sign this petition, and pass it onto others.
    424 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Susi Liles
  • Save North Tyneside Nurseries
    Parents should continue to have the freedom to choose from a variety of local childcare providers: council, schools and private. Closing all the council-run nurseries will deny parents this choice. Some nurseries which are run by local schools do not open during the school holidays so this might not be a viable option for many parents, who would then be forced to move their children to privately-run nurseries. Furthermore, the council's current proposals will cause a significant amount of disruption, confusion and anxiety for a lot of pre-school children. UPDATE (18.12.15): (1) If you have already signed our paper petition, please don't sign this online petition as well! (2) North Tyneside Council will only accept petition signatures from people who live, work or study in the borough. If you don't have a North Tyneside postcode for one of these activities, please don't sign this petition. (3) Thank you for your support! There is more information about this campaign on the Facebook page "Save North Tyneside Children's Centre Nursery".
    1,851 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Tony Fuller
  • Save our local bus services in Oxfordshire
    ALL SUBSIDISED bus routes in the county are set to lose their funding from Oxfordshire County Council under proposals approved in November 2015 by the Council. The subsidies are paid to bus companies and community groups so they can run 118 bus routes, mainly in rural areas, that would otherwise not be commercially viable. The bus network is vital to the health of local communities and especially important to vulnerable members of the community who use the network to access support and care and avoid social isolation. These cuts are totally unacceptable and a false economy as they will have hidden costs in terms of additional social care and health spending to support those who currently use the bus service to access support and life opportunities. The cuts also make a mockery of the County Council’s integrated transport plan and environmental targets. We are calling on the Leader of the County Council Council and the Prime Minister, who is MP for Winey and who has in correspondence questioned whether the cuts to front line council services are necessary in Oxfordshire, to resolve their disagreement about council funding and withdraw these cuts proposals before the new County Council budget is agreed in February. Deadline for completion January 12th (to be presented to the Council’s Transport Advisory Panel on the 14th January).
    1,764 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by David Radford
  • Ask David Cameron if he believes he upholds the 7 Principles of Public Office.
    By the Government's own definition (31st May 1995, Committee on Standards in Public Life) the 7 Principles of Public Office are "the basis of the ethical standards expected of public office holders". By this we take to mean that all politicians in Her Majesty's Government are expected to abide by the ethical standards set out in this document; and are therefore accountable both to the public and to the members of parliament if they can be seen to have failed in doing so. In the light of large bodies of evidence which can be presented to highlight the fact that the Prime Minister has failed to uphold the 7 Principles of Public Office, I would like the the Leader of the Opposition to personally raise the issue with him, in parliament, in order to hear his response.
    177 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Anthony Saggers
    The government have announced they are removing the NHS bursaries for student nurses, midwives, occupational therapists, speech and language therapists, podiatrists, radiographers, dietetics, ODP's. This means we will be left with THOUSANDS of pounds worth of debt, which could take years to pay back from a salary which has been repeatedly frozen and capped. Healthcare degrees are like no other, we work 50% of the time on placement and 50% in university. Our hours are long and demanding both academically and professionally. To have our bursaries removed is insulting and upsetting. Furthermore, these loans will act as a deterent for people going to university who do not want to be saddled with extortinate debt. Healthcare courses appeal to a wide range of students from all back grounds and these high costs are very daunting. Already people are saying they are fearful of these costs meaning people are losing their dreams. This is NOT fair.
    137 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Nursing and Midwifery Society Picture
  • Lift Cap on GP referrals in North Tyneside
    The restriction on GP referrals was introduced in July 2015. We had heard nothing of this and it appears it was sneaked in under the carpet. The excuse given is an overuse of hospital services in particular outpatient appointments. Does anyone go to an outpatient appointment unless required?. If a GP has decided that your ailment requires further investigation or treatment that should be the case. This cap on appointments could undermines the GPs professional status. The decision to refer a patient for treatment should not be based on purely financial reasons. The Referral Management System (RMS) is a scheme with a committee that take the decision on whether a patient will be referred for further treatment or tests. (what does that committee cost?) My husband is waiting for a decision from the RMS committee. His GP is in support but states that it is outside of her control. In the meantime he has to wait. Will it be yes or no. Please sign the petition to try to stop this cut, Many thanks We had a result this morning (1st December) a referral letter arrived. It shows that a little bit of pressure goes a long way.
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Fiona Mathieson