The government have announced they are removing the NHS bursaries for student nurses, midwives, occupational therapists, speech and language therapists, podiatrists, radiographers, dietetics, ODP's. This means we will be left with THOUSANDS of pounds worth of debt, which could take years to pay back from a salary which has been repeatedly frozen and capped. Healthcare degrees are like no other, we work 50% of the time on placement and 50% in university. Our hours are long and demanding both academically and professionally. To have our bursaries removed is insulting and upsetting. Furthermore, these loans will act as a deterent for people going to university who do not want to be saddled with extortinate debt. Healthcare courses appeal to a wide range of students from all back grounds and these high costs are very daunting. Already people are saying they are fearful of these costs meaning people are losing their dreams. This is NOT fair.
    137 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Nursing and Midwifery Society Picture
  • Lift Cap on GP referrals in North Tyneside
    The restriction on GP referrals was introduced in July 2015. We had heard nothing of this and it appears it was sneaked in under the carpet. The excuse given is an overuse of hospital services in particular outpatient appointments. Does anyone go to an outpatient appointment unless required?. If a GP has decided that your ailment requires further investigation or treatment that should be the case. This cap on appointments could undermines the GPs professional status. The decision to refer a patient for treatment should not be based on purely financial reasons. The Referral Management System (RMS) is a scheme with a committee that take the decision on whether a patient will be referred for further treatment or tests. (what does that committee cost?) My husband is waiting for a decision from the RMS committee. His GP is in support but states that it is outside of her control. In the meantime he has to wait. Will it be yes or no. Please sign the petition to try to stop this cut, Many thanks We had a result this morning (1st December) a referral letter arrived. It shows that a little bit of pressure goes a long way.
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Fiona Mathieson
  • Mental Health more funding needed urgently !
    I have had my own daughter in mental health services from age 14 she is now 20 and still in the services but out of hospital a year ago. But to get help its a battle at every step she has been waiting 12 months for her PIP money she only gets one half of it but after they accepted her claim on both parts why wont they pay her. They owe her nearly 5000 pound in PIP. She gone through enough being in hospital being neglected verbally abused threatened had to get the CQC we had over 20 complaints that was in one of the hospitals she was in on a particular ward for only 3 months we had those over 20 complaints. It was awful time for us all but there is not enough support for parents, siblings, grandparents etc I've lost all my immediate family and friends just because my daughter was in hospital and has a mental health illness. So i felt and still feel totally alone. We live in Wrexham in North Wales i travelled to Abergele 5 days a week a good 120 miles round trip everytime spent upto 8 hours per day there with my daughter cause i didnt trust staff there. She was once said by staff she is like a piece of furniture, i was disgusted by their comment just because she was a quiet girl who was severely depressed self harming etc staff calling themselves her 2nd mother or 2nd granny hugging her while they did she would steal their pass to abscond etc its totally wrong staff leaving medicine keys in toilets and my daughter had them it could of gone so tragically wrong glad to say it didnt she handed them in after an hour. But no one ever told me i could get help or where to go to find help. Constant absconding cause staff there were not trained well enough. Young staff just there for money not to care. My daughter was locked up in between to double doors in a bedroom with nothing in it for 3 months it was disgusting staff falling asleep while on her observations of 1 to 1 arms lengh but they be sitting in a big comfy armchair in corridor reading a book over 2 metres away while my daughter would have pairs of socks there to ligature with which she did on several occasions. Better training for staff and i think people should be aged 25 before working with mental health patients in or out of hospital they at least have some life experiences not like a 18 year old not knowing much, how can they support grown men or women when they dont know themselves. Better pay for support workers who are the frontliners in care in hospitals, private companies and at home. They do all the dirty work take abuse and get attacked but their pay is pennies you pay them nurses also.
    15 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Nicola Jones
  • Better Funding for Westcroft Health Centre
    Our area is expanding rapidly and we have a high proportion of young families who need better access to GP services. It is almost impossible to get an on-the-day appointment to see the doctor and some patients are waiting up to 4 weeks to see a doctor about non-urgent problems.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Anthony Brown
  • Save Big Lottery funds in Scotland!
    The Big Lottery Fund is the largest funder of community groups, voluntary organisations and charitable causes in the country. It provides over £850m for people and communities most in need and benefits over 10,000 communities every year. Big Lottery Fund grants go direct to those who need them most. Now the Government plans to switch the money and devastate funding for the most needy at the very time it is taking other far reaching austerity measures which are making life even tougher for the same people. Why does it matter? The Big Lottery Fund is in the warp and weft of local communities and charitable causes across the country. Its funding benefits: -local groups supporting the disabled, elderly and those in poor mental health or with dementia -organisations tackling social ills including alcoholism, abuse, suicide and isolation or meeting social needs like getting online, accessing food banks or overcoming facial disfigurement -household name charities including Addaction, RNIB, Groundwork, Mind, NSPCC and University of the Third Age -programmes to help young people find jobs and be economically active -the life chance of babies though the Better Start programme -the quality of life for pensioners through the Centre for Ageing Better -supporting war veterans through Heroes Return -community centres, libraries and village halls run by the local community -everyday activities such as after schools clubs, scouts groups and community transport -the things that bring people together like the Big Lunch, community choirs, parks and allotments -everyone who wants to do something good for their local community - over 90% of funding is for less than £10,000 and given in response to ideas and proposals from local people and organisations -voluntary organisations and community groups - who receive over 95% of the funds
    905 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Jonathan Dawes
  • Save Camden Mothership Community Centre
    We have occupied the former West Hampstead Council Housing Advice office , that is still owned by Camden Council. It has been left empty for three years, while they were trying to sell the land to property developers. It will lay empty for another 1-2 years unless Camden Council agrees to our interim meanwhile lease use of this incredible 5 floor community resource. There are nearly 1.5 million empty buildings in the UK and we feel strongly that they should be used to create homes,community and environment projects. We are a collective of groups who have come together, to benefit the residents of Camden and London,who desperately need community space.We aim to help highlight solutions to the housing crisis.
    244 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Tom Tamilin
  • Reverse the police service cuts.restore full public protection
    Numbers have been depleated to unsafe levels
    16 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Charles Saunby
  • West Berkshire Mencap's Disabled Children's Short Break Funding Cuts
    Families of disabled children who attend After School Club, Youth Club, Holiday Play Schemes, Residential Holidays, Saturday Clubs and Overnight Breaks at West Berkshire Mencap do so out of sheer necessity. West Berkshire Mencap support the most complex and vulnerable of children who quite literally have no other respite options. These short breaks enable families to cope with day to day life and in most cases, enable them to spend quality time with their other children who are often overlooked due to the time. Parents must invest to meet the care requirements and demands of their disabled child. Parents also use these services to enable them to access social activities, maintain friendships and relationships, access further training or to have down time to recuperate so they can continue to care for their child at home.
    3,725 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Paul Pointer
    Despite the overwhelming support to maintain an effective Library Service across the whole of Barnet in the previous consultation, Barnet Council is continuing with its plans to limit the universal access to libraries for all people at all times. Our concerns include but are not limited to: • The 70% reduction in professionally staffed opening hours, which risks the safety of users and restricts the access of people under 16. • The reliance of volunteers, who might not be available in sufficient numbers to keep libraries open and whose of lack of expertise will rule out the provision of many services. • The massive reduction in space (more than 50% on average), which will reduce the resources and services the libraries can offer. • The rapidly increasing cost of killing off the library service, which far outstrips the proposed savings. Spending over £6m to save £2.2 million is a waste of taxpayer’s money. We call upon Conservative-run Barnet Council to halt these proposals and to work with residents and concerned organizations to develop a really viable and acceptable plan for the library service. These proposals are not only detrimental to the communities across Barnet but they are financially unsound with the cost of implementation far exceeding the proposed savings; we encourage the Council to see sense and scrap these proposals.
    1,677 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Alasdair Hill
  • Do not close our only lifeline. Please keep Tower House day centre open.
    Tower House is not just a day centre for us. This is where we've all grown very close friendships with each other and this will break up our friendship and harm our mental well being. There are no other services in the area like this for service users with so many complex needs. Some of us don't see any one in the week, so without our centre we would be totally isolated. Some of us are wheelchair bound and are being looked after by our partners or family. So coming to Tower House is a respite for our loved ones and a chance for us to be in a social environment. Some of us elderly, disabled from birth or disabled due to illness or injury. Please save our centre as this is a lifeline for us and we have nowhere else to go.
    698 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Roberta Spink Picture
  • Say "No" to the brutal staff cuts at FIRSTSITE, Colchester's newly risen cultural star.
    We finally have the Firstsite we dreamed of, a jewel in our midst, a beating heart of creativity in Colchester. The Board of Trustees at Firstsite are largely an outsider group who are not in tune with the current feeling and support for the huge achievements of both Anthony Roberts and the staff in creating a jewel in Colchester's creative community. They are dismissive of the community in Colchester and are about to destroy all that has been created by Anthony and his team. Please don't let this happen.
    133 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Angella Horner
  • Hands Off Northamptonshire Police 999 Service!
    If the Northamptonshire Police Force Control Centre (FCC) which handles 999 and 101 calls as well as police radio transmissions is relocated from the Wootton Hall Police HQ in Northampton into another County, with it will disappear all of the local knowledge, experience and expertise that currently benefits both Police Officers and members of the public here in Northamptonshire. The local police union, Unison, believe that this essential part of front line policing should NOT be moved to a location remote from its parent Force, or put into the hands of the notorious G4S or any other private company who will run it as a business rather than for the benefit of the people of Northamptonshire. The staff of the FCC are rightly proud of the professional service they continue to provide, and it is to their great credit that they put their concerns for the safety and wellbeing of the vulnerable and distressed members of the public who will be affected by these changes before their own worries about job security and terms and conditions of service.
    3,340 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Peter Middleton