Save the NHS, have fun and win!We think that politics has long enough done around with unhealthy solutions in regards of the NHS. We feel that many of us, would like to do more for the NHS . Additional funds from the lottery could help everyone. 5 to 10 millions ( or more) a week is a lot of money. So lets set up Mondays a special NHS lottery. Please support this idea, lets have fun, support and enjoy a better funded NHS. Thank you!18 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Catharina Raj
End Homelessness in the UK130,000 people a year in England alone are asking for help regarding homelessness (Shelter, 2017). Homelessness is a matter of social injustice not just personal responsibility, everybody in Britain has a right to accommodation, it is not just a lack of shelter, it involves a deprivation over a number of dimensions, lack of physical and mental comfort, lack of privacy, lack of rootedness in the world and a lack of purpose in life (Somerville, 2013). Even in affordable social housing there is now an uncertainty in security, resulting in an increase in rough sleepers by 102% since 2010. The reason for homelessness is simple, not enough housing,not enough social housing, the ridiculous peak in house prices and the uncertainty of short hold tenancy in private sector housing. This needs to be stopped, we need to stop allowing housing associations and landlords putting vulnerable people out on the streets. Most of us are one wage slip away from being on the streets so help us today to change the lives of thousands of people. Sign today, save tomorrow. Follow us online at - https://sleepsafesleepwarm.wordpress.com/ Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/SleepsafeSleepwarm Twitter- https://twitter.com/CSleepsafe Refernces Shelter England. (2017). Home. [online] Available at: http://england.shelter.org.uk/ [Accessed 6 May 2017]. Somerville, P. (2013). Understanding Homelessness. Housing, Theory and Society, 30(4), pp.384-415.53 of 100 SignaturesCreated by tessa kinsella
Get rid of the 'Bedroom Tax' cut to Housing Benefits!These cuts are unfair and further disadvantage people who are in a position of need. Approximately 660,000 UK social housing residents have been impacted by the cuts (Fullfact, 2013). This has had significant negative impacts on lives across the UK, leaving thousands of people desperately struggling to pay rent and make ends meet. Hundreds of thousands of residents have gotten into rent arrears, resorted to food banks, and been kicked out of homes they have lived in their whole lives. This is drastically immoral and WRONG. Sign the petition to help us rid the unfair Bedroom Tax!46 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Rachel Coates
Hands Off Oswestry's Council HomesPlans to sell off Oswestry's council houses were voted against ten years ago. Our attitude to this has not changed. Oswestry needs more social housing, not less. We want investment in building new homes in the right places for our community whilst protecting our heritage.110 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Nikki Hughes
Government fund all life-saving services.Many services such as the RNLI, Air Ambulance, St John's Ambulance, Mountain Rescue England & Wales (MREW) and British Cave Rescue Council (BCRC) rely on public funding. They are registered charities and survive mainly on public donations, despite the fact that they save lives. I strongly feel that any potential service that has the ability to save lives should not have to rely on voluntary donations, and instead should be funded by the government. And this also goes to our existing emergency services who have experienced budget cuts in recent times. For example the Police, Ambulance/NHS, Fire Brigade and Coastguard. Sign this petition if you believe that the government should invest more into our emergency services in order to prevent loss of life.35 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Curtis Oliver
We urge for an alliance of Left / Centrist parties in order to win this General ElectionOur only chance of creating an alternative to another full term of cuts, privatisation and the destruction of the NHS is to unite the left under a coalition government.240 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Ben Dresner-Reynolds
NHS spendingTo ensure those entitled get quick and necessary attention, whilst eliminating wasteage on salaries, purchases and other handouts7 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Colin Brown
Make housing developers be transparent in ManchesterCurrent planning law states that if a developer will make less than 20% profit on a new development, they can ignore a council's regulations about building affordable and social housing. Leaked documents from several developers have shown that the maths they use to work out their profit margins are purposefully misleading, allowing them to claim they will make less than 20% profit on a development by undervaluing the prices of the houses they will sell and over-costing the labour. To combat this Islington, Greenwich, Lambeth and Bristol councils have introduced a policy that forces developers "viability assessments" to be made public. By bringing these dodgy maths into the public domain, Councils, campaigning groups and individuals will be able to hold developers to account and force them to use more honest maths.4 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Barry McAtarsney
Keep Late Opening At Medway LibrariesThe libraries concerned presently open till 7:00 pm will now shut at 6:00 pm this will cut the availability of the library to all those local hard working people.5 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Nick Smith
Stop the government from spending 500 million on a new passport design.With the nhs crumbling around us and the number of people on the streets with nowhere to live...... it's stupidity of the highest order to spend 500 million on cosmetically redesigning a passport which works fine as it is19 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Simon Price
Save Watch me Grow Baby Peep Group for under ones in Nottingham access for all familiesWatch me grow baby peep group is being cut, access is being limited to a referral basis only, it has previously been open access to all mums with under ones. The session was run over twelve months until babies turned one years old but is being limited to twelve weeks per family. It is an important service and is the only free under fives group of its kind providing essential support aimed at the under ones servicing the Nottingham area. It is a travesty it is being cut. Please sign now to stop this happening.98 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Emma Young
Fortnightly bin collections are a rubbish ideaMismanagement of local government finances in the B&NES district now means that rubbish collections will only take place on a fortnightly basis after November of this year. If there is one public service that is required to run smoothly to maintain public standards of health and cleanliness, that is rubbish collection. The present B&NES administration don't seem to understand that fewer rubbish collections will inevitably lead to increased risks to the health of all of the residents and also visitors to the area, or that their plans for extra numbers of wheelie bins probably aren't sufficient to prevent the inevitable increase in animal and gull nuisance, let alone the probable odour issues that are certain to arise as numbers of uncollected binbags mount up in the summer months. Say that you do not agree with these badly thought out plans and want to live in a cleaner, safer, and less smelly environment than B&NES council have got planned for their residents. Demand that weekly bin collections are retained and that the Conservative led council actually work on behalf of those they claim to represent, instead of reducing an extremely important public service regardless of consequences.5 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Jon Gordon
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