• Penglais Sixth Form Lesson Cuts
    Most other schools have 9 sessions per lesson over the course of two weeks, and some have 8, but Penglais only have 7 due to funding. It is important to have at 9 or at least 8 over two weeks as when it comes to exams we will be less prepared than other schools in Wales, and if they score higher marks in the exams, overall we will fall below and not get the results we deserve. The study sessions that have been used as a replacement do not offer the support of the classes to help towards exams
    90 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Morgan Jade Errington
  • Keep Open Holday Playscheme
    Many parents/guardians rely on this facility to enable them to go to work during school holidays at an affordable price at £23 from 8am - 6pm! The playscheme itself offered sports activities, trips out & craft workshops enjoyed by the children. Their alternative las left many parents who arn't able to drive thus commute further to these alternatives, stranded. Let's get some signatures and keep this valuable facility running!
    128 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Sammie Alexia
  • Build more training centres for people with Learning Disabilities
    This is important because they help people with LD to develop their skills and gives them a chance to thrive in the community.
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Marie Martindale
  • parents who hold parental responsibility should both provide equally for the upbringing of a child
    With the benefits cap having a detrimental impact on families especially those bringing children up alone, action needs to be taken on those parents who ignore the importance of their role of holding parental responsibility and pay the minimum child maintenance, which impacts on the main care giver meeting the needs of each individual child in their care. Action needs to be taken, and consideration should be made into the costs single parents face such as health, education and daily activities to promote social skills. These costs should be met equally by both parents who hold Parental responsibilities. The new child maintenance system is failing so many families and leaving them facing severe financial hardship. Child maintenance doesn't take into account the £350 each year spent on buying new school uniform or school resources. Nor do they take into account the rise in child care costs or the weekly recreational activities that children undertake. The main caregiver is the one struggling to make ends meet ''robbing Peter to pay Paul'' to pay bills as tax credits and child benefit don't take into consideration the additional costs that these parents make to meet their Child's everyday needs. Both parents should equally pay for these everyday needs
    130 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Natasha Turner-Dale
  • Reinstate the Mental Health Unit in Medway
    The Mental Health Unit at Medway Maritime Hospital was closed in 2013 by Jeremy Hunt, this was short-sighted and a mistake. A third of all police time is taken up having to look after mental health patients, time that could be better spent tackling crime. Since the closure, KMPT (Kent and Medway's health and social care trust) has spent more than £5.6 million on out of area referrals due to a shortage of beds for patients.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by John Castle
  • Withdrawal of Accupuncture services by NHS Tayside
    this is important to make sure that clients in the NHS Tayside region are allowed to maintain an existence. Accupuncture works for many people. We don't give up our time to go to an appointment because it doesn't work. It's also not an expensive treatment compared to what my GP, the Pain Clinic and my health management team are now going to have to do to find an alternative therapy I have been attending the Pain Clinic since 2005 and have found my sessions to be extremely helpful. I'm on approximately 30 tablets a day for my pain and other illnesses and I'm at the limit of what I can take. Including morphine and lidocaine patches, which were also at threat of being withdrawn by NHS Tayside. My accupuncture was my lifleine. It reduced my pain enough for me to exist. I feel that your withdrawal of accupuncture services could have detrimental effects to not only myself, but all the clients who relied on their accupuncture sessions to exist. I would like this decision to be revied at a parliamentary level.
    60 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Joy Muir
  • Save Raktim Kar from being discharged without financial assistance
    Raktim is a brilliant and bright pharmacology PhD student at University of Greenwich. He has worked and paid his national insurance contributions and is a model citizen from work in Sainsbury's pharmacy department. He is only 30 and has his whole life in front of him.He has paid his NHS surcharge and stopping NHS treatment or care now would be detrimental. If his student visa is not extended he cannot get treatment in 🇬🇧 and will need to travel abroad to India whilst unwell. He is fully integrated in the UK.He was discovered unconscious in his room end of May 2017 and was taken to Royal London Hospital. He needs help with feeding and washing. He has been moved to Newham University Hospital. We are raising funds https://www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/raktimvasha
    63 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Emefa G
  • Money back on rubbish collection
    Not very healthy to have those rubbishes on our streets. Not very respectful from council. No consideration for the public. Save the binmen jobs and no cut.
    49 of 100 Signatures
    Created by claudia vukulu Picture
  • Restore A&E 24/7 at Weston General Hospital
    Currently A&E at Weston General is closed between 10pm and 8am. Seriously ill and injured people are being taken over 20 miles to Bristol or Taunton.This puts patients health under grave risk and fatalities are inevitable due to the time it will take to get people to a functioning A&E.....if an ambulance can be found.
    24 of 100 Signatures
    Created by kevin roy
  • Fair rents
    It keeps people in there homes food goes up every goes up except wages
    11 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mag's Capps
  • Carry on the "Originals" tv show for longer!
    Out of all the shows I have ever ever watched these these are the two I will always remember, never have I cared so much about what happens to the characters and what happens next, I looked forward to them with a force I can begin to explain and will be genuinely heartbroken by their ending and I know that will go for all your fans and viewers!
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Nathan Hartley
  • Save Our North Derbyshire Hospitals
    Due to government cuts Hospitals around North Derbyshire are being closed. Our standpoints should be taken into consideration due to the harmful effects which would occur if this beneficent petition were not to be signed. Factors such as travel would become problematic especially for the elderly relatives having to use public transport in rural areas such as Bakewell and surrounding villages. The staff would have to be relocated perhaps to a less convenient area which may extend their working day and affect their life/work balance and would cost more in travel. Overcrowding would be seen in the larger hospitals which would have a drastic impact on waiting times. These are just some of the multiple problems North Derbyshire would face in the shutting down of some of their many hospitals. To also show support it would be very beneficial if you would come to the meeting in the County Hall in Matlock at 7pm on the 24th of July.
    81 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ella Lemon