• Start caring about Carers!
    Carers are becoming ill with the huge strain put on them. Most working 24/7 - 365 days of the year with little or no help from outside sources. I have been one such Carer for eleven years and my health has deteriorated drastically because of it. There are even child Carers who have to help out at home and don't get paid anything as nobody knows about so many of them.
    152 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Peter Robson-Burrell
  • Glasgow City Coucil: Sell the Rolls Royce and profit the city!
    The City is on it's knees! From homeless in the street to the appauling condition of the roads, meanwhile the Lord Provost is driving a £235,000 with a very prestigious private plate on; "G 0". This 6.6 litre vehicle achieves 6mpg! Not to mention the insurance costs!
    63 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Carrie Newman
  • North Coast 500 toilet facilities
    The North Coast 500 is being widely promoted without the local infrastructure being improved to cope with the extra demand.
    11 of 100 Signatures
    Created by M Murdoch
  • Newport City Council needs to do more work in Pillgwenlly and not rely On the volunteers.
    1. We need to keep the streets clean and the kids park clean at all time to make it Safe as I know people that go there and you have bins over flowing all the time and Glass on floor and injection needles all the time. 2. Is is not right for drug dealers and prostitutes to do there Business on street corners or public places as so people don’t feel safe at all. 3. The bus service in Pillgwenlly needs to link back in with duffryn as the busses in pill stop at 6.30pm and none on Sunday and bank holidays
    98 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Paul Murphy
  • Save Our Arches - Guardians of the Arches
    Network Rail are selling the entire estate of railway arches and public land to a private investor by end August 2018. In advance of this sale, small businesses are being crippled by impossible rent demands and we need your urgent help to petition Chris Grayling to stop this sale, save our Arches and safeguard our small businesses across the UK. We must act now, once the sale takes place the public land will be gone and it will be too late.
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Eleni Jones
  • A Place of Sanctuary - Right Care, Right Time, Right Place
    What’s the problem? Nationally, mental health services are in crisis. Southwark Pensioners Action Group (SPAG) supports the campaign to open a Place of Sanctuary at the Maudsley Hospital, Denmark Hill site.  Kings A&E feels like an awful place to be if you are having a mental health crisis because in a busy, hectic sometimes aggressive reception area alongside those with broken limbs or other physical trauma.  It’s feels even worse if you are a child, a young person, a pregnant woman or a mum with a baby  60% of young people turning up in crisis are not known to mental health services for children and young people  The significant increase in knife crime since January 2018 means Kings A&E is under huge pressure What do we want?  A 24 hour walk-in Place of Sanctuary at the Maudsley Hospital Denmark Hill site for those in mental health crisis.  Especially for Children and Young People, and Pregnant Women, Mothers with Babies in mental health crisis  Mental health money must reach the frontline  No more cuts to Children and Young Peoples’ mental health services in or out of hospital Why?  Kings A&E is not a Place of Sanctuary for people who need emergency mental health treatment  Excellent crisis care saves lives  Our children, pregnant mums and mothers with young babies deserve far better emergency mental health services What time is it??  It’s TIME for the South London and Maudesley Hospital Trust to step up  It’s TIME for the Trust to provide a 24 hour walk in Place of Sanctuary at Denmark Hill  It’s TIME for the Trust to pull its weight for those in mental health crisis Who can do it?  You can by signing this petition 
    59 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Cathy Deplessis
  • Get serious about recycling.
    When it comes to re-cycling, Gedling Borough Council rates a poor 260th out of 350 English local authorities. Gedling re-cycles only 36.7% of its domestic waste compared to the national average of 45.2%. Gedling’s announcement that it intends to be a ‘Plastic Clever Council’ is welcome but has to be seen in the context of its recent closure of 6 local ‘bring’ recycling sites and the earlier cancellation of its commercial recycling collection service.
    60 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mark Glover
  • Funding for Leahurst Road Preschool
    Leahurst Road Preschool is largely funded by charitable donations, so the improvements needed cannot happen without support from external funding, such as the Local Improvement Scheme. The funds applied for were in part to pay for access to speech therapy within the preschool setting. For some children this is vital developmental support to ensure a confident and worry-free start to school. A separate application was made for a covered area outside to enable our children to play and learn outside in all weather. Being outdoors promotes a healthy and active lifestyle, and exposes the children to nature and the world around them. Many children learn best through active movement, but this is limited in the winter months particularly without access to a covered play area.
    26 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ilona O'Donnell
  • Stop Private Companies From Policing Our Streets.
    I believe it is the will of the People!
    15 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Drea Porteous
  • Make Kirklees Council sack Kingdom Security
    This petition has been amended to correct an error, to incorporate new information and to add this new development: On the 8th May 2018, the government announced a consultation on 'litter officers' and is asking for your views. Please sign this petition and then see the government DEFRA consultation page to make yourselves heard. The 1990 Environmental Protection Act is being misused for profit by Kirklees Council and its controversial private outsourcing firm Kingdom Security. The following cases are a small sample of what is happening across the UK in each of the 30+ areas where councils have initiated a ‘litter policing’ scheme by outsourcing to Kingdom. These cases highlight some of the ways in which our rights are being abused by local councils in the pursuit of shared revenue. They also highlight some of the dangers of local authorities outsourcing to private companies, abandoning oversight and disregarding responsibility; and illustrate why Kirklees should immediately cancel its contract with Kingdom. Imagine your elderly mother is leaving a shop and is suddenly cornered by two strange men demanding she give them £75 and her personal details because they say her receipt fell out of her bag as she left the shop. They are not policemen and they do not look or act like professionals, so she tries to ignore them but they stand in her way. They threaten her with the Police and the Courts if she does not 'comply' with them. They say they work for the Council. They do not tell her she has the right to remain silent but they do tell her she has no right to question them or to protest. How would she feel? Imagine you're in the park, peacefully feeding the ducks, and two of these 'officers', equipped with little more than a basic security check and a lanyard, loom over you to demand the same because they say feeding the ducks is littering. They intend to issue you with a Fixed Penalty Notice (FPN) for an environmental 'offence'. You protest at such a ludicrous interpretation of the Act and try to leave. They follow you, demanding you comply. People are stopping to stare and listen. How would you feel? You come home to find your wife distraught after she and your two young children were followed in a car for ten minutes by a stranger demanding she pay £75 because she had stopped for a moment to shake something from her shoe. She was so scared and upset she had to seek shelter in a friend's house, when the Kingdom officer finally left her alone. How would you feel? That case was witnessed by a Welsh undercover reporter who expressed the discomfort he had felt while spying on the victim and following her. In the same report, an ex-employee described Kingdom’s pressure to achieve four FPNs a day. The staff issuing these fines are not trained police officers and they have no professional rigour or standards. They have little understanding of the law and they use no discretion in its application. They are frequently caught on camera denying people's own right to film them. They wear bodycams but record no evidence of alleged offences. They only start recording evidence once they cherry-pick a target, giving no protection against false accusations. One ex-employee said he made almost £1000 in financial incentives in one month. The system is ripe for exploitation and that is exactly what is happening. The dubious practices of Kingdom Security have also been the subject of countless other newspaper reports and a BBC Panorama documentary in May 2017, after which Kent Council suspended all their Kingdom staff. In addition, YouTube has hundreds of videos by shocked victims and witnesses which evidence the aggression, as well as the distress and the public disorder being caused. In one of these, a Kingdom 'officer' in Liverpool is chased off by a small crowd of shopkeepers, disgusted by his manhandling of a visibly frail, elderly man with learning difficulties.  This is what happens when police powers are given to members of the public. This is what happens when councils like Kirklees put profits before people. This is what happens when services are outsourced to private firms. Kirklees has already seen many complaints from its own residents, demanding to know why they are being intimidated, harassed, publicly humiliated and falsely accused on the council's behalf. A sham appeals process does not allow for the concept of innocence, since no evidence is apparently required; meaning victims are simply stonewalled with threats of court action. I have been falsely accused myself by Kingdom in a distressing, humiliating experience which felt like an assault. All protests were overridden with threats of the police and demands for personal information. I will be giving my testimony in court. Kirklees will not bully me. Pensioners, students, the unemployed, the homeless, people with learning difficulties and mental health issues: no distinction is made as Kirklees demands money with menaces from its already austerity-hit residents. In 2017, one of Kirklees' own councillors publicly cautioned them against Kingdom after personally witnessing a worrying incident in Huddersfield. In March 2018, following public protests by several campaign groups over the dubious tactics employed by Kingdom, Gwynedd Council in Wales halted a 12-month trial after just two days. Anglesey Council also suspended their contract in March. In May, Llandudno’s tourism chief stated that Kingdom are doing more harm than good to the town; underlined by another official’s description of the environment being created by Kingdom as ‘purely negative’. It is time for Kirklees to adopt some respect for the public it serves; to follow the lead of these councils and to end its contract with this unethical company. Kirklees needs to clean our streets of the Kingdom 'litter police'.
    91 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lauren Lee
  • Save Meadowbank - People before Private Profiteers
    Currently there are 2 planning applications, one is full planning application for the redevelopment of the new downsized stadium whilst the other application is pre planning proposal that involves the selling off off and using the surrounding surplus land to build student accommodation, hotels and 360+ flats. Only a minority being 'affordable housing'. The development will involve the loss of 150+ mature healthy trees including very rare healthy Wheatley Elms, which the Council has spent millions over the years caring for, and green spaces. All of this will have a detrimental effect on local residents and the wider Edinburgh community for numerous reasons e.g. health, community cohesion, environment. The consultation in 2016 was inadequate and the recent planning application notification list was distributed to approximately 450 homes. While this may be legal, it is inadequate and undermines the Scottish Government policies which push for more community engagement. Local residents and the wider Edinburgh communities deserve to be made aware that they are losing an international sports centre due to sustained and constant lack of Council’s investment and for the sake of private developers’ profit. The proposed redevelopment will not meet the needs of all the current service users.
    31 of 100 Signatures
    Created by D Burn
  • Provide Funding for Children's Play Areas
    As well as helping to provide an essential facility for young children the money invested in this manner, to help keep our children fit and active, could also increase the potential for those very children to go on to participate in football (as well as other sport of course).
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Roger Hurst