• Letter to the ICC at the Hague Re Mistreatment of Disabled and Sick People
    I am sure many of you are aware of the measures that the Govt has in place to root out the supposed fraudsters claiming Disability and Sickness Benefits. Samuel Miller has taken the time to make a complaint on behalf of the British People and has provided a long list of links to support this. If a Canadian is going to put the effort into helping us, surely we need to speak up with him. The United Nations Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities has investigated the United Kingdom Government. Their report, released on 24th of April 2024, shows the committee is appalled by reports of deaths linked to benefit claims that it says have a disturbingly consistent theme. (https://tbinternet.ohchr.org/_layouts/15/treatybodyexternal/Download.aspx?symbolno=CRPD%2FC%2FGBR%2FFUIR%2F1&Lang=en) Further, a Freedom of Information Request made by The Big Issue in 2023 showed that in the last 10 years, £350m has been spent trying to uphold decisions made by the DWP regarding Personal Independence Payment and that 68% are then overturned at Tribunal. This suggests a possible £320m waste of money. (https://www.bigissue.com/news/social-justice/disability-benefit-appeals-pip-universal-credit-cost-dwp/ )  In addition, According to an interim Parliamentary Report on Suicides, one suicide is estimated to cost £1.67m. (https://publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm201617/cmselect/cmhealth/300/30005.htm) and according to research carried out by Professor Barr, which was presented to The Commons Work and Pensions Committee “the work capability assessment (WCA) was linked to about 600 suicides in just three years.” (https://www.disabilitynewsservice.com/dwp-ignored-hugely-alarming-research-that-linked-wca-with-600-suicides-mps-are-told/ ). Thus, the 600 suicides over a three year period has cost Britain £1,002,000,000 or £334m per year. Sadly, according to the Interim Report on Suicide Prevention “those who have lost a loved one due to suicide are more likely to commit suicide” and that for every suicide, a “minimum of six people will suffer a severe impact”. That is a potential minimum of 3600 families and friends affected by a suicide who will try and seek help from their GP etc, adding further costs that may not be recognised by The Government. Unfortunately, Professor Barr said it was not possible to examine the impact of universal credit on mental health, and whether it had also led to suicides, because DWP was refusing to release the data needed to carry out that research “when it is within its power to do that and it would be possible to assess those impacts”. Another complainant, Craig Bulman, has said that "The persistent cruelty of the government has driven me to submit the UN report to the International Criminal Court. I contend that these actions may constitute crimes against humanity as defined under Article 7 of the Rome Statute and the International Criminal Court Act 2001, Schedule 8, Article 7. It is my sincere hope that the International Criminal Court will consider launching an investigation into the actions of the United Kingdom Government from 2010 to 2024. Such behaviour is wholly unacceptable in a civilised and democratic society. We, as a democracy, pride ourselves on upholding the rule of law—a cornerstone of our values—and it is utterly inconceivable that any agency or government department could justify conduct that inflicts profound harm on vulnerable populations. This is not the standard of governance we expect, nor should it ever be tolerated."   "Since 2010, successive Conservative governments in the UK have orchestrated policies that not only marginalised but systematically dismantled the safety nets for the disabled and vulnerable. This severe and sustained assault has led to unprecedented scrutiny from the United Nations, marking the first time a member state was investigated for potential human rights violations against disabled persons. The UN's damning findings echoed the chilling narratives captured in John Pring’s pivotal book, 'The Department,' which lays bare the harsh realities and sometimes fatal consequences of these policies that have not just failed but actively harmed those most in need of protection, exposing disturbing truth about The Government’s responsibility and the real human costs of austerity." If you would like to make your own complaint to the ICC, and submit evidence, you can do so using this link https://otplink.icc-cpi.int  While you have your health, none of this matters. One simple mishap could expose you to this chaos. Please share this Petition as much as possible.  http://blacktrianglecampaign.org/2012/09/23/united-kingdom-government-denounced-for-crimes-against-disabled-people-to-international-criminal-court-in-the-hague/ UNCRPD investigates UK Govt  https://www.theguardian.com/society/2015/oct/20/un-inquiry-uk-disability-rights-violations-cprd-welfare-cuts Ian Duncan Smith and Chris Grayling reported to Police over fitness to work tests. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/iain-duncan-smith-police-assessing-possible-investigation-into-dwp-ministers-over-fit-to-work-tests-a7020471.html UN probe into Disabled Human Rights violations http://www.heraldscotland.com/news/homenews/13648683.Revealed__contents_of_dossier_which_sparked_UN_probe_over_disabled__human_rights_violations_/?ref=twtrec Did David Cameron admit multiple murders to Andrew Marr? http://voxpoliticalonline.com/2015/04/20/did-david-cameron-admit-multiple-murders-to-andrew-marr/ Why the U.K. Government Has Failed the Disabled Community http://www.newsweek.com/uk-government-has-failed-disabled-community-461517 The increasing death toll due to the loss of benefits. Telling it as it is https://mzolobajluk.wordpress.com/2015/09/14/the-increasing-death-toll-due-to-the-loss-of-benefits/ The Mirror "Tory Welfare Cuts grossly violated rights of disabled people" says the UNhttp://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/tory-welfare-cuts-gravely-violated-9215742 "Ken Loach's Film is not true to life" comment reposted from original article by fairer society. http://www.afairersociety.uk/2016/11/07/its-a-fact-ken-loachs-film-is-not-true-to-life-it-doesnt-show-how-bad-it-really-is/ UN urged to act after Conservative Government refuses to act http://voxpoliticalonline.com/2016/11/13/un-urged-to-act-after-conservative-government-dismisses-report-on-disability/
    62,075 of 75,000 Signatures
    Created by Tony Gurney
  • Stop the removal of the £20 per week Universal Credit uplift
    We have just been through a historical time in human history. Never before have we seen such devastation. Covid-19 hit us all hard, thousands of businesses went bust. Many new claims were made to the Universal Credit system as families were plunged into poverty as their livelihoods were taken from them as the virus ravaged our towns and cities. The Universal Credit system is a lifeline for millions of people in the UK and the £20 per week deduction is going to cripple families who have been plunged into the benefit system through no fault of their own. Let's face it, £20 per week may not sound like a lot to many of you, but to claimants of the benefit system it is a fortune. This money is a week's food shopping! A weeks gas and electricity for our top up meters! This government has decided to reduce the allowance just as the winter hits us. What do we tell our children as they sit in the cold house this winter and ask why they can't have the heating on? Families are going to have to choose to literally eat or heat this winter with this deduction. A DEDUCTION THAT THE POPULATION OF THE UK DID NOT GET CHANCE TO VOTE ON! I want to inform the POPULATION of this country, the government is here to serve us, and do as we collectively say. Not the other way round! It's not rocket science is it? Those who are on higher salaries should be willing and able to help the poorest in our society by paying just a small increase on their national insurance stamp to help fund the extra £20 per week rise in Universal Credit. Or we could add a fraction of a penny to fuel prices to pay for this extra £20 per week allowance. This country has a moral obligation to help those who were hit the hardest by the covid-19 virus and were plunged into the welfare system. So this petition is for the masses of the country, the population of this country to HAVE THEIR SAY ON THIS IMMORAL DEDUCTION. I implore you to sign this petition and let this Conservative government know that the majority of the UK population that they serve, do not want this deduction to be implemented and carried forward. We did not get the chance to have OUR SAY, now YOU CAN! BY SIGNING THIS PETITION. Do what is morally correct and let the people who serve us, and don't have a clue about the welfare system, and the cost of living know that we do not want this deduction to continue. People will die from this decision. Children will get sick, malnourished and depression will rise alarmingly by this simple £20 per week deduction. Take the money off those who are blessed enough to be able to help those who are less fortunate than themselves. It's not really a hard decision to make is it? Keep the £20 per week increase to the universal credit system and help the families in need during this time in humanity that has never been seen before. Share this petition far and wide. Let the public decide, as it is our country, with rules and systems that we ALL Want to live with. Thank you. Signed, A universal credit claimant
    32 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mandi Louise Picture
  • Raise International Aid back to 0.7%
    If you care about OUR planet Earth, you should sign this petition. Many people are going to suffer because of this and we need to try and stop it.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Dillon Crawford
  • Save funding for the arts
    It is vital for our cultural wellbeing that we have a flourishing arts sector that is accessible to anyone with a talent and passion for the arts. If this cut goes ahead, only wealthy students will be able to study subjects such as music, drama and dance. This will not only stifle creativity and innovation in the arts, but have a hugely detrimental impact on an industry worth billions to the UK economy (music alone was worth £5.8 billion in 2019).
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Louise Restell
  • To get lincolnshire county council to turn on the street lights at night
    I am calling for Lincolnshire County Council to reverse this decision and turn on the lights in the evenings so as to give the taxpayers of boston and surrounding villages piece of mind and the confidence to leave their homes at night whether it be to walk a dog ,go to a friends ,cycle to work or simply to put their bins out.People feel safer with light. Please join me in signing this and to get some action taken.
    76 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Dale Broughton
  • Reverse the cut in overseas aid
    The cut may seem like a small difference in percentage, but it means (for example) a 50% reduction in aid for medical work in Yemen; 40% cut in medical work in Somalia. This is literally a death sentence for thousands in the poorest, most hard-hit parts of the world; whilst for many more it means suffering serious diseases that are curable with basic drugs and medical attention. As one of the world's 5 or 6 wealthiest countries, can we really not afford to maintain the 7% of GDP in aid that the government had previously pledged? This is not what "Global Britain" should be about.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by John Ray
  • Keep Free Public Transport for over 60s in London
    We have worked all our lives to get pensions. Many of us had our pensions delayed for more than 5 years. Anyone aged 60-66 have had to work 6 years longer than the over 70s The 1 thing we were able to get was free Public transportation . Now that they have extended the congestion charge zone and are extending it further we cannot afford to drive. We aren’t able to cycle or walk we need help. Many of us have also lost our jobs and income through Covid TFL and Government are just trying to kill us off as quickly as possible to save their economy.
    582 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Beth Charkham
  • Protect banking services in North East Fife
    North East Fife has had to put up with the systematic erosion of services by private companies, notably bank and post office branches, in recent years. This has got to stop. TSB has announced that 164 more of their branches will close with 900 jobs going with them. With only 3 TSB branches left in North East Fife - in Anstruther, Cupar and St Andrews, we cannot lose these services. In choosing to leave towns, companies like the TSB are only looking at the effects on their corporate balances and are completely ignoring the people who will be affected by these cuts - particularly their own, hardworking staff. Companies like the TSB, and RBS before them, need to understand the importance of their services, but also their presence, in these communities. Any decision to remove physical services and branches from North East Fife will have a detrimental effect on the people who live in the area and use these services. More long term, any withdrawal from these communities will also add large, vacant premises to the High Streets. In the aftermath of Covid and Brexit our High Streets will need support to recover and thrive. Abandoning them now will not aid these recovery efforts. Banking services must be secured in North East Fife, not eroded any further.
    423 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Rhuaraidh Fleming Picture
  • Keep TV licence free for over 75's
    Due to high levels of ill health and disability, people over 75 can become isolated and dependent on their TV for companionship, entertainment, news and information which in turn can aid their mental health
    27 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Joan Finney
  • 17 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sara Mountain
  • Coronavirus: Workers to pay tax on tests by their employer
    Hi Folks, hope your safe and well. My daughter is a carer in an old folks home in Edinburgh. Prior to the pandemic she was classed a low paid low skilled worker now she finds she's a high skilled low paid worker. The care home manager is extremely competent in all staff have temperature checks on arrival, showers and regular testing at a covid station, there has been no cases of any staff or residents being infected. Now we are being told that testing employees is taxable because it's a PERK so you get taxed on every test that the employer pays for. The Health & Safety at Work Act states that all employers have a duty of care to all employees , this means in my eyes this is part of your working conditions and must be paid for by there employers or the government.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by John Peterson
  • Stop the DWP from not paying pensions into Post Office Accounts in future
    Many Post Offices in rural areas depend on income derived from Pension payments. If they lose this many will close. The DWP says that as Post Offices will make payments from Bank Accounts, there will be no problem. But my bank (Barclays) has already withdrawn this facility last month and will other banks follow ?
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Rosemary Gregory