• Support a Living Wage for Ayrshire School Cleaners!
    As the new school term gets underway, school cleaners and janitors employed across Ayrshire by the local schools contractor, Mitie, are taking to the streets to campaign against their second-class treatment by Mitie and the local council. GMB Scotland, the union for school support staff, is stepping up its campaign for a Living Wage for school cleaners. GMB Scotland is also demanding that janitors working in local schools, which are operated on behalf of North, South and East Ayrshire councils by the contractor, Mitie, are paid at least the same as council employed janitors. Members of the public across Ayrshire will be asked to sign petitions backing the cleaners and janitors at special street stalls organised by the union in Kilmarnock, Ayr and Irvine over the next few weeks. In each of the 13 Mitie managed schools across Ayrshire low paid, predominantly women, workers are being treated as second class citizens with the full knowledge of the political leadership of local councils. School cleaners employed by Mitie are paid nearly £1 below the Scottish Living Wage, currently £8.75 an hour, which is paid as a minimum to every other council worker. Many of these workers transferred to Mitie's employment from the local council but have seen their pay erode year on year compared to their colleagues, doing the same jobs, and still employed by the council. There are even examples of women working in school kitchens and also as school cleaners who see their rate of pay drop when they change a council overall for a Mitie one. Sign below to support GMB Scotland’s campaign for all our school staff to earn at least the Living Wage and for fair pay for all school support staff, no matter what school they work in.
    143 of 200 Signatures
    Created by GMB SCOTLAND Picture
  • Save RBS Bramcote Lane Wollaton Nottingham branch from closure
    RBS is the last major bank in the busy retail area with high local population since the closures of Barclays and Halifax banks over the last few years. Not everybody wants to use telephone banking or is computer literate. This will cause significant inconvenience to many customer who rely on the banks, they will need to travel to either Nottingham or Beeston for their everyday banking transactions . This will cost their customers time and money. The only winner is the bank who will save costs to add to their already significant profits.
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Vivien Proctor
  • Put more money into children’s mental health
    My granddaughter has mental health issues and resources are stretched. Because of this she is not able to get the help she needs, there are more and more children / teenagers being let down
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Carla Woodley
  • Reinstate bus services in Shepway
    It is affecting the elderly, disabled, mothers and children who need to use these services and access to public transport.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Joanna Bennett
  • Freeze cuts to youth facilities in London.
    This is fundamental because in a country where youth crime is at such a high rate, youth facilities provide vital refuge from Britain's gang scene for youth. Despite this, their budgets are being dwindled. This needs to stop!
    9 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kids Before Cuts
  • Save Charing Cross Hospital
    These plans will lose more than 300 acute care beds, and London will lose a hospital with a world class reputation for treatment. This is important to me on a personal level as my mother was treated there during her illness and received really excellent treatment. Here are the key findings of the Independent Healthcare Commission regarding the closure: - There is no completed, up-to-date business plan in place that sets out the case for delivering the Shaping a Healthier Future (SaHF) programme, demonstrating that the programme is affordable and deliverable. - There was limited and inadequate public consultation on the SaHF proposals and those proposals themselves did not provide an accurate view of the costs and risks to the people affected. - The escalating cost of the programme does not represent value for money and is a waste of precious public resources. - NHS facilities, delivering important public healthcare services, have been closed without adequate alternative provision being put in place. - The original business case seriously underestimated the increasing size of the population in North West London and fails to address the increasing need for services.
    15 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Anouska Sutherland
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by WAYNE NORMAN
  • HandsoffHandsworth
    The academisation of schools affects the lives of our school children and teaching staff. The academy chain will benefit the CEO and their inflated salaries. Autonomy and local control NOT a profiteering chain.
    109 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Jo Arrowsmith
  • Bristol City Council Health & Wellbeing Board
    This is important for local health and wellbeing is represented by local people and democratic scrutiny. Until now all councillors have done is put cuts through and been hoodwinked by some CEOs of Trusts, on the HWB that do not care of the local population only payouts by big insurance companies trying to take over UK healthcare services.
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Viran Patel
  • Yiewsley recreation ground
    Communit facilities are regularly taken away from South of the Borough, whilst the money is transferred to the North. Most of the South is designated as a deprived area.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Geoff Courtenay
  • Start caring about Carers!
    Carers are becoming ill with the huge strain put on them. Most working 24/7 - 365 days of the year with little or no help from outside sources. I have been one such Carer for eleven years and my health has deteriorated drastically because of it. There are even child Carers who have to help out at home and don't get paid anything as nobody knows about so many of them.
    152 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Peter Robson-Burrell
  • Glasgow City Coucil: Sell the Rolls Royce and profit the city!
    The City is on it's knees! From homeless in the street to the appauling condition of the roads, meanwhile the Lord Provost is driving a £235,000 with a very prestigious private plate on; "G 0". This 6.6 litre vehicle achieves 6mpg! Not to mention the insurance costs!
    63 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Carrie Newman