EU referendum details requiredWe are about to face one of the biggest decisions that we will come across in the next 18 months and we have no idea as to the reason why we should support or not the exit from the EU. As far as immigration is concerned we are told that we cannot limit welfare payments in the country for immigrants, but if we work abroad what are we entitled to in the other country. I am old enough to have been able to vote to join the EEC, but we have not had a say when it comes to the EU. If the commission was elected then I may have more faith on Europe, currently appointments, "jobs for the boys".11 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Peter Cane
Publish a full apology to the BMA junior doctors' committee on the front page of The Sun NewspaperJunior doctors of the United Kingdom have reluctantly, and almost unanimously, voted in favour of the first "all-out" strike in the history of the NHS. This is in response to the proposed imposition of a contract which is widely acknowledged in medical circles to be unsafe for patients and doctors alike, without mentioning the likelihood of a significant cut in pay for medical staff, while asking them to work longer hours. This is not a decision that has been made lightly, and at all points the BMA has remained open to the option of full, fair contract negotiations - an option which Secretary of State Jeremy Hunt and the current government have repeatedly declined to take. Throughout this process, junior doctors have been the target of a smear campaign headed by national media institutions, none so fervently as The Sun newspaper. This systematic abuse reached a new low today (10/01/2015) in an article entitled "Moet medics: High life of docs’ leaders who are heading up NHS strike", which passes beyond slander into the realms of active discrimination. To take photos of doctors on holiday from personal social media accounts and print them in a national newspaper is invasion of privacy enough, without pretending that this is evidence of a "jet-set lifestyle" being enjoyed by these medical professionals. As part of every doctor's contract, they are entitled to periods of annual leave, and whether they choose to travel abroad or not during this time is utterly irrelevant to their professional practice. Similarly, stating that these doctors are "champagne-swilling socialists" on the basis that one individual supported a ratified candidate in their successful campaign for the position of head of the Labour party is not only a sweeping generalisation completely immaterial to the debate at hand, but is an attempt to debase an entire profession by implying that, for doctors, the right to political expression is not a basic human right. The same is true of publishing the values of property owned by various committee members - the insinuation being that home-ownership in major UK cities is somehow a crime for the medical staff who work in these areas, and being able to afford accommodation is evidence of the "high life". Articles 8, 9 and 10 of the Human Rights Act 1998 enshrine the right of every UK citizen to " the right to respect for his private and family life, his home and his correspondence", "freedom of thought" and "freedom to hold opinions and to receive and impart information and ideas". For an article in a mainstream newspaper to imply that a person's profession and position on committees somehow renders these guarantees forfeit is not only a pathetic excuse for "investigative journalism", but also risks setting a dangerous precedent whereby the basic rights of essential, hard-working medical professionals are eroded in the public conscience. Such thinly-veiled attacks on dedicated doctors will serve only to reduce already unprecedented low levels of morale, and further drive the ongoing exodus from the medical profession in the United Kingdom. As such, we the undersigned petition Tony Gallagher and The Sun to limit the damage done to these individuals and the medical profession as a whole by submitting a full, unreserved apology to the BMA junior doctors' committee in a prominent position on the front page of an edition of their newspaper.3,072 of 4,000 SignaturesCreated by Andy Nicholson
Cardiff without Culture? - Caerdydd heb Ddiwylliant?Arts and culture have an important role to play in the life of a capital city such as Cardiff. The ambition that has been laid out for Cardiff in the current 10-year strategy, Cardiff Proud Capital, wants the city to be a great place to live, work and play. Arts festivals, venues and organisations make a valuable contribution to the delivery of this vision, not just by providing leisure activities, but also by supporting community cohesion, health and wellbeing outcomes, and educational attainment. What would our city and our nation look like without this provision? Investment in the arts often more than doubles in the return to the economy. Three of the arts festivals that are under threat of cuts bring visitors to Cardiff from across the world to see the world class visual arts and music they produce. Tourism is a key part of Cardiff’s economy and the proposed cuts also seeks an increase in tourism income. Surely, in light of this, the cuts are a false economy. Many of the arts organisations and venues that Cardiff Council are proposing to cut are working with some of the most vulnerable residents in Cardiff to improve their quality of life. These venues and organisations are willing partners who will work the Council to develop this provision the funding is sustained. The right to culture is a basic human right. We want Cardiff Council to ensure that Cardiff is the Capital City Wales deserves and needs, and that culture remains alive and vibrant in the city. We don't want a #cardiffwithoutculture. Mae'r celfyddydau a diwylliant yn chwarae rhan bwysig ym mywyd prifddinas fel Caerdydd. Mae'r uchelgais sydd wedi ei gosod allan ar gyfer Caerdydd yn y strategaeth gyfredol, Prifddinas Falch Caerdydd, eisiau i'r ddinas fod yn le gwych i fyw, gweithio a chwarae. Mae gwyliau celfyddydol, lleoliadau a sefydliadau yn gwneud cyfraniad gwerthfawr at gyflawni'r weledigaeth hon, nid yn unig drwy ddarparu gweithgareddau hamdden, ond hefyd drwy gefnogi cydlyniant cymunedol, iechyd a lles, a chyrhaeddiad addysgol. Sut le fyddai ein dinas a'n cenedl, heb y ddarpariaeth hon? Mae buddsoddi yn y celfyddydau yn aml yn fwy na dyblu'r budd i'r economi. Mae tri o'r gwyliau celfyddydol sydd o dan fygythiad o doriadau yn dod ag ymwelwyr i Gaerdydd o bob cwr o'r byd i weld y gorau yn y byd o ran y celfyddydau gweledol a cherddoriaeth. Mae twristiaeth yn rhan allweddol o economi Caerdydd ac mae'r toriadau arfaethedig hefyd yn ceisio sicrhau cynnydd mewn incwm twristiaeth. Yn sicr, o ran hyn, mae'r toriadau yn economi ffug. Mae nifer o'r sefydliadau a'r lleoliadau celfyddydol y mae Cyngor Caerdydd yn bwriadu eu torri yn gweithio gyda rhai o'r trigolion mwyaf bregus yng Nghaerdydd i wella ansawdd eu bywydau. Mae'r rhain yn lleoliadau a sefydliadau fydda'i yn bartneriaid parod i weithio gyda'r Cyngor i ddatblygu'r ddarpariaeth hon os yw'r cyllid yn parhau i fod ar gael. Mae'r hawl i ddiwylliant yn hawl dynol sylfaenol. Rydym eisiau i Gyngor Caerdydd sicrhau bod Caerdydd yn brifddinas y mae Cymru ei haeddu a'i hangen, a bod diwylliant yn parhau i fod yn fyw ac yn ffynnu yn y ddinas. Nid ydym eisiau gweld #caerdyddhebddiwylliant.6,065 of 7,000 SignaturesCreated by Cardiff Without Culture
Improve mental health in East YorkshireNo more life's should be lost and our sons/daughters other family members should still be here now , we miss them and don't want no more family's losing loved ones bless the forever young428 of 500 SignaturesCreated by Rosie Bailey
Save Channel 4The government is drawing up plans to sell off Channel 4, even though the Channels is fully self-funding and profitable. In September, a government official was photographed entering Downing Street with a document setting out options for a sell-off. Since then, the government has refused to rule it out. Channel 4 is a public-service broadcaster quite distinct from the BBC. It offers an award-winning news programme which has shown itself to be impartial and well informed. In January of 2015 the Channel was nominated for the Responsible Media of the Year award at the British Muslim Awards. Given the misinformation and hatred peddled by some media outlets, we need responsible media more than ever. If Channel 4 is sold off, an important, independent voice in our news will be silenced. The government will make money, while the British public will be the loser. For more information visit: http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/2015/11/04/jon-snow-david-cameron-channel-4-privatisation_n_8474610.html346 of 400 SignaturesCreated by Katrina MacGregor
Brand New Gymnastics Facility in SwindonSwindon School of Gymnastics is currently the only Boy's & Mens Artistic Gymnastics facility in Wiltshire. But we need help; We may be losing our premises in 4 years time and want to build a State of The Art facility to support Men’s & Women’s Artistic, Disability Gymnastics, Tumbling, Trampolining and Acro for all ages. We also want to cater for Dance, Circus Skills, Cheerleading and the free running/Parkour side of fitness. Due to such a high profile success from Team GB, gymnastics is booming and our current facility can not cope with the increasing demand. We have 400 children training weekly and have over 600+ on our waiting list. We have a large dedicated team of volunteer coaches who give up their time for the sport whilst also working full time jobs. These coaches are eager to see the children improve and succeed. Their commitment is second to none, and they are ferociously hungry to see the children grow and develop into confident, well balanced individuals, whilst also enjoying a disciplined and challenging sport. We have an on site personal trainer, nutritionist and remedial sports massage therapist. We need your help on Facebook to like and share this plea as we need to maintain the momentum we are currently receiving through our paper petition. Please take a moment to help these children, as they love their chosen sport and thoroughly adopt the values and life mentoring support they receive from their devoted coaches. Thank you for your help.686 of 800 SignaturesCreated by Ben Josh Walker
Save Our East Sussex Children's CentresBy axing these groups and asking parents and volunteers to run them will have a detrimental effect on safeguarding, mental health, islolation and parenting issues which will in turn place further burden on other health services. Parents and children need this vital day to day support. These are short term cuts with long term implications.254 of 300 SignaturesCreated by francesca merryweather
Save North Tyneside NurseriesParents should continue to have the freedom to choose from a variety of local childcare providers: council, schools and private. Closing all the council-run nurseries will deny parents this choice. Some nurseries which are run by local schools do not open during the school holidays so this might not be a viable option for many parents, who would then be forced to move their children to privately-run nurseries. Furthermore, the council's current proposals will cause a significant amount of disruption, confusion and anxiety for a lot of pre-school children. UPDATE (18.12.15): (1) If you have already signed our paper petition, please don't sign this online petition as well! (2) North Tyneside Council will only accept petition signatures from people who live, work or study in the borough. If you don't have a North Tyneside postcode for one of these activities, please don't sign this petition. (3) Thank you for your support! There is more information about this campaign on the Facebook page "Save North Tyneside Children's Centre Nursery".1,851 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Tony Fuller
Keep free school transport for Grammar School pupils in Lincolnshire.As a parent I want what is best for my children. My son was given an OPPORTUNITY when he was offered a Grammar School place. If free school transport is withdrawn, a grammar school education would become a PRIVILEGE which many parents across Lincolnshire would be unable to afford.172 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Mick Flindall
I the undersigned want the local Post Office at Luddenden to remain openWhilst it’s great to live in such a beautiful part of the region, rural areas get a rough deal when it comes to services. I want to see the Post Office in Luddenden maintained to ensure those who depend on these services can continue to live in our area.12 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Owen Gilroy
Save our local bus services in OxfordshireALL SUBSIDISED bus routes in the county are set to lose their funding from Oxfordshire County Council under proposals approved in November 2015 by the Council. The subsidies are paid to bus companies and community groups so they can run 118 bus routes, mainly in rural areas, that would otherwise not be commercially viable. The bus network is vital to the health of local communities and especially important to vulnerable members of the community who use the network to access support and care and avoid social isolation. These cuts are totally unacceptable and a false economy as they will have hidden costs in terms of additional social care and health spending to support those who currently use the bus service to access support and life opportunities. The cuts also make a mockery of the County Council’s integrated transport plan and environmental targets. We are calling on the Leader of the County Council Council and the Prime Minister, who is MP for Winey and who has in correspondence questioned whether the cuts to front line council services are necessary in Oxfordshire, to resolve their disagreement about council funding and withdraw these cuts proposals before the new County Council budget is agreed in February. Deadline for completion January 12th (to be presented to the Council’s Transport Advisory Panel on the 14th January).1,764 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by David Radford
Ask David Cameron if he believes he upholds the 7 Principles of Public Office.By the Government's own definition (31st May 1995, Committee on Standards in Public Life) the 7 Principles of Public Office are "the basis of the ethical standards expected of public office holders". By this we take to mean that all politicians in Her Majesty's Government are expected to abide by the ethical standards set out in this document; and are therefore accountable both to the public and to the members of parliament if they can be seen to have failed in doing so. In the light of large bodies of evidence which can be presented to highlight the fact that the Prime Minister has failed to uphold the 7 Principles of Public Office, I would like the the Leader of the Opposition to personally raise the issue with him, in parliament, in order to hear his response.177 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Anthony Saggers
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