• Closing schools during extrem hot weather.
    High temp causes children to become lethargic. It also causes head aches, dizzesness, confusion, loss of appetite, a feeling of sickness, cramps, higher BP and pulse, Heat exhaustion can lead to full blown heat stroke. What is the point of making our children ill when they can't learn anything due to feeling so bad due to the heat. We need to put our children's health first. Our weather is changing due to climate change every year. It's going from one extrem to another. From bitter cold to torrential rain. Now we are starting to get hit by the heat for weeks on end.
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sonia Dove
  • Stop the aerial spraying of toxic chemicals on Dartmoor.
    This chemical is a toxic carcinogen, which will contaminate groundwater, soil, flora, and fauna. Most of Devon's water supply will become contaminated with Asulox, as the rivers start on Dartmoor. Grazing animals avoid areas sprayed with Asulox for many years, (thus giving them less food, year round, or them being forced to eat what they would like to refuse). The spraying is pointless, as in a short time the areas look as they did before they were sprayed. There are safer, sustainable methods. Please make it a priority to sign and share as widely as possible. We only have a short time, as spraying is due to start on July 1st. The safety data sheet says : S -phrase(s) S24 - Avoid contact with skin S37 - Wear suitable gloves S57 - Use appropriate container to avoid environmental contamination S60 - This material and its container must be disposed of as hazardous waste This product (Asulam) was banned by the EU. It was renamed Asulox https://www.harrells.com/resources/exports/file?n=ASULOX&t=sds Join the Facebook group to learn more https://www.facebook.com/groups/1897490687171289 This is useful information https://www.facebook.com/groups/1897490687171289/permalink/1899936393593385/
    9,178 of 10,000 Signatures
    Created by Mike Reynolds
  • Keep our beach clean
    Other than making our beautiful beach look ugly the majority of the rubbish will end up in the ocean which is terrible for the environment and wildlife. It is also dangerous for beach users, left over bottles can be broken and glass can then be easily stepped on bearing in mind most people aren't wearing shoes.
    365 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Jimmy Pearce
  • Please let the People Parking Bay in Hackney remain
    We would like to see a people parking bay or parklet in every street in Hackney. The provision of official parklets by Hackney Council in three locations in Hackney in three years is welcome and we recognise Hackney is ahead of the curve in London. However, it will take a millennium to have a significant impact on the parking environment in Hackney. Therefore, we would like to work with the Council to develop a community and business led 'parklet' programme that will allow people and businesses to invest in the public realm. This experimental community parklet allows the gauging of public support for such an idea. Please do let the experiment run its course. The bay is very popular with residents and passers by. The visitor book has hundreds of positive comments: https://goo.gl/photos/gUA8bbtaMamuCcUC8 Walking is the most common way for people to get around in Hackney but while car parking dominates kerbside space there is little provision for pedestrians to rest. Many people, including older and disabled people, and people with kids need regular rest stops while walking, and pavements are too narrow for walking let alone placing benches on them. The popularity of this people parking bay is demonstrating that resting spots for pedestrians are likely to very popular. The people parking bay was a lead article in Local Transport Today. https://www.transportxtra.com/publications/parking-review/news/53699/hackney-resident-wants-to-convert-parking-bays-into-people-places www.peopleparkingbay.com
    947 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Brenda Puech
  • Longer hoses & Taller cranes for Tower Blocks
    My nan has lived on the 12th floor of a Shepherd's Bush Tower block for 40 years. She is 77, if a fire broke out in the flats on her floor or higher she couldn't be reached. She walks with a walker and wouldn't make it down the stairs. Who would save her ??? In light of the Grenfell Fire it's now More important than ever. The firefighters did an Amazing Job but they didn't have the resources to reach the top. This isn't their fault it's due to cuts, those victims had to wait for a crane from Surrey!
    375 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Danielle Hartnett
  • Remove Michael Gove From Environment Secretary
    Michael Gove voted to sell off our forests and woodland preserved by the Forestry Commission. He has received over £100,000 in support from an oil company. He supports fracking and voted to allow drilling in our National Parks. He tried to remove climate change from the school curriculum when Education Secretary. He has voted against measures to tackle climate change. He voted for the badger cull. He supports fox hunting. More info: https://politicalscrapbook.net/2017/06/gove-voted-to-privatise-the-forests-and-has-taken-over-100000-from-a-big-oil-boss/
    266 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Peter Myers
  • Stop over packaging and use of non-recyclable products especially in the food industry
    Imagine that pile of rubbish pictured creating a corresponding mountain of tax revenue from whomever is unnecessarily putting non-recyclable materials into the supply chain. In Germany, the supermarkets themselves have bins near the checkout area into which customers are tacitly invited to place their unwanted packaging items for the retailers to dispose of. We need to minimise the use of non-recyclable packaging in retail, especially our fresh food. I used to work at a labelling factory: there are other viable ways of packaging, tagging, labelling and barcoding products that do not entail use of non-recyclable products. Nor is there any need for food retailers to ask customers to use plastic bags to package products such as loose vegetables in for weighing at tills (they need to be transparent for the person on the till to identify what they're weighing). It used to be that loose items would be weighed by staff in the same way as at their delis, where barcoded labels would be produced for the till staff to scan at checkout. More recyclable products - not film, tetrapack, or anything else that is not widely recyclable - should be used. I also want to see a ban on the use of any non-recyclable disposable gloves used in food retailer outlets such as a well known sandwich retailer, whose staff seem to change gloves each time they touch meat and are then trained to put on new gloves when they make another sandwich: there must be a better way. Retailers could be taxed for the amount of packaging waste they put into the system , and for the amount of non-recyclable packaging they are bringing into the system from their plants and the products they bulk buy and sell on. This would reduce non-biodegradable waste in landfill, and encourage reduction of unnecessary packaging - I don't want film around a DVD or a cucumber - which are uniform in price anyway - so that the supermarket can put a barcode on that rather than the products directly. The UK should especially given the Brexit choice, prioritise innovation in packaging technology that could be sold to the world instead of perpetuating the inertia that seems to plague politicians on green issues (possibly for fear of upsetting sectors that lobby and contribute to the economy, and perhaps also donate to political parties). For example Amazon have reduced their non-recyclable packaging (although they do not apparently pay enough tax): we should take the principles and positive elements of what such global corporations do and apply them more widely, and look into other countries' green packaging solutions. Ministers should stop their myopia and short-termist electioneering campaigns over-focusing on natural greed and our desire to preserve individual wealth, and look at ways to boost our economy, further the manufacture and use of green technologies, reduce waste in landfill and increase tax revenue from the massive national and international corporations controlling our food industry and pricing. The reality is that all the larger supermarkets are trying to convince us that they are ethical and have a corporate social responsibility, and this would be a good way of demonstrating that they mean it. Not everyone I know on social media has awareness of green organisations trying to further this project as a common aim, but would support the idea of such a tax: even if they do not believe in recycling, the vast majority would like to have less recycling to do, and would agree with there being fewer non-recyclables in the supply chain and the notion that corporations should be paying more tax. Green issues and tax revenues affect us all - many excuse their failure to recycle because they say our species is hurtling toward its doom in any event. It is exactly that sort of attitude that is damaging our world: we should expend our energy on ways to save ourselves instead: if we can get to the moon why can't we stop over-relying on non-recyclable packaging?
    482 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Jennifer Blyth
  • Remove plastics from PG Tips tea bags
    Unilever owns PG Tips, the UK's most popular cup of tea. Let's call on them to remove ALL plastics from tea bags - it is usually polypropylene. Teabags won't completely biodegrade if they have plastic in them. People in Britain drink 165m cups of tea EVERY day - with 96% of those from tea bags. That adds up to billions of pieces of plastic. As a market leader and the recent purchaser of Pukkha teas which doesn't use plastic in its tea bags, Unilever could help make a positive difference to the environment by removing plastic now. Polypropylene is a plastic and 20% is not a small or insignificant amount when multiplied up by the millions and millions of tea bags used daily around the world. All of these plastics remains un-degraded in the environment. There have been many campaigns to keep plastics and microplastics out of our seas, highlighting the harm they do to marine life. But the same is true of plastics on land as they can cause harm to birds and small mammals. We need to keep ALL plastics OUT of our environment. I believe that it is possible to use another material that is biodegradable - plant or fabric based. In fact, I understand that there is already one brand of conventional teabag which is polypropylene-free made by Jacksons of Piccadilly, so it is technically and practically possible. Let's make our environment plastic free and fully compostable with a change to the materials used in our tea bags.
    234,180 of 300,000 Signatures
    Created by Michael Armitage
  • Transparency for fashion
    The fashion industry is renowned for being the 4th most polluting industry in the world, While some companies have admirably already started to focus their efforts on sustainability, I am concerned that real change will not be effected without government intervention. Without state regulation, there is very little, or nothing, to oblige companies to adopt better work ethics and ensure that the production process follows a moral and ethical code. We are unlikely to inspire change within the fashion industry without an incentive or government supported initiative. Taking tobacco consumerism as an example, studies have found that there was little change in people’s habits simply by printing warnings on cigarette packets. However, once the UK government took steps to ban smoking in public places the number of smokers dropped significantly. I would urge the British government and the European Parliament to consider the imposition of regulation within the fashion industry, to include production, environmental protection and working conditions. If we consider fast fashion for a moment, have you ever really given thought to the practices that companies must engage in overseas in order to produce such vast amounts of clothing on a large scale, still managing to sell them to consumers at £2-£5 per piece and yet also retain profitability? Fast fashion aside, how do luxury brands manage the huge quantities of waste they produce and how do they dispose of it? Many do not turn their mind to these matters because they are not within eye's reach. However, as a leading country in the Western world where we are increasingly concerned with climate change, where we pride ourselves on human rights and where we have enacted new laws to tackle slavery in the modern world, we have a duty to ensure that the things we consume (whether produced nationally or internationally) all meet a standard that we should be entitled to expect. It is time to encourage a political dialogue between the government and the fashion industry. Purely for reference, please consider the following: -The report ‘Fashion Transparency Index’, from Fashion Revolution; https://issuu.com/fashionrevolution/docs/fr_fashiontransparencyindex2017?e=25766662/47726047 Movies: The True Cost - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OaGp5_Sfbss RiverBlue: https://vimeo.com/190158582 How French government effectively implemented new regulations for the production and use of plastic http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/france-bans-plastic-cups-plates-cutlery-energy-transition-for-green-growth-a7313076.html?cmpid=facebook-post
    315 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Davide Carrano
  • Do not turn Hillside Park playing field, Bodmin, into a car park.
    It is the only public access sports area in West Bodmin. There is no indication they would replace it. Bodmin is already an air pollution management area. The traffic fumes in the area of the car park will remain at the bottom of the valley and increase the already existing air pollution problem.
    437 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Elaine Nwajei
  • Anglesey Says No to Pylons
    This petition is relevant to all rural communities who face new electricity transmission lines due to the growth of nuclear and renewable energy Anglesey is a rural, island community in North Wales, with a small population. Income and house prices are well below the national average. Agriculture and tourism are vital to the local economy. We oppose National Grid’s proposal due to the impact on: 1 - The landscape - which will adversely affect tourism 2 - Property prices - which will not be compensated 3 - Health - there is growing evidence of adverse effects of electro-magnetic fields (EMFs) 4 - Farming - leading agricultural organisations are opposed If Ofgem considered these impacts, National Grid would use underground or subsea cables. This petition is relevant to all rural communities who face new electricity transmission lines due to the growth of nuclear and renewable energy Mae Ynys Môn yn gymuned wledig yng ngogledd Cymru, gyda phoblogaeth fechan. Mae Incwm lleol a phrisiau tai yn llawer is na'r cyfartaledd cenedlaethol. Mae amaethyddiaeth a thwristiaeth yn hanfodol i'r economi leol. Rydym yn gwrthwynebu'r cynnig y Grid Cenedlaethol oherwydd yr effaith ar: 1 - Ddirwedd yr Ynys - a fydd yn cael effaith andwyol ar dwristiaeth 2 - Prisiau eiddo - ni fydd yn cael ei digolledu 3 - Iechyd - ceir tystiolaeth gynyddol o effeithiau andwyol o feysydd electromagnetig (EMFs) 4 - Ffermio -Mae'r prif sefydliadau amaethyddol yn gwrthwynebu peilonau Petal Ofgem yn ystyried yr effeithiau hyn, byddai Grid Cenedlaethol yn defnyddio ceblau tanddaear neu tanfor
    14,105 of 15,000 Signatures
    Created by Jonathan Dean
  • Reverse the decision to close the Flour Mill Pond to anglers
    This decision affects everyone in the village of Greenfield, where the Flour Mill pond has been fished for decades with no reporting of fishers injuring themselves or giving rise to health and safety concerns. The people of Greenfield wish this decision to be overturned and reversed as it was made with no consultation from local people, and against the recommendation of Flintshire County Council officers. This decision is not only destroying the landscape that many love to come and visit, but also the habitats of wildlife in the area and the surrounding environment.
    329 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Nina Davies