• Make recycling easier in Tower Hamlets
    For many years community groups such as Teviot Action Group (TAG) and other organizations supplied residents with recycling bags which were delivered in bulk to offices and centers. Residents knew they could always pop in and collect some whenever they were walking past. This system worked very well in all areas. As a result residents kept neighborhoods clean and tidy and recycled efficiently. The recent change in the system means that residents can only collect recycling bags from Idea Stores on certain days. For those with busy careers, working families, the disabled and the elderly this is just not possible, and will be a bigger issue for all in the winter. As a result our rubbish bins are overflowing and present a health hazard, a fire risk, and make our communities look unsightly. We ask for a common-sense approach to be taken by the Council because the new system is just not working. Any costs saved are swallowed up by the extra work needed to clean our streets. Recycling has reduced since the change. Our communities want to keep the borough clean but we cannot do this with an unworkable system of recycling bags distribution.
    109 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Crissy Townsend
  • Ban use of Helium for Balloons
    Helium balloons not only waste the finite sources of Helium gas on Earth, needed for both science and for medicine, but they also cause untold damage to sealife and the environment on our coasts. Our coasts are being littered with debris not just from these so-called 'Happy Meal' balloons, but also from the plastic parts and the unbreakable ribbons attached to them. All these parts are harming our farm animals, wildlife, birds and sea creatures, and are littering our beaches. The sale of helium-type balloons is everywhere, yet filled once and quickly discarded. This is such a waste of the world's precious helium. https://www.thoughtco.com/will-we-run-out-of-helium-3975959 Helium is a vital resource for both scientists and the medical profession. The plastic balloon and streamer don't go to heaven, they come back down in a field or the sea and harm our wildlife. Don't throw it away! Read more about the harm caused, go to http://www.whales.org.au/alert/helium.html
    95 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Chrissie Brown
  • Say no to advertising, normalising or glorifying hunting by Scotland's national tourism agency
    Currently Visit Scotland links to a Perthshire based hunting outfit and under this listing at https://www.visitscotland.com/info/see-do/mirani-hunting-p1190411 there is a gallery of images showing a range of animal carcasses alongside the gloating hunter who supposedly killed them. Scotland enjoys a rich and wide selection of wild animals and it is our duty to protect them. Not kill them and pose for selfies.
    677 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Rob McDowall Picture
  • St Austell Railway Station
    These Grade II listed structures are in a state of perilous neglect. It is in the public interest that, as listed structures of historical significance, and as local landmarks, they are preserved.
    662 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Nicholas Storey
  • Bathampton Toll - Another Tax on people, simply trying to get to work!
    I am extremely disappointed to see that The General Estates Company (http://www.general-estates.co.uk) who own and operate the Bathampton Toll Bridge feels there is justification in increasing the charges from 70p to 80p each way – a 12.5% increase, way above the current rate of inflation at 2.6% and certainly higher than the increase many have received in salary over the last 4 years, since last it increased. Firstly, I have requested from several sources what possible justification there could be for increasing this cost? The Bathampton Mill bridge has for a long time been more expensive, per distance travelled than The Seven Bridge, The Clifton Suspension Bridge and even The Dartford Crossing bridge on the M25. During this time of austerity and nationwide uncertainty, when the cost of living in has never been higher in recent history, how can anyone justify this unfair price hike? The toll bridge takes £1000's of every day from people just trying to get to work, taking their kids to school, operate their business... basically just trying to get on with their busy lives. It is an unjust Tax on honest, local people, when the alternative routes through Bath, Bradford or Limpley Stoke are by no means acceptable alternatives. Yet again we are penalised for simply trying to get to work!! I am sure that many local people chose to cycle or walk when it is viable, but since public transport does not offer an alternative option, the toll bridge is often the only route, unless you have time to drive into Bath or Bradford instead. I have had enough!!! As well as starting this petition, calling on a halt to this increase, I will also pursue a complete stop at best, a reduction at least to the charges to residence of the 3 boughs of Bathford, Batheaston and Bathampton. I will also be making formal complaints to MP's as well as Bath, Bathampton and Batheaston Councils to stop this unjustifiable increase and yet another increased tax on local people. Please support this cause and stop this frustrating and expensive toll.
    198 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Matthew Chiles
  • Save the beavers of Beauly Scotland
    The beaver is the most important, formerly native, animal to Britain that could create landscapes that protect our native plants and animals. They also save taxpayers money in water treatment and flood management costs. The beaver was hunted to extinction and we have a duty to bring them back to our rivers. The effects of beavers will improve water quality, reduce flooding and help turn our river banks back into wildlife havens. This is resisted by some groups who want to exploit our river banks for private gain or fear change in the countryside. 1. The beaver family in the Beauly is not causing any problems and is popular with locals 2. They did not come from illegal releases so there is no need for SNH to make an example of them. 3. They have been there for 5 years or more and are breeding. Kits have been seen this year. 4. Trees for Life are fundraising to run a licensed beaver project in that area and would like to study and add to the existing beaver population. 5. Without this it could take decades for beavers to disperse naturally to the north of the Cairngorms. 6. Trapping these beavers is a waste of public money and a pointless animal welfare risk.
    4,446 of 5,000 Signatures
    Created by Castor Anglicus
  • Funding for New Ferry gas explosion
    Jake Berry MP (Tory minister for the so-called Northern "Powerhouse") has advised cash strapped Wirral Council to use its own resources and reserves to help victims of the huge explosion that tore through the centre of New Ferry, Wirral earlier this year. 33 people were injured 2 seriously, many businesses were destroyed, a further dozen shops and services put out of action and 30 families displaced from their homes. With so much of the town centre destroyed, shoppers have stopped going to New Ferry and the surviving businesses are suffering from loss of trade and facing financial ruin. Insurance companies have been very slow to act and indeed reluctant to pay out (with nobody having yet been found guilty of causing the explosion), leaving residents and businesses without sufficient financial support with which to rebuild their lives. Many people are not only suffering financially, but also emotionally with depression and the equivalent of post-traumatic stress disorder. The government has shockingly refused to call the explosion a NATIONAL INCIDENT, what on earth does constitute a "national incident" then ? Despite pleas for funding assistance from local MPs, businesses and residents, the government has turned its back on this devastated community, citing rules and regulations for not offering any disaster relief funding to help those affected. New Ferry, Wirral - a deprived community in a Labour controlled authority - is being treated entirely differently to other communities in the UK that have faced similar, and seemingly less significant, disasters. Jake Berry's refusal of assistance is an absolute disgrace and makes a mockery of the title Northern Powerhouse. New Ferry should be treated the same as other communities that have recently suffered (as should every community in the country should a similar disaster befall them), and the rebuilding of its centre should be funded by the British government A.S.A.P If you agree that New Ferry (and every other community in the country affected by such an economically damaging disaster) should be treated fairly and given government support, please, please sign this petition, thank you
    2,123 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Kevin Pulford
  • Great Western Railway to add later services
    Bath and Bristol attract visitors from a wide catchment area for cultural events and for pubs and restaurants. Bristol has plans to develop a concert venue next door to the railway station. Thousands of car journeys would be saved by a later train. Thousands of car journeys to existing venues in Bristol and Bath would be saved. I am disabled. I have to rely on others driving to take me to Bath and Bristol for the theatre and concerts. A later train would give me and many like me independence.
    1,247 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by David Gray
    Homes and Communities Agency 'dismantled' two wooden footbridges, thus preventing access to the most beautiful part of Ifield Brook Meadows along the riverbank. Two footbridges must be re-built so the local community can fully enjoy this special area - which has been granted 'Local Green Space' protection by Crawley Borough Council for the town's 70th Anniversary.
    122 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Richard W. Symonds
  • Keep cars off National Cycle Route 1 in King's Lynn
    This motor car free road is extensively used by cyclists, pedestrians, along with children and parents going and coming from Whitefriars School. It passes alongside Harding's Pits, a local nature zone, the peace and quiet of which would be ended if it were opened to all traffic.We have more than a year to collect the 5000 signatures required to force a full debate in the Council. Let us go to it!
    1,276 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Kevin Waddington Picture
  • Require solar panels on new homes
    Helps to meet our co2 reduction targets whilst reducing energy costs for new home buyers.
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Gerry Langford
  • No To Baddow Bus Gate
    This petition has been reopened as following the delivery of 1500 plus signatures to Essex County Council on 27th August 2017 and again with in excess of 1800 signatures on the 25th January. Essex County Council announced in November that they DO intend to implement the bus gate scheme for an 18 month trial, this has now been reduced to 12 months. http://www.essexhighways.org/highway-schemes-and-developments/major-schemes/chelmsford-city-growth-package.aspx We need to continue to collect as many signatures as possible from local people to show that this is NOT the right solution! The proposed bus gate in Baddow road will prevent all vehicles except busses from travelling to the Army and Navy roundabout at peak times, effectively cutting off everyone who lives in or near Baddow Road from having access to the city centre without a long detour. The traffic that will no longer be allowed to travel down Baddow Road will be forced to go through Great Baddow village or Moulsham Lodge, thus increasing the volume of traffic near schools. The bypass is already too busy and has long queues at rush hour plus this will increase with the Manor Farm housing development. For anybody living within the area of Great Baddow between Beehive Lane and the Army & Navy, they will be blocked from entering town along the shortest and fastest route. Local residents will have to travel from the top of Baddow Road all the way back into Great Baddow to join the Baddow Bypass, to then return into Chelmsford area. In terms of pollution, this is forcing people to make much longer journeys. Not everybody is able to catch a bus nor do the busses suit travelling to many places of work as we are not all going into the city. ECC have yet to announce that they will insist that bus companies operate electric or hybrid vehicles. I have found the following document https://www.chelmsford.gov.uk/EasySiteWeb/GatewayLink.aspx?alId=25235 which on page 13 states that “HDV class vehicles were found to be contributing over 60% of traffic related NOx despite representing less than 7% of the total vehicle movements in the AQMA. Traffic counts for the roads that link with the Army and Navy Roundabout indicate that the majority of HDVs are public service vehicles (PSVs). In particular, in Baddow Road over 80% of HDVs are PSVs.” Put simply, the busses (PSV’s) are the main cause of pollution! Therefore, if the bus companies were to invest in newer, cleaner vehicles, this would improve air quality without any further need to restrict vehicles. Having spoken to ECC representatives at two of the consultations, the council does not have any confirmation from the bus companies that more busses would be scheduled nor fares re-examined. The air quality figures and their manipulation is also dubious, please see pages 4 & 5 https://www.chelmsford.gov.uk/EasySiteWeb/GatewayLink.aspx?alId=25235 A large percentage of traffic will have to take a long detour through the village and down the Baddow by pass, this will result in long queues on the slip road. Please take a look at the Design Stage 2 document http://www.essexhighways.org/uploads/ccgp/ccgp-baddow-road-bus-gate-design-stage-2-report-small.pdf which states that "When additional traffic is added to Essex Yeomanry Way (Baddow Bypass) with Baddow Road closed to general traffic north-west bound, VISSIM modelling suggests that the queue increases". They then follow this with "but with no significant impact upon average delay because of the altered traffic flow patterns at the roundabout allowing vehicles to access the roundabout more quickly." So we will not only have to take a huge detour but also have the "pleasure" of sitting in a longer queue! Many thanks for your support. Maxine Jones
    3,017 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Maxine Jones