• Reduction of sugar content is wrongly worded
    By just making manufacturers reduce the sugar content by 20%, they will just reduce the weight. "We reduced the amount of sugar from 100g to 80g, we cut the weight from 200g to 160g!". By wording the reduction to 20 'by volume' then they will have to keep the size the same but reduce the actual sugar percentage, which will make the snacks healthier.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tony Upton-Huang
  • Remove Eagle Couriers NHS Contract
    This is important because, Eagle Couriers are exploitative towards the drivers who do the work, and in both the manner in which they treat them and pay them. Drivers are expected to work a 10hr day and also be on call at all other times, which is unsafe as drivers can be on the road for a sustained amount of time. For example, a driver may have worked a long shift during the day, then be called out after his/her shift to make another long journey which could be anywhere Britain delivering emergency blood supplies/drugs/human tissue. All though drivers are "self-employed" they are unable to refuse the work as the company will then withold future work from them, as a means of punishment. Drivers pay for there own fuel and van. When considering the length of hours involved and costs accrued to the driver, they are regularly working for far less than the minimum wage, often £2-3ph. We believe this is unacceptable behaviour for a company who's contracted for vital work within our NHS. Please sign this petition to help bring this to the attention of Shona Robison MSP. Thanks for taking the time to read this and thanks for your support. Stuart Morgan.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Stuart Morgan
  • Frontline Services could miss out on Social Care Funding
    If you or your family depend on social carers to help you live at home please join me in Standing Up for Social Care. In response to the Social Care Crisis, the government has allocated a phased increase to Social Care Funding via local authorities. However, it is not as straight forward as it appears to be, because some local authorities already know there are funding conditions that prevent funds being allocated to the ‘frontline’ of social care services because funding will be shared or influenced by Health. What does that mean to families depending on Social Care? It means Health Services will get the funding and Social Care Services will remain in the same ‘Crisis’! The ‘Social Care Crisis’ is a serious warning of the potential collapse of the essential Social Care Services in our communities. Social Care Services and the amazing people who work at the frontline of Care in Our Communities are seen as the unskilled poor relation of Health Services. In reality our social carers are the highly skilled workforce throughout the UK who are the key to reducing part a significant part of the burden on Health Services. Unless we find a cure for all degenerative diseases (MS, Parkinson’s, Dementia, Motor Neuron Disease to name but a few of a very long list) we will always NEED Social Care Services to take the pressure off Health Services. A hospital stay currently costs £400 a day & 4 daily Social Care Visits currently costs £60 for 4 hours. It is not difficult to see why the appropriate use of Social Care Funding can stop ‘bed blocking’ completely and save the NHS huge amounts of money. So why can’t hospitals find Social Care Providers to discharge their patients into the care of?? Because Social Care is in CRISIS – and providers cannot continue to be underpaid to provide care and are in urgent NEED of increased funding at frontline of social care. If we keep doing what we are doing – we will keep getting what we are getting – and we are very quickly losing Social Care Providers every week! So if we don’t take this crisis more seriously – Social Care will collapse. David Mowatt (as our Parliamentary Under Secretary for Community Care) can ensure that announced funds will be used to resolve the social care crisis. But WE need to petition him to listen to the voice of Social Care. Do you know or love someone who could not live at home without social carers coming in? Together we can make a difference – please sign this petition. Thank you.
    27 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Geraldine Walker
  • Westminster Bridge Road Safety Measures
    With hindsight it is obvious that there is no separation of pedestrians from heavy traffic ... nothing but a small curb ..... We want to stop the terror attack on the Westminster Bridge and similar locations by adding buffers to prevent traffic mounting the curb deliberately or by accident Public safety demands safety measures now
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Judith Randall
  • Dog Mess Bin For Arddleen
    Our childrens safety js paramount and with the amount of dog mess on the path this could become a health issue. secondly its just not nice for the children and the parents to be walking this mess into schools / homes / cars
    15 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Neil Evans
  • Make men more aware about men's breast cancer
    This issue is important because the majority of men are not aware they can get breast cancer. They need to understand how effected they can be and what chance they have of getting it.
    23 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ben Ingram
  • Defibrillators for all Sports Facilities in Scotland
    We as parents want our children to participate in a range of activities. Sports Club's should have a defibrillator as it could save someones life
    16 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Heather Storrie
  • Prevent Employers From Recouping Costs From Sick/Injured Workers.
    There is a climate of fear and insecurity in all areas of employment this, opportunistic, cynical attempt to off-set costs will add to that. Furthermore, workers should not be given a double penalty: lost wages plus the burden of paying for cover while they are sick. No businesses should feel this is an acceptable response. This is a chance for the government to demonstrate a modicum of support for struggling workers.
    23 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Anthony Dowling
  • Mental health emergency service
    At the moment I am going through a tough patch with anxiety and depression and I find myself feeling scared. I increasingly feel that I want to go to hospital, but am aware that it is much harder to become an inpatient than it was 20 years ago. An issue I saw on the Government petition website made me think. If long term sufferers like me, or their families, phoned 999 they could be put through to a person trained to deal with these issues. They could provide immediate support or intervention or a referral. This would free up the police and ambulance services. If another emergency service needed to be involved, this could be assessed and coordinated. Equally, one of the other emergency services could contact the mental health team for advice or to require a physical presence by one of the team. The Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health Trust already have street triage in place, so this could be used as a model for a nationwide roll out : https://www.bsmhft.nhs.uk/our-services/urgent-care/street-triage/ This petition has been inspired by the following petition: https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/172423
    22 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Gillian White
  • Update Musselburgh's Care Homes
    Claire says, "This is important because the people using these facilities are the friends and family of people from our community. With the amount of housing being built this problem can only get worse and it is our parents and grandparents who will be the ones to suffer. "The most vulnerable in our society deserve the best care and facilities that we are able to provide. The care provided by Eskgreen and The Hollies is second to none but they provide that care in spite of the chronic under investment made by our council and government."
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Claire Graham
  • List the chemicals used in the production of foods sold in our shops.
    How can we choose to eat healthily if we don't know what's in our foods? We know that many of the chemical used in growing and processing our food have deleterious effect on health, but if we don't know what they are we cannot safely avoid them. For instance "Roundup" has been found in many cereal based foods, such as bisquits, breads and breakfast cereals and has been linked to hormonal, reproductive interference and to cancers (Scientific American). Roundup is used by almost every farmer in the US and the UK. There are 47 different pesticides used on apples. 4 are known or probable carcinogens, 16 are suspected hormone disrupters, 5 are neurotoxins, 6 are developmental and reproductive toxins and 11 are honeybee toxins (whatsonmyfood.org). Apples are supposed to be good for you! The public need to be informed of the toxins in the food they buy and eat.
    28 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Eva Tombs
  • Mental Health Policy for NHS workers (Ambulance Staff)
    It would save lives, hospital admissions, money by employees treated, responding to and returning to work more quickly and with more confidence with the most appropriate and adequate help at hand.
    40 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Darren Cornish Picture