• Saving Refugees in the Med
    The people wouldn't take such risks if it didn't offer them better hope than they had at home. They will still come regardless and boats will still capsize and children will still drown if we do nothing to help reduce the amount. This is a human tragedy and we must increase what we are doing to help the victims.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Michael Birchmore
  • Provide more support for refugees
    I believe this country should be showing more compassion to refugees who are seeking safety. We need to consider helping these people feel safe and allow those in danger a safe haven in this country. We need to help reduce the number of people drowning because of the desperate situation they are in and take the lead from other european countries who are trying to help these people.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Paul Leeming
  • Show humanity and give asylum to refugees
    The world is facing the worst refugee crisis since the Second World War. We need to plan and take humane measures both short and long term to do what is right
    30 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Janice Illingworth
  • Cameron must accept more asylum seekers
    Britain has paid a part in destabilizing all of these areas. We have a moral imperative to take in refugees from conflict in these regions, albeit at a cost to ourselves and at the Conservative Party's cost to their political popularity. Refusing sanctuary to these asylum seekers enables and legitimizes human trafficking. Britain's current stance of taking so few refugees is a shameful disgrace. Children continue to suffocate and drown while Britain complacently and self-centredly looks the other way.
    56 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tessa Roynon
  • Parliament: create a system for UK public to house Syrian Refugees
    The people fleeing Syria need shelter and refuge. The victims in Syria are dying from war, not starvation. This is not a migration issue. It is a humanitarian issue and with 6.5 million Syrian's displaced, asylum is the key.
    68 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sara Harvey
  • UK safe haven for Syrian refugees
    Adults and children are dying trying to escape from conflict in their own country. They need a safe haven,in UK, until it is safe to return. UK should cooperate with other EU countries to facilitate their escape, thereby reducing their reliance on criminal traffickers, and then provide temporary accommodation and resources until it is safe for them to return to Syria. NOW is not the time for focus on catching traffickers, nor for political issues, such as limiting immigration into UK
    34 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Pat Brandwood
  • U.S gun laws
    The protection of UK citizens visiting the USA.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Suzi Hanney
  • Stop FGM now!
    FGM is a means of maintaining the inequality of the sexes/genders. It is an horrific practice and injurious to a woman in the process of giving birth.
    78 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Andrew Sykes
  • Benefit sanctions kill
    Challenge prejudice against people on benefits. Mark Wood, 44, of Bampton, Oxfordshire, starved to death in 2013 weighing just 5st 8lb after assessors Atos declared him fit to work and took away housing benefit and employment support allowance.
    21 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Claire Wallington
  • People's Protest Against Court Closures
    The undermining of access to justice is gaining pace under the Conservative government and that denies UK citizens their rights to seek a legally binding outcome to their issues. It is also a serious attack on the democratic process. The discussions thus far have highlighted travel times to other courts as not being unduly difficult. However, this focusses on car users. For those that need to attend court by use of public transport this can become a major impediment to their access to justice. It indeed appears to be a deliberate action to deny justice to vast swathes of the population
    9 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Dave Putson
  • URGENT DEMAND - All EU States Must Set Up a Humanitarian Fund for the Current Refugee Crisis
    The rising death toll due to the unscrupulous methods used by traffickers and the daily scenes of unacceptable border treatment of vulnerable migrants.
    22 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Dave Traxson
  • Cure the Calais Calamity
    The holdups to traffic, particularly commercial vehicles, are costing the country money. Not to mention the mental anguish of living rough in France, and the dangers of illegal transport.
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by George Woolhouse