stop deportations to ebola countriesThe Foreign Office say that there should only be essential travel to these countries, but in the UK the HO is still sending people back to an uncertain future. Many of these people will return to countries where health services, education and civil society is in a state of collapse. The USA have allowed Liberians to stay in the USA until the threat is over. The UK should do the same.34 of 100 SignaturesCreated by jenny mahimbo
Nestle - pay a living wage in your supply chainPaying a living wage to those supplying the company will make a massive difference to the lives of workers all over the world. For example on average, cocoa farmers earn less than $2 per day, an income below the poverty line. As a result, they often resort to the use of child labour to keep their prices competitive.3 By committing to paying a living wage not only will they drive up the pay of workers it will also mean that suppliers will not have to resort to exploiting child labour. In 2012 Nestlé UK used cocoa farmer Kouame Fasseri, from the Cote d’Ivoire to promote its Fairtrade Kit Kat. He spoke about the difference the Fairtrade premiums had made to his community going towards a new health centre, health insurance and a new school.4 Two years on it is time that Nestle started to pay a living wage to all its workers. 1 http://www.nestle.com/asset-library/documents/library/documents/suppliers/supplier-code-english.pdf 2 http://www.utzcertified-trainingcenter.com/home/images/stories/library_files/EN_UTZ_Core_Code_for_Individual_Certification_2014.pdf 3 http://www.foodispower.org/slavery-chocolate/ 4 http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/articles/Bvfr7qXS4gmWz3ptXVymT7/does-the-fairtrade-label-on-your-chocolate-bar-mean-100-fairtrade-cocoa-beans121 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Tim Hunt
Change The Law To Protect The DeadAt the moment, UK law allows any person to be disinterred for scientific testing, and without the consent of relatives or descendants if the remains are over 100 years old. Licences are issued routinely, regardless of the identity of the person being disinterred, and human remains must be kept available for testing as long as the licence holder chooses. Large portions of the remains are often destroyed during testing, and remains are frequently kept in storage boxes in universities and various other institutions. Even when remains are returned for reburial, by law, the licence holder is allowed to disinter again for further testing at will, and there's nothing the relatives can do to stop this. Nor can they prevent archaeologists from ignoring the known wishes of the deceased, their faith (if known or applicable), the circumstances under which they were originally buried, or relocating them to a different burial site. King Richard III has been significantly damaged during testing, and his remains are going to be scientifically preserved in a sterile ossuary hidden inside a coffin, so that he is prevented from decay after reburial - his remains are to be kept available for further disinterment and testing by law. Permission is being sought to search for and disinter three of his close relatives, two of them children, and a search is underway for King Harold (of the Battle of Hastings) at the moment. Other royal burials have also become of scientific interest since King Richard's discovery. In Leicester a couple who were buried over 1000 years ago holding hands, have recently been dug up and parted from each other for no justifiable reason. War graves have also been disturbed, and any soldiers that have died during WWI are at risk of disturbance and testing, with little to nothing their relatives and descendants can do to prevent it. All reburials over 100 years old are at immediate potential risk if the scientific community takes an interest in them, and if the law isn't changed to protect the dead, each one of us and our loved ones may also be one day at risk from disturbance and destruction for the sake of curiosity. The law needs to be changed to protect the dead from deliberate disturbance and destructive testing, and to make archaeologists, universities, and the Church of England respect the peace of the dead, respect their own burial wishes, and the rights of family and descendants (where traceable).46 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Rosie Simons
Change the annuity pension lawThe chancellor has recently changed the annuity laws allowing people to to take their pension in a lump sum. Pensioners who recently cashed in their annuity, because they had no option at the time, are now stuck with pitifully small monthly pensions that will quickly lose their value with yearly inflation. This is especially true of small annuity funds with a value under £30'000. Due to the recession many people are trapped with debt that they have little chance of paying off. Allowing people to take their own money in a lump sum is just and fair. The chancellor has seen this and is changing the law, but what about those people who cannot take their money because the law does not allow it?35 of 100 SignaturesCreated by David Mundy
NICK CLEGG - PLEASE SIGN MY STOOKIEMy arm is itchy and I've got to use a plastic knife to scratch it and I think if I get Nick's autograph plastered over the plaster-cast it will take my mind of things.7 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Michael Marshall
Illegitimate Government Must Immediately ResignWe, the people of this land, trust that the spirit in which we elect to delegate some authority to government is not abused and that the people we elect into government will look after our best interests. This coalition government has abused that trust and authority and has committed, and continues to commit systematic abuses of the electorates' Human Rights. As such, we have no faith in government and therefore demand that the government resigns immediately as it is no longer considered legitimate by the electorate. The failure of Members of Parliament, specifically those whom hold a Public Office, to resign immediately will result in arrest and detainment pending a trial by jury at Common Law for crimes against humanity, charges of which will be presented in full upon arrest.50 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Darren Harper
UK Devolution - Cross Party Royal Commission on Constitutional ReformBecause of their nature, political parties will try to control this process so that it is in their best interest. The referendum in Scotland has unveiled a level of mistrust in Westminster. A commission at the request of Her Majesty The Queen would give people faith in the process.65 of 100 SignaturesCreated by John Andrews
Genital Integrity for All ChildrenThe harms of female genital mutilation in all of its forms are well known, and the practice is rightly legally condemned. It is accepted that children have fundamental rights to bodily integrity and self-determination that cannot be outweighed by the wishes of a parent to follow religious or cultural practices. Cutting a child's genitals is a serious affront to these rights, and it can cause irreversible physical and psychological harm. However, in law and public policy this obvious conclusion is only applied to female children, when it is both boys and girls who are at risk from genital cutting. It is our opinion that all children have this same right to bodily integrity, and that this should be reflected in the law. Opponents have claimed that infant circumcision is harmless and has no long-term consequences. However, evidence from the experience of adults circumcised as children, from scientific investigation, and from the statistics of boys who are left with serious physical side effects or who even die as a result of these procedures attests to the physical and psychological harm that it can cause. Genital cutting can affect all children, and can harm all children. It is well past time to make it a thing of the past.28 of 100 SignaturesCreated by S G
Nottingham City Council To adopt as policy the BDS campaign against Israel.To adopt as policy the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions campaign against Israel. In support of the call for an end to attacks on Gaza. The end of administrative detention and an arms embargo. 2,104 people killed in Gaza - UN estimates 69% of deaths are civilians and yet no action has been taken by any country. The number of men, woman and children injured are numerous. Buildings and Infastructure have been devasted.23 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Amin Din
Sack Guto BebbI feel this attitude is disgusting as a fellow sufferer of Aspergers I am outraged by these comments. See mirror article below for more: http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/tory-mp-tells-autistic-man-416698070 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Thomas Elliot
Save Ukraine, save EuropeThere are two things happening between Ukraine and Russia right now. First, Russian and Ukrainian leaders are meeting in Belarus to negotiate a peace deal in the Ukrainian conflict that Russia insists it has nothing to do with. Second, Russian military forces are crossing the border into Ukraine in what is clearly a hostile invasion and act of war. That includes Russian artillery, Russian tanks, Russian-trained irregular forces, and even uniformed Russian soldiers who have admitted on camera that they are Russian military ordered to invade by their commanders. But the first piece of that is obfuscating the second. Getting Russia to agree to a peace deal on Ukraine requires lots of careful diplomacy, and that means that no one wants to formally acknowledge Russia's invasion of Ukraine, even though Russia is definitely invading Ukraine right now. That's how you have even the more hawkish figures in the Obama administration making statements like this: http://www.vox.com/2014/8/27/6069415/lets-be-clear-about-this-russia-is-invading-ukraine-right-now87 of 100 SignaturesCreated by matt hatton
Stop piracy in the planning processAt the moment the law favours developers, who can cast doubt on boundaries and have the resources to pursue such claims. Planners rely on a prescriptive set of measurements and rules which limit their ability to make ethical judgements. Councillors equally err in favour of planners to avoid expensive litigation. Neighbours who are unable to fund a challenge are easily disregarded. Currently planning applications are being passed despite boundary disputes, causing immense distress to residents in neighbouring properties who can object but are told by planning officers that there is no requirement for applicants to demonstrate ownership of land being developed.90 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Berni Walsh
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