• People's Protest Against Court Closures
    The undermining of access to justice is gaining pace under the Conservative government and that denies UK citizens their rights to seek a legally binding outcome to their issues. It is also a serious attack on the democratic process. The discussions thus far have highlighted travel times to other courts as not being unduly difficult. However, this focusses on car users. For those that need to attend court by use of public transport this can become a major impediment to their access to justice. It indeed appears to be a deliberate action to deny justice to vast swathes of the population
    9 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Dave Putson
  • URGENT DEMAND - All EU States Must Set Up a Humanitarian Fund for the Current Refugee Crisis
    The rising death toll due to the unscrupulous methods used by traffickers and the daily scenes of unacceptable border treatment of vulnerable migrants.
    22 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Dave Traxson
  • Cure the Calais Calamity
    The holdups to traffic, particularly commercial vehicles, are costing the country money. Not to mention the mental anguish of living rough in France, and the dangers of illegal transport.
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by George Woolhouse
  • Save Democratic Malaysia From A Dictatorship
    Democracy in Malaysia is at danger of being overtaken by the dictatorial rule of PM Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak who has been accused of misappropriating public funds. Billions have been moved around the world in suspicious circumstances and the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) had reported that RM2.6 bilion (US$700mil) had been transferred into PM Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak's personal bank accounts. The PM has attempted to silence the people through blocking internet sites, suspending the publishing of selected newspapers, the arrests of politicians, media representatives, individuals who protest the misappropriation or those who are involved in its investigation. The Ministry of Home Affairs, Malaysia has through abuse of discretionary powers removed evidence compiled by the "Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC)" in their investigation of 1MDB, to thwart investigations and where some of MACC’s personnel were arrested or questioned. The gabenor of the national bank has been removed and the Malaysian authorities in its attempt to further silence the people have issued an arrest warrant for Clare Rewcastle-Brown, the editor-in-chief of the Sarawak Report who has been most vocal in revealing the truth to the people.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Harpal Singh
  • Make it Accessible
    I am physically challenged and use an electric wheelchair, I find it increasingly frustrating when I ask why a building is not accessible only to hear that nothing can be done because the building is listed. I completely understand that we need to preserve history and beautiful buildings, but how on earth can I enjoy these buildings if I can't gain access, which is surely a BASIC human right? But here's the thing, its not only for leisure that its affecting me, its affecting me in my work. Not so long ago I had to work in a venue that wasn't accessible because it was listed, even the staff were so frustrated at the situation as it affected not only wheelchair users but also elderly, parents with push chairs and suppliers getting supplies in to the building. Its not fair, the law needs changing and can be changed.
    142 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Asta Philpot
  • End Detention and Deportation of Srilankan Tamils
    Deporting political activists to Sri Lanka poses a serious threat to their lives. The current Sri Lankan government is looking more unstable. The warmonger Mahinda Rajapaksa has confirmed that he will stand in the coming election and the political situation never looked more unstable. A no-confidence motion was passed against prime minister Ranil Wickremesinghe, and was signed by 112 MPs. It has been six years since the end of the bloody war but still no independent international investigation has taken place into war crimes and no justice given to the victims and survivors. The delay in the UNHRC report – which in March was put back by six months – is seen as a delay in justice to the Tamil people, and led to protests by Jaffna University students and many others. But the hoped for democratic breathing space under the new government was short lived. Although earlier this year there was a change of government, the rights of the Tamil minority, and other oppressed people, are still being attacked. Militarisation and land grabs continue in the north and east province, where most Tamils live. Recently, the right to protest was attacked by the government following the gang rape of a schoolgirl. This sparked a countrywide protest against violence against women but the Sri Lankan government is using this as an opportunity to spark up fear that ‘terrorism’ is on the rise. Under president Maithripala Sirisena no major change has taken place to protect political activists in Sri Lanka. They are persecuted for defending the rights of the people and continue to be imprisoned or abducted. Many still go missing and the disappearance list is on the increase. Freedom of speech and the right to protest are under attack. Tamils continue to be arrested on return to Sri Lanka. Suresh Premachandran MP and spokesperson for the Tamil National Alliance even told the Tamil diaspora not to return to Sri Lanka – http://www.tamilsolidarity.org/?p=4138 – Amongst the many returnees who have been arrested, only two have been released. These people were arrested by the Terrorism Investigation Department (TID). The newly elected president not only failed to address the issues of the rights of Tamil and Muslim people, it has continued with the agenda of the previous regime. The state is whipping up fear and xenophobia to perpetuate the military occupation, and maintains the culture of impunity through the Prevention of Terrorism Act. The recent report, ‘The Long Shadow of War: Struggle for Justice in Post War Sri Lanka’, by the US-based Oakland Institute think-tank, finds that thousands of people continue to be missing since the war ended in spite on the government’s promise to engage in a process of truth and reconciliation. Sri Lanka is not a safe place to send back those who have fled that country to save their lives. Deporting political activists back to Sri Lanka puts them at real danger of arrest on arrival, and the high risk of torture, and their disappearance.
    47 of 100 Signatures
    Created by janahan sivanathan
  • start fielding candidates in england
    There was a cry from a lot of places, mostly the north of England, for the SNP to field candidates in England. it would provide people with an alternative to voting UKIP as a protest vote. the many former Labour voters have nothing left to believe in, with Labour and the Tories moving further to the right. it would give people in England hope, that there is a decent socialist alternative, and put the fear of god up the right wing parties.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by eric russell
  • Insanity of Immigration System
    Whilst Britain welcomes big multinational (tax avoiding) businesses they little guy who works hard, pay's into the system is being victimised because he "doesn't meet the criteria" Read more here: http://home.bt.com/news/uk-news/devastated-american-family-banished-from-uk-despite-building-a-thriving-business-11363992264320
    97 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ian Hargreaves
    Rohingan Muslim refugees are trying to flee from the horrendous violence that the Buddists are perpetrating in their country, offering stories of rape, torture and execution, but an estimated 8,000 migrants have been stranded for months after repeatedly being turned back and towed away by the navies of Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand. There have been reports of people being stabbed, hanged and thrown overboard and of fights for food and water. 140,000 Rohingya have been herded by the government into fetid, disease-ridden camps since sectarian tensions with local Buddhists erupted in 2012. What will my contribution offer? By keeping this evil firmly in the minds of the politicians named above, it will be hard for the world to ignore the suffering, and it will encourage the development of humanist schemes to relieve this situation and save innocent lives
    83 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Anwar Murad
    Following the recent massacres in Egypt, France, Kuwait and Tunisia it's time for real action by world governments. Irresponsible governments and regimes must understand that the people of the world can't watch more bloodshed in silence. If we don't see real action to bring about peace in the world we will act.
    27 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Elsayed Selim Picture
  • Vehicle Insurances for young people
    We all now how important Human Rights are in the 21st century. We fight for the equal employment rights for women, we fight for the equality in regards to different races and cultures, however we sometimes forget to fight for ourselves. Yes, I am aiming this at you: young generation living in the United Kingdom. Car insurance companies in the UK are claiming that young drivers are a much higher risk to other road users, thus they deserve to pay premiums, which 90% of us can not pay. Did they test your driving skills? Do they know how well aware and careful you are when driving on the road? No! I believe this means that we - younger generation are being discriminated against based on our age, despite the fact that the majority of young drivers are much more careful on the road than perhaps the older generation. I, my self have been driving in this country for 5 years now - I am 23 years old, which means that I have 5 years of No Claim Bonus's. However, I still somehow end up paying over 3.000 pounds per year for my car insurance. And no - I do not drive a BMW or a Mercedes; it is a Toyota. The Government, despite knowing about the situation does not seem to be doing much about it, so I believe it is time for us to stand up and fight for our rights - just like the others do. We just simply want to drive! Just like the others. It is our right, given by the Government to be able to own and function a vehicle, and the only forces that stop us from doing so are the insurance companies.
    69 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Zygimantas Adomavicius
  • Help the Greek Island of Lesvos !
    The chaotic situation out there with the refugees crossing the Aegean on a daily basis mainly Syrian should stop immediately. Media starts concentrating negative publicity on the Island, causing people to cancel their holidays because of the fear of having their holidays destroyed. This island like most Greek islands, depends on tourism for it's economy. Let's put pressure on the UN and EU to help this island to move the refugees to the main port where they can be processed. I Besides structural first aid and help, people just want help as they're already coping with their austerity issues and police and just about everything else is being cut.... Because of the current rules the Refugees are being expected to walk 70 kilometres in searing heat to the port for travelling on to their preferred destination.
    59 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Rutgert Verhaegen