• Ban Saudi Royals from entering Britain
    Britain should not associate with this cruel regime and we should make it known to them that we do not want visits from any of their royals or senior government officials whilst they torture their citizens.
    39 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Peter Lihou
  • Stop Raif Badawi's next 950 lashes
    Raif Badawi has been sentenced to 1000 lashes and 10 years in prison for encouraging free speech and debate about politics and religion in his home country, Saudi Arabia. He has endured 50 lashes already in a public space in front of a crowd of on-lookers. Saudi Arabia is not a democracy and has its own system of government. Regardless of our respect for different cultures and traditions, it is not acceptable that any country should treat its citizens as criminals for expressing opinions about their society or that their citizens should be physically abused for their beliefs.
    72 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Martin McCrea
  • Save Raif Badawi
    Freedom of speech and freedom of expression are integral to global peace and security. We don't have to agree with what is being said, but we have to respect the persons rights to say it without fear. States which have laws like this which restrict free speech are wont to abuse them - to shut down dissent, to punish difference of opinion, and to insulate the government from all criticism. That is why the right to free speech, including the right to offend, is protected in international law. Even Raif's lawyer has been jailed. His crimes? 'Harming the reputation of the state by communicating with international organizations' and 'preparing, storing and sending information that harms public order'. Without respect for the right to freedom of expression, we are vulnerable to the worst oppression states can muster.
    23 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Carter Langley
  • Please help to Stop, Hamwic housing,stealing our home,10 of us will be homeless.
    This was not Phil's last dying wish, 57 our home of vitality should not be taken over and changed in to a single room occupancy this is a family home.and thats all Phil wanted. There are 4 children that live here too, Hamwick want to make 10 living beings homeless, plus 2 family house dogs, we are all paying our bills and we all live very happy and are taking care of Phil's legacy,just like he wanted us to. But Hamwick's plan is to kick us all out and change 57 vitality house in to a single room occupancy, please help us to save our home,sign and share. YOUTUBE.. phil sadler and you see what you think. its wrong and i really need help.
    68 of 100 Signatures
    Created by kim raymond Picture
  • Come clean about UK involvement in Brazilian torture
    Brazil's democratic government is investigating the torture and disappearances which took place under its previous military dictatorship, but so far the British government has ignored their request for access to British government paperwork. The Brazilian government has implicated the British government which trained them in the so-called "English system" which had been used on Irish prisoners. Ex-colonel Paulo Malhaes is quoted in their report as saying "psychological torture was best, and England was the best place to learn it”. At a time when there is rightful revulsion at further revelations of torture in the US the British government must stop the cover-up and come clean about its involvement in torture by the former Brazilian dictatorship. For more details see http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/dec/10/brazil-president-weeps-report-military-dictatorship-abuses
    83 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Caroline Molloy
  • 'None of the Above' ballot option
    At present voters in the UK do not have an option to indicate their lack of confidence in any of the candidates (or their parties). If they write their concerns on a ballot paper it is treated as a spoilt paper. I believe we should have the right to express our views if we feel that none of the candidates are suitable to become members of parliament.
    82 of 100 Signatures
    Created by john hodgett
  • Let's save Soheil Arabi's life , the Iranian Internet Activist, from the Death Sentence!
    Let's save Soheil Arabi's life , the Iranian Internet Activist, from the Death Sentence! Together we can. Soheil Arabi was arrested last year by the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps over his posts on Facebook. The Islamic Regime of Iran have made a case of blasphemy against him and sentenced him to death. The appeal court has just upheld his conviction. He has only been exercising his right of freedom of belief and expression, peacefully. He has a 5 year old beautiful little girl who doesn't know his father could be killed. Any help from any fellow human being to save his life is really appreciated. This poem from Saadi, the great Iranian Poet, graces the entrance to the Hall of Nations of the UN building in New York: Human beings are members of a whole, In creation of one essence and soul. If one member is afflicted with pain, Other members uneasy will remain. Let's spread the word! Let's save his life! Love & peace
    78 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Shohreh Taylor
  • STOP the Residential Sell OFF to foreign investors that evict UK families.
    So many people face becoming Homeless. Including families with Children.
    107 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Jonathan Carson
  • Justice for Shahzad and Shama
    Justice for Shahzad and Shama On 4th November 2014, a Christian couple Shahzad Masih (26 yrs) and Shama Bibi (24 yrs) were beaten, tortured and burned alive in the fiery furnace of a brick kiln -while those baying for their blood screamed praises to Allah. The incident occurred after Muslim accusers led by Muslim landowner Yousaf Gujjar alleged Shama had burnt the Koran. He then sent men to three mosques in neighbouring towns, while he tried to coerce money out of the couple who he had locked in a room on his land. Eventually in response to local Mosques preaching hatred over their loud speakers, a mob of over 300 Muslims gathered outside the locked room. They climbed the roof of the building and entered through the straw roof. They then beat the couple with sharp and hard implements, stripped them naked while they goaded them and finally burnt then alive in the kiln - when they could no longer stand due to their fractured bones. Until Pakistan reforms their ways more Christians and other minorities will meet a similar fate. This is not acceptable in the 21st Century or any other century. Petition by Wilson Chowdhry of the British Pakistani Christian Association Read more here: http://www.britishpakistanichristians.co.uk/blog/christian-couple-burnt-alive-in-brick-kiln-after-alleged-blasphemy The BPCA have initiated a benevolent fund for the family of Shahzad and Shama, if you would like to contribute, please follow this link: http://www.britishpakistanichristians.co.uk/blog/protest-in-kasur-on-9th-november If you are in the UK please join our protest outside 10 Downing Street, from 11am on Saturday 22nd November 2014. http://www.britishpakistanichristians.co.uk/blog/evangelical-christians-call-on-westminster-to-take-action-against-pakistan-for-summary-execution-of-
    29 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Wilson Chowdhry
  • Solve the problems of prostitution - Sweden's way
    This petition arises from reading about of laws passed in Sweden that (a) made the purchase of sex a crime (b) decriminalised the sale of sex (c) trained the police in judiciary to view prostitution as a crime of violence against (largely) women and children (d) provided good funding for social services for prostitutes wanting to leave prostitution (e) provided funding to educate the public. As a result, human trafficking into Sweden is near zero, the number of women in street prostitution has reduced by up to two thirds and the number of johns has decreased by as much as 80%. The original article, with credits, can be found at http://esnoticia.co/noticia-8790-swedens-prostitution-solution-why-hasnt-anyone-tried-this-before
    38 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Victoria Edwards
  • Keep the street lights turned off at night in KENT
    Crime numbers have not gone up Criminals need light to see .People will adapt to change by carrying torches when they are out between those hours if they have a problem with uneven paving and dog fouling.. Many private homes have security lights and if people feel uneasy let them take responsibility for lighting the front of their home.. Light pollution can diminish people's view of the night sky and for many people disturb their sleep with stray light shining through windows. We agree it is a good way to save the council money , It is setting an excellent environmental example but most of all it is a step in the right direction to protect the area from light pollution . I live in one of the areas affected, many people here have welcomed the change and there have been few complaints overall.
    101 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Jon Barnett
  • Michael Mansfield to chair the CSA Inquiry
    For the truth to out and justice seen to be done, he has the legal mind to take the establishment to task and let justice seen to be done. Do not allow the establishment to select another so called expert.
    25 of 100 Signatures
    Created by David Levy