• Rural Safe School Routes RSSR (Glenavy)
    This area has become increasingly populated with young families and children. Our children are forced to walk, cross and attempt to make school Transportation in a highly dangerous and om some of the most dangerous pedestrian areas in N.I. There are cars speeding up to 80mph on these roads, and the village doesn't contain one safe passage way for a child. Children are walking and crossing on blind bend's, nonpaved roads and blind spots upro a horrendous 8 times per day with out so much as a pedestrian crossing yet still expected to reach there school transportation in the village Main Street safely. This is particularly unfair for disadvantaged families who have no transportation, are disabled or have disabled children. I wish to raise awareness around my child making it to school everyday alive and that ofnorhers or a safer alternative put in place.as a temporary measure immediately.
    139 of 200 Signatures
  • Sandilands tram stop memorial garden
    Many many lives within the local community have been touched and sadly affected by the incident at Sandilands. It is only right that a permanent memorial is created nearby where Family, friends and further members of the public can come and pay thier respect. It would be the right to do this given the huge sentiment and sorrow within the local community.
    4,897 of 5,000 Signatures
    Created by Andy Southern
  • Please save our taxis in Rossendale
    Imposing these changes will cause a lot of the local drivers who make a honest living will be forced out of work, many of the residents of Rossendale depend on these local taxis, and these new proposals will wipe out the taxi trade in Rossendale. Follow link to story online http://www.rossendalefreepress.co.uk/news/valley-taxis-call-indefinite-strike-12153014
    1,098 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Paul Shepherd
  • Make North Street traffic free during UpFest 2017
    To ensure a safe and happy Graffit Featival (the biggest in Europe!)
    52 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kelly Wild
  • Passenger Representation for Train Operating Companies
    A publicly elected commuter on the board of each TOC will ensure that they are forced to see through any promises they make to their passengers and they will be more effectively called to remedy any issues that exist or arise within their franchise. If the government insist on maintaining the consistently under-performing franchise system, then passenger representation at this level is the only possible way of moving forward. These companies can no longer go on simply paying lip service to the needs and concerns of British commuters whilst making enormous profits from them.
    102 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Christine Ashley
    We feel the proposed restrictions are a threat to local 'non convenience' businesses who offer leisure activities with a longer stay time than the one hour proposed limit. Our local salons, coffee shops, restaurants, clothes shops, bars and other shopping outlets fear, that the restricted parking would deter visitors from spending time using a number of facilities in the village; causing the local economy to suffer as a result. We do feel that the parking congestion in the village needs to be addressed, but do not feel that this is the answer. Please support us in our campaign to put a stop to the proposed restrictions BEFORE THE COUNCIL MEETING ON TUESDAY 8 NOVEMBER 2016, and keep Tickhill the eclectic place that visitors love to spend time in.
    436 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Lindsey Jones Picture
  • Mobile phones in cars and trucks
    This important because lives of other road users are in danger, and people get killed, and the driver has shown complete disregard for his responsibility and care of his vehicle. If you are not concentrating on your task of driving, accidents are caused, they don't just happen. Texting and scrolling and watching videos is very very dangerous
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Janie Estcourt
  • 8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Susan Martin
  • Number 15 Bus- Caerau
    Pensioners in Lauriston Park rely on the bus going down these roads. The extra 800 yards walking makes a real difference to those elderly residents. Also we are not happy at the lack of consultation that has been carried out on this.
    48 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Peter Bradbury
  • On your bike
    There is Way to much traffic constantly polluting Brighton with fumes and the noise level is deafening all day and night.
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Shirley Cripps
  • Improve Road Safety Mansfield Road/Cross Street Area
    These simple changes will have a significant impact on the safety of school children in the area and will prevent serious injury or death of a child. This area is in close proximity to three schools (Arnold Mill Primary school, Redhill Academy and Arnbrook Primary School) and a large number of children use the Mansfield Road junction and Cross street to get to and from school every day. The need for road safety is further strengthened because of recent serious road traffic incidents in this area that were reported in the media. In addition to this we have collected substantial anecdotal evidence of road incidents/near misses that have happened in the area as a result of inadequate safety measures.
    626 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Yulia Penhale
  • Sleeping Policemen
    This is important because it is dangerous and could be the cause of a dangerous accident and also a great noise disturbance.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Craig Gillespie