• Harlescott Level Crossing
    A 14 year old boy was killed because the barriers didn't come down when a train was due and died as a result.
    36 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Louise Coupland
  • Speed reduction and increased saftey of Wauntreoda Rd
    To increase the safety of residents and their Children and Babies from dangerous driving, which is most often manifested as speeding.
    554 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Ryan Allen
  • Reinstate the X20 Bus service through Broomhill/Togston
    The new X20 bus route no longer passes through the North Broomhill & Togston villages, the residents now face up to a 3 mile rural walk to the nearest bus stop based in Hadston village to use the X20 bus service to reach the two nearest towns. We have elderly, frail & young members of our community whom are too vulnerable to make an approximate 30 minute walk between rural villages and cannot navigate the suggested alternative bus routes as they all require bus changes in different villages with a considerable distance between bus stations. An alternative service (X18) allowing passengers to commute from North Broomhill & Togston village to Hadston village and only runs once an hour, has the bus stop located at what is known as the 'road end' thus these vulnerable members of our community have to walk a considerable distance in order to access their local Doctors surgery, Children's Care Centre, Community Centre, pharmacy and shopping precinct. We would really appreciate your help in highlighting our concerns and asking DR Manfred Rudhart CEO Arriva North East to reinstate a vital bus route for those most with need and vulnerability in our community. Many thanks for taking the time to read this.
    189 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Caroline Rogan
  • 22 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Glyn Knighton
  • Keep Huthwaite Clean
    For months, Leedale lorries have been going into the Brierley Forest Golf Club in Huthwaite, Notts, tipping loads of waste soil and rubble for redevelopment and then coming out and spreading muck all over the local roads (Main Street and Common Road), causing the roads to be dirty, filthy and slippery. There has been a lot of cars skidding. Peoples clothing, cars and houses have been getting covered in dirty spray coming off the roads. The lorries have also had a lot of stones, gravel and large chunks of rock and soil dropping off their loads, causing danger to road users and pedestrians, chipping paintwork on cars, flicking up at passer by's and also blocking drains. The safety of our children has been affected (the conditions of the roads outside the schools) The lorries have been parking on the pavements on Main street and restricting view of the pedestrians crossing the road, making it less safe. The lorry drivers have been reported to have bad road manners and attitude, speeding, pulling out in front of people and generally not having very good ettiquette. The people of Huthwaite and even residents of Sutton-in-Ashfield who go through Huthwaite via the common road - have all had enough. There has been numerous complaints to the golf club owners, to Leedale, to Ashfield District Council, to the local Police, to the Highways Agency. Nothing seems to be done. People have protested. There's an outrage on social media. Some people have tried to block the road to stop the lorries from passing and got arrested. Nothing seems to change. Enough is enough! Time to clean up your act!!
    358 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Alex Ivanov
  • Better late evening services from Aberdeen to Laurencekirk
    A later service leaving Aberdeen around 2345 would allow the residents of Laurencekirk and the surrounding area to go into Aberdeen and make use of the cinema, theatre or even just a nice leisurely meal with friends without the expense of a taxi costing around £80!
    301 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Grant Edward
  • Keep the BBC Travel website and App open
    The service is used by many, many people on a daily basis for both work and leisure. There is no current or planned alternative source of this information in one place. BBC claims it will save just part of a total saving of £15m per year by cutting this public service.
    11,105 of 15,000 Signatures
    Created by Clive Rockingham
  • Calming traffic on Old Oak Common Lane
    This is essential the safety of the local community. This is a 20 mph zone in which drivers regularly go over 60 mph. Accidents on that stretch of Old Oak Common Lane are frequent but many go unreported as drivers know they've broken the law. There have been fatalities, buses losing their roofs, regular replacement of railings and bollards, a recent accident which took down the local internet and phone service. Crossing the road to the bus stop is dangerous and a particular risk for elderly people and young children.
    117 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Amanda Souter
  • A1307 URGENT - Haverhill, Cambridge the 'Road of Death'. Time for urgent action
    It needs no introduction, a simple google search of A1307 will confirm that we hear about accidents and deaths on the road far too often. As our towns (Haverhill & Cambridge) rapidly grow, this remains the one main route between Haverhill and Cambridge (plus the other villages in between) for commuters. Cambridge is a fast growing science, research and development town which is growing on a massive scale. Companies far and wide choose Cambridge as a place to be located. Many large organisations will have a Head Office or a hub in this town and more and more moving in on a weekly basis. House are quickly being built in Cambridge and the demand for jobs here is high. However, as house prices in Cambridge and the outskirts continue to rise, employees in and around Cambridge are forced to live outside of the Cambridgeshire area due to the cost of renting or buying a home. Affordable areas that are local are hard to come by as we see house prices increase, thus people move just across the boarder into Haverhill, Suffolk where house prices have risen but within an affordable rate. Haverhill house are constantly being built to keep up with demand but sadly the infrastructure of transportation links and road capabilities into Cambridge remains exactly the same as it was when it was first built. A1307 is made up mostly of single carriage way, poor lighting, horrific uneven road surfaces and 2 very short dual carriageways which have entrances and exits off to and from other villages (which makes the roads extremely dangerous to cross at any point due to the sheer volume of traffic. Haverhill began major expansion in 1956 during a time that many families were re-settled there from London. 50 years ago this road would have been fit for purpose. However over the past 20 years, the A1307 has begun to replicate, only what can be described as a grave yard, the 'road of death' (as it's been called by local media) contains many many memorial sights, children, families, sons, fathers, mothers! Drivers do hold a responsibility to drive this road with care and attention, however, one wrong move in the spur of the moment and the lives of people are changed forever. In the event of an accident; which is a regular occurrence on this road, it not only affects those involved but families, friends, our struggling emergency services, witnesses, those who stop to help. We all have to live with this. Sadly many people you speak to in the area and beyond, will have a story to tell about the A1307 or know someone who has been in an accident on this road or worst still, lost their life. This road needs upgrading in some way, speed cameras in more place, average speed check checks, no overtaking bollards, perhaps a few round-a-bouts at junctions. Or a new bypass that is actually fit for purpose. This is as much the responsibility of Suffolk as this is Cambridge. We all need to pull together to make the authorities stand up and listen. Haverhill in Suffolk is town that is growing at dramatic rate with its recent development of a research park, the town with a population of over 27'000 (2014 figures). Added to this we have the industrial area which is home to many businesses that use the road many many times a day along with their lorries and vans. All of this growth, additional shops, and with businesses expending, the roads and transport systems have NOT even been touched. We also then have the other villages who access Cambridge via the A1307 as their only route to the towns. As we begin 2017 we have seen an accident that has already taken another 2 lives away from us. The people of Cambridge and Haverhill risk their lives every day when using this stretch of road, the only stretch of road for Cambridge to Haverhill (and vice verse). We have seen so much 'talk', so many promises but yet innocent people are still dying and being injured being on this road and changes are NOT being made. People are dying, lives of loved ones being damaged beyond repair, nothing is changing. This road is one of England's worst A roads and the infrastructure is NOT coping with the growth that has to happen. The population in Cambridge and Haverhill is rapidly growing and the road system needs to change to accommodate this growth. It has been left unchanged and as each day passes we prepare to hear about another accident or death. This is unacceptable and we should not be expected to live in an area where it is too dangerous to use the roads and to put that risk on ourselves.
    1,410 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Kate Wright
  • Make Hampshire Constabulary act on all reports of dangerous driving
    This is important because the lives of myself and hundreds of other vulnerable road users have either been put at risk, altered by injury or taken by dangerous drivers, who then face little to no repercussions for their behaviour. At the moment, unless there's a collision, the force will take no further action, claiming that anything less doesn't meet the CPS threshold for dangerous driving, despite the CPS and Road Traffic Act 1988, who say that it's dangerous driving if there's a risk of injury or serious property damage.
    113 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Mike Andrews
  • Reverse the cuts in timetables of the blackpool to Lancaster 42 bus service
    The Lancaster bus depot is the gateway to a lot of Lake district services through Cumbria namely the 555 to Keswick Ambleside and kendal. Quite a lot of people who like to ramble in the lakes in Cumbria who live in blackpool and Lancashire and use the service from early spring through to late autumn to connect through to Lancaster and the 555 via the 42 bus service and considering it takes over an hour to get to the lakes from Lancaster cutting the 42 service back stops people using this route and maximising their stay in the lakes. Even if they set off at 9.15 in thr morning they may not get to Cumbria until 12.30 or even 1.00pm which leaves approximately a two hour stay in Cumbria if that until having to return on the 555 for the amended return to blackpool at 5.40 pm Other people rely on a good service to and from Lancaster from blackpool as well and vice versa either for city shipping or a day and evening out. Other people from villages in between blackpool and Lancaster also use the service to shop in Garstang say for example or visit friends and this reduction of the service has had a detrimental effect with its outcomes
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Barry Holland
  • Save Didcot's Amenities and Green Spaces on Ladygrove!
    After signing this petition please formally object via http://didcot.space (will redirect you to the Garden Town plan page) or send an email to [email protected] Comments can be as short or long as you like - just make it clear you object to building on Ladygrove Park. Consultation on these proposals has been extended to 28th February, so please do it now. Thank you! There are plans for 15,000 new houses to be built in Didcot as part of the "Didcot Garden Town" project. This is more than those planned for Bicester Garden Town, recently described as a "dog's breakfast" with ecologically important flower rich meadows being lost to housing. Proposals for Didcot have been announced that are WORSE than first feared. They include building technical office space and accommodation over roughly half of the Ladygrove recreation ground and play park. The remnants would be developed such that there would be no substantial level open green space for casual sports or recreation. A new road cutting across the play park and flats on the play park, opposite the Willowbrook and behind the football club with no additional parking serve to top of this awful proposal. The current morning congestion around the primary school would be intolerable. Our facilities, green spaces and paths integral to our local parkrun are threatened. You can see the briefings here : https://didcotgardentown.commonplace.is/news/2017/01/20/stakeholder-representative-group-presentation-19-january-2017 Campaigners in Bicester have been to court twice to try to protect their environment. If we are to protect our green spaces and amenities the time to act is now, by obtaining a simple undertaking from the project team before their plans are fully formed. If you want to save them please sign this petition and share it with your friends. Thank you! (You can see the Ladygrove areas initially marked out for development on the final pages of these two official downloads published by the Didcot Garden Town planners http://www.southoxon.gov.uk/node/18434 and this http://www.southoxon.gov.uk/node/18447 )
    2,072 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Simon Hewerdine