• Support our transport industry with protection of minimum standards for mini cab drivers
    Because it helps to stop drivers working excessively long hours to earn a living, helps them to enjoy rights that our society has worked hard to achieve and respects their place in a multi layered urban transport system
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Andrew Thornhill
  • zebra crossing outside st marys primary school
    This an important issue as it is known as a dangerous road and many parents do not trust their children to cross the road safely, there have been many accidents along Oakfield road and often drivers are caught speeding.
    78 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ella Richards
  • Alton Petition against EHDC Car Parking Rises
    To avoid losing further footfall in the town, promote longer time spent in town to visit additional local businesses and attractions. To attract further employment in the town and prevent clogging residential areas.
    1,168 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Jackie Parker
  • Make Seatbelts on all Scotland's buses (both public and school) a legal requirement!!
    It is important as not having seatbelts could lead to accidents, causing injury or death.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jessica Hasson
  • Save electric car charging spaces.
    If you have made the decision to buy an electric vehicle for the good of all, then the government should do all they can to prevent non/electric vehicles from parking in these very limited spaces. It is akin to akin to an electric vehicle parking and blocking a petrol pump at a garage forecourt.
    153 of 200 Signatures
    Created by James Riley
  • Needham Market Train Station - Accessible To All!
    Despite significant ‘improvements’ to Needham Market Railway Station in recent years (costing over £700,000) access to the Ipswich-bound platform remains by steep underground stairway only – a physical challenge for passengers with limited mobility, with buggies, bikes, or heavy suitcases, and an impossibility for wheelchair users. Additionally, the new ramp from the car park to the Cambridge-bound platform is well above the maximum 1 in 12 gradient required to comply with Building Regulations, creating further significant problems for wheel chair users. Needham Market is a growing town with large new estates planned for hundreds of homes over the next few years. Abellio East Anglia Limited (trading as Greater Anglia) claims to be committed to complying with its obligations under the Equality Act 2010, and pledges to make its services accessible to all. Abellio has a ten year contract to run our trains and stations and so has no excuse not to make full access an urgent priority. Please sign our petition and support this local campaign. Thank you!
    630 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Terence Carter Picture
  • Standish Recreation Ground
    We have too many cars coming into Standish already and we have precious little green space left. The last thing we need is to turn part of our historic recreation ground into a car park. It will mean hundreds of more cars passing one of our primary schools each day. This will cause pollution and shorten the lives of our children. It will destroy a quiet area of Standish and ruin the lives of those living nearby.
    306 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Jim Meehan
  • Stop Motability taking our vehicles
    More than 50,000 people have had specially adapted vehicles taken away from them since changes to disability benefits in 2013. Vehicles are being taken away from people with disabilities without any warning whatsoever The Motability scheme entitles disabled people to lease specially adapted new vehicles and powered wheelchairs. As a Motability vehicle user my self I am terrified that this will be taken away from me , then i would not be driven to my many medical appointments. In fact I would be devastated as I have a life limiting condition, am a wheelchair user and blind. if this was to happen, my life would change dramatically I would have no quality of life and I would be isolated from everything including my own family. Peter Bone MP for Wellingborough Northamptonshire has spoken about this and is a campaigner. DWP need to review this urgently as it affects so many people's lives. The assessment needs to be looked at from a person to person illness to illness point of view rather than trying to just do a one size fits all.We do not all fit into the same box. Every disabled person with a vehicle deserves to keep their vehicle to enable them to live there lives as normal as possible and have as much independence as possible. Motability need to stop taking these adapted vehicles away as they are required by each and every disabled individual who needs a wheelchair accessible vehicle. https://youtu.be/wjEb3R7ey3E You may also be interested in the petition below which is also related to disabled people: https://you.38degrees.org.uk/petitions/allow-wheelchair-accessible-vehicles-into-rubbish-and-recycling-centres
    7,360 of 8,000 Signatures
    Created by Corey Haseley Picture
  • Get Glasgow Moving - world-class transport for Glasgow
    Most people in Glasgow rely on public transport to get around (only 49% of households have cars), yet our public transport network is a total mess. Investing in public transport is essential for expanding our region’s economy, addressing inequality and social isolation, reducing toxic levels of air pollution and tackling climate change. Bickering between political parties is letting Glasgow down. We are decades behind other cities in providing affordable and sustainable transport. We are calling for: • a publicly-owned bus company for Greater Glasgow, to offer a great service like Edinburgh's Lothian Buses • affordable, integrated ticketing, with a region-wide smartcard and daily price cap • bike hire stations across the region, with free access for concessionary card holders • a democratically-accountable Transport Authority for Greater Glasgow, with power over the entire transport network (traffic/parking controls and public transport) • a coordinated, long-term vision and investment to meet the region's transport needs
    11,749 of 15,000 Signatures
    Created by Get Glasgow Moving Picture
  • A428 Black Cat to Caxton Gibbet by-pass
    Highways (England) are proposing to re-route this part of the A428 through the beautiful Cambridgeshire countryside. As justification they say traffic will be speeded up by a few minutes at peak times. But building new roads just makes room for even more traffic. The only result is a continuous and permanent loss of England’s green and pleasant land. Please sign this petition and pass it on to your friends. And, more importantly, submit your objection to Highways public consultation. A sample objection is given below The consultation period ends on April 23rd. So this is urgent. Email your objection to [email protected] giving your full name and postal address. Sample Objection A428 Black Cat to Caxton Gibbet proposal The proposed by-pass road is un-necessary. Improvements to the Black Cat roundabout (proposed in the Plan) and to the Caxton Gibbet roundabout (not included in the Plan) will speed up the travel time to a degree which makes a new road un-necessary. The argument for the new road is basically an economic one that eventually it will increase the UK gross domestic project (GDP). However the GDP per capita has remained fundamentally unchanged over the last 15 years despite the building of new roads and the widening of many others. Thus there is likely to be no economic gain. The loss of Cambridgeshire countryside will be permanent. It is just one further example of the constant erosion of our countryside heritage which is occurring throughout England. The value of this loss has not been weighed against any real economic gain or indeed against the perceived gains as seen by the proposers of this Plan Should Highways reject these arguments the Orange route is to be preferred.
    201 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Reginald Norgan
  • Speed bumps prevent bumps and crossings prevent crisis.
    Because it will reduce accidents and could save life's my son was knocked down on this road thinking it was clear and it wasn't we were very lucky the driver was amazing and was driving under the speed limit otherwise we may not have our son now. However on a daily basis we have seen many other drivers speeding through the village. My son is the third child I know about who has been knocked down in this road and there has been many other accidents such as crashes on this road to. A crossing will encourage drivers to drive slower and reduce accidents and will stop people of all ages old and young from trying to estimate if the road is clear enough or they have long enough to get over before getting hurt. I know it will be expensive for the council but my child's life does not have a price to high for keeping him safe and I am sure yours doesn't either.
    167 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Emma Crabb
  • Petition for zebra crossing on Bramley Hill
    It is very difficult for pedestrians to cross this road near the complicated junction with Southbridge Road and Tanfield Road where traffic moves quickly both down the hill and from Southbridge Road.
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Andrew Pelling