• Speed bumps prevent bumps and crossings prevent crisis.
    Because it will reduce accidents and could save life's my son was knocked down on this road thinking it was clear and it wasn't we were very lucky the driver was amazing and was driving under the speed limit otherwise we may not have our son now. However on a daily basis we have seen many other drivers speeding through the village. My son is the third child I know about who has been knocked down in this road and there has been many other accidents such as crashes on this road to. A crossing will encourage drivers to drive slower and reduce accidents and will stop people of all ages old and young from trying to estimate if the road is clear enough or they have long enough to get over before getting hurt. I know it will be expensive for the council but my child's life does not have a price to high for keeping him safe and I am sure yours doesn't either.
    167 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Emma Crabb
  • Petition for zebra crossing on Bramley Hill
    It is very difficult for pedestrians to cross this road near the complicated junction with Southbridge Road and Tanfield Road where traffic moves quickly both down the hill and from Southbridge Road.
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Andrew Pelling
  • School Holiday over charging by companies
    It is very important for parents and carers as they are being charged more by companies at a particular time of year (school Holidays) when the prices are cheaper at other times through the year.
    11 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Peter Berry
  • Traffic management in Hele Park, Newton Abbot
    The design and layout of roads within the Hele Park development has resulted in a number of 'Rat Runs' where cars are traveling at excessive speeds and across unmarked junctions. There is a need for junctions to be marked with the appropriate lines to indicate road priorities to prevent accidents.
    101 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Phil Bullivant
  • Slow down for Violet-Grace
    A beautiful 4 year old little girl, Violet Grace has been killed by a stolen car travelling between 70 and 80 miles per hour! Our family, friends are heartbroken! 💜 Please Please we need to do everything we can to make sure this never happens again 💜
    6,482 of 7,000 Signatures
    Created by Lisa Leonard
  • Stop The Cuts To Bus Services In The East Riding of Yorkshire
    Although the bus services have now been revised and the original planned cuts have been reviewed with many services re-instated/protected; there still is the issue of cuts to subsidies for rural areas such as East Riding of Yorkshire from Central Government. We believe that public transport subsidies should be ring-fenced to protect supported services in rural areas. At present the revised services are leaving vulnerable people, those ‘medically unfit to drive’ and the elderly cut off from friends, relatives and essential facilities.
    52 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Preston Neighbourhood Watch Picture
  • Stop Traffic Chaos in ‘Isle of Clogs’
    The Isle of Dogs have been plagued with repeated road, construction, utility and other works that have made the lives of residents, pedestrians, cyclists and the motorists very difficult, risky and unbearable - causing dangerous traffic conditions resulting in chaos, congestion and serious health and safety hazards. From the infamous shoe-protest in March 2016, when Docklands residents tied their 26 pairs of shoes to railings along Marsh Wall in the Isle of Dogs in a protest against traffic situation – things have not really improved. Unfortunately, despite requests to the Tower Hamlets Council and Mayor Biggs, the situation has failed to improve until something goes wrong and complaints are made or issue is highlighted in the media. Maium Miah
    241 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Maium Miah Talukdar Picture
  • Defend the London Bridge three
    Lee, Dave and Saeed responded to a call for asssitance from a pregnant colleague who was being assaulted by a fare evader. The fare evader punched Lee Cornell twice in the head and stole his glasses. London Underground failed to make good their commitment to their staff that anyone who abuses or assaults their staff will be pursued through the courts. Instead they turned on the staff and dismissed Lee Cornell and gave final warnings to Dave Sharp and Saeed Sioussi. We are demanding those sanctions are over turned.
    2,540 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Eamonn Lynch
  • SUPPORT Plans to Build Tynemouth Watch House Garden CYCLE HUB
    The CYCLE HUB will compliment our beautiful coastline whilst providing a 'stand-out' attraction for the many cyclists, tourists and general public whom already frequent the Spanish Battery. The development will assist with the enhancement and preservation of the Tynemouth conservation area and local heritage for generations to come. North Tyneside attracts approximately 5.8 million visitors each year who inject £279 Million into the local economy, supporting over 3500 jobs. This proposal will open a disused private garden into a considerate, visually low-impact CYCLE HUB that will only be visible from the southern aspect on the River Tyne. From the outset the building has been sensitively designed to ensure the iconic views to and from the Brigade Watch House remain unspoilt. The building will be sunk beneath a manicured lawn at the same level as the current garden. We have even gone as far as to store refuse bins below ground level. Two large car parks already exist to provide customers with parking. Additional spaces will be allocated for the sole use of the Tynemouth Volunteer Life Brigades response vehicles, whilst residents parking will remain untouched. Those living on the Battery will be un-effected by the building as the aim is to cater for passing trade that already exists. The vast majority of our intended customers will arrive by foot or cycle. Our vision is to provide Tynemouth with a gateway amenity that links to the National Cycle Network and provides a valuable facility for Tynemouth residents and the wider general public. The development will ensure a notable finishing point for those tackling the challenge of the Coast to Coast/Coast to Castles/Great North Bike Rides. In essence the Cycle Hub will establish Tynemouth as a key destination within the cycling community. A multitude of independent reporting commissioned by UK GOV indicates that development and investment in cycling infrastructure and sustainable transport provides the following: • Creates inward investment to an area. • Brings more jobs and positively effects the labour market, contractors and wider infrastructure/services. • Increases health of those in the area, with exercise in excess of Chief Medical Officers guidelines. • Boosts the local economy and business • Creates a modal shift in the well being of individuals. • Increases social inclusion and connectivity. • Makes better cities and neighbourhoods. • A reduction in Crime Rate. • An increase in rental and property prices. • Eases congestion. • Improves air quality. The North East of England is renowned for its warmth and hospitality, we look forward to providing a facility that welcomes one and all.
    1,803 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Gareth Reece
  • Safer Roads around Orchard Schools & Noadswood
    The safety of all our children is paramount! Please don't wait until there has been an accident - I've seen several near misses myself!
    260 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Kate Bezer
  • Install a pedestrian crossing on the A43 at Weldon Lakes Priors Hall Park
    There are no facilities (shops, Cafes or Doctors Surgeries) on Lake View PHP estate and none planned for the foreseeable future resulting in residents having to drive to Weldon to access vital services. Children also have to cross the busy A43 to catch the school buses and pedestrians risk life and limb keeping fit. This leaves communities isolated.
    577 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Robert Riley
  • Guards on Trains,
    People need to feel secure and safe on trains, particularly the elderly and young people. If there is a guard on the train passengers at least feel there is someone to help should there be a problem - either by unruly passengers, or if someone is taken ill, Please rethink this decision, For the safety and security of passengers.
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ann Tudor