Allowing Bikers to use Samuel Smiths PubsMr Smith, for years many of us have been discriminated against for our choice of transport, but now another ban is force, banned from drinking in Sam Smiths public houses, in your own words Bikers are seen as "undesirables" and should not be in the village . In fact the so called "undesirables" are your clients and villagers and regular customers Mr Smith, these include doctors, police officers, vicars, chefs, quantity surveyors, retirees and many other people from all walks of life and cultures, but seen now as second rate citizens. we would ask you to recognise you are taking away the rights of residents to drink in their own local public house, people who have supported you for decades, including some people who have NO alternative transport, people who have never caused trouble,there is not a single resident of Ulley Village who wanted this ban (the first pub to be hit) nor do any of the regulars who are friends, family and admirers of the bikes and ask you reverse this discrimination718 of 800 SignaturesCreated by Graeme Williams
Save Our Free Shuttle BusThe free shuttle serves everyone in society including the vulnerable, elderly and disabled. It benefits local businesses and has helped reduce congestion and traffic into our town centre. The shuttle is now the only remaining free shuttle running in the UK and is also an important part of our way of life in Ipswich. It is time to stand up to the Council and be heard, remember your signatures count!381 of 400 SignaturesCreated by Shofik Ali
Plumtree Road SafetyThe safety of our school children is at serious risk. It is very difficult for pedestrians to cross this road near the complicated junction where traffic also moves quickly on the approach down Main Road and also down Station Road from Keyworth. The layout of the staggered crossroads makes pedestrian crossings (typically parents accompanying infant and junior school children) extremely hazardous. Additionally, our own research has shown passing traffic to regularly be exceeding the current limit of 30mph, even at school start and finishing times, which leads the road to be even more perilous for the very young children who cross it so regularly. This is despite current limited traffic calming measures in place.234 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Dr Paul Malone
Change Taffs Well to a well enforced 20mph speed limit throughoutAfter speaking to residents along the full length of the Village, the majority of people mentioned either suffering near misses with speeding vehicles, being fed up of 'boy-racer' types speeding noisily through through our streets at all hours and also disdain at users of the A470 using our village as a short-cut. We have only one speed camera by The Swan Inn aimed at slowing people down as they enter the Village from Nantgarw. Firstly - this only slows down drivers at the first 50ft of Cardiff Road, at which point they can drive any speed they like past the school, shops and surgery. Secondly, the camera doesn't stop everybody from speeding through the Village from the Tongwynlais end and exiting the village at speeds of approximately 50mph towards Nantgarw. The traffic situation needs urgent attention and we, the residents are now prepared to enter an official dialogue with the Local Authority with the view of agreeing a plan of action to make our community a much safer place.85 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Dave Chamberlain
Local residents against Velothon Wales road closures.The annual Velothon of Wales and the route are inconvenient and disrupt the lives of local people, cutting some residents off from local amenities, family and work over an unacceptable period. The route and length of time the roads are closed for this event are unsuitable and this offers little benefit for ordinary residents or small businesses, some of whom have to close. Some cannot get to work or have to take lengthy detours to do so. Some roads were closed before the advertised times, officials were misinformed about alternative routes and roads did not reopen at the planned times. The route and event, if it is to remain in the area, must be adapted as to not close major A roads or limit the movement of local residents for prolonged periods of time. Roads should be closed in stages and vehicles should be free to pass until the stage of the race is within the vicinity. What would happen in some areas if there was a need for emergency vehicles to attend a critically ill person or fire? How would patients or family attend A & E? How do people visit sick relatives? We ask that the organisers are more considerate of the people their event impacts and a consultation of local residents is held for future events so their concerns are aired and acted upon. Consider a rolling road block, adjusting the route to give communities or areas a break or use improved B roads.315 of 400 SignaturesCreated by Andrew Evans
Reinstate the 46 or 47 Bus to travel through Little Irchester/IrchesterThis is an Important Bus Service As the Route has Elderly/ Disabled People and we don't think this fair a 1 hour bus service is quite Inadequate14 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Les Harvey
Make the Lansbury Park Link Road a 30 mph from Van Road to Bedwas Bridge roundaboutA little girl was injured the other day on that stretch of road, it needs to be looked at especially when the road links to two Schools.7 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Gavin Francis
Henllys Bus RestorationTo restore the service that was unilaterally taken away to the isolation and disenfranchisement of the community around Henllys and their friends and family from elsewhere. To restore accessibility to The Dorallt Inn, The Court Henllys Hotel, The One Stop Shop, and the Henllys Village Hall for the Cwmbran community and elsewhere.213 of 300 SignaturesCreated by paul minty
Twenty mph speed limit for Urban Devon roadsResearch shows accidents and injuries are lowered in 20 mph zones.4 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Graham West
Demand for Traffic Calming MeasuresSpeeding motorists are creating a very unsafe environment for the elderly, children and animals.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Lynne Roy
Get another crossing on broadwater roadBecause local people need a safe crossing point2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Caroline Marshfield
Stop Ocado's self driving vehicles in LondonIt is important for one simple reason: It puts people out of jobs. Let's start with stopping Ocado's trials for self-driving vehicles in London, and then move on to stopping drones, self service points in supermarkets, and anywhere else that threatens hard working people' jobs and only serves to make the rich richer and the poor poorer.7 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Rupert Copping
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