Make Westferry Road Safe for Children & ResidentsOn Monday 26 June 2017, there was a serious accident on Westferry Road, in Canary Wharf Ward, Isle of Dogs, Tower Hamlets - an elderly woman was hit by a lorry and she is now, tragically, fighting for her life in hospital. As a local ward councillor, I am in contact with the family on regular basis and she remains in a critical condition. The family is grateful for many people who have shown concern and requesting everyone for prayers. I have sent an urgent message to the Council requesting a meeting with the Highways Officer to highlight the concerns on behalf of the residents. Many residents and stakeholders believe that in spite of 20 Mph speed limit – many vehicles go dangerously fast at this community hub with the local school, park, medical centre and shops, pubs etc. The zebra crossing - used by local residents, visitors and children - is not good or secure enough. We just can't afford any more accidents. Thank you, Cllr Maium Miah Canary Wharf ward 07983 798 791 London Borough of Tower Hamlets Town Hall, Mulberry Place 5 Clove Crescent London E14 2BG605 of 800 SignaturesCreated by Maium Miah Talukdar
New bus routeBecause we have no buses that go near bishop Ridley primary school and for people around the local area.3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Holly Kirk
Speed Calming in MadeleyMotorists are driving above the 30 mph speed limit, accidents are happening. Someone will be seriously injured or killed.324 of 400 SignaturesCreated by STEVE EVANS
Block McVitie's Additional Car Park Exit onto Chandos RoadMcVities are planning to open an exit to their employee car park onto Chandos Road, increasing traffic on quiet residential roads in the Heatons. They have said this will be used by their employees (of which they have 500) and operate 7 days a week. Currently, the exit leads onto the A6 and they are planning to divert some of the congestion onto the quiet roads of local homeowners. We have a lovely quiet cul-de-sac, used by children to play out. In addition to a well used guide/scout hall, with children's after school activities in the evening when they say the extra traffic will be (6:30pm to 7:30pm, 7 days a week). They also expect high volume between 6:30am and 7:30am, 7 days a week. Please help us stop this large corporate business (albeit with good biscuits) ruining the lovely road we live on.368 of 400 SignaturesCreated by Jennifer Mayers
Tax incentives to pushbike to workIt will encourage people to live within cycling distance of their work. The net effect is less people commuting in cars, less cars on the road, less pollution, more bikes on the road, healthier people. With Apps like Strava and a bike registered to the App. journeys can be recorded and information uploaded. HMRC would be able to see that the journeys are from home to work from uploaded information. We have to create strategies to have less cars on the road and this one.55 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Paul Kirkup
5 points traffic system in Burnham BerkshireThe 5 points has always been a traffic nightmare but when they introduced the roundabout as a temporary measure the difference in the traffic flow was more than evident. What was initially thought of as going to cause chaos throughout the improvement roadworks, was actually a godsend. However now they have put the lights back in has caused more traffic than ever!2,120 of 3,000 SignaturesCreated by Lisa Wrigley
Air conditioning for bussesCuatomer and employee comfort and care. Being a customer i have a two hour commute on the busses and on extremely hot days its just unbrearble and i can only wonder how the drivers stay so composed under such strenuos working conditions dealing not only with the heat. But with ubcomfortable perspiering passengers who belive that it is the drivers fault that it is scorchingly hot both outside and on the busses.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Adam Stenning
Better train services for Davenport and WoodsmoorOver the past 7 years there has been huge growth in use of both Davenport (41% up) and Woodsmoor (56% up). Many people rely on the trains for travel to work (commuting to Manchester and beyond, commuting to Stepping Hill hospital), visiting patients at Stepping Hill, travelling to education (Aquinas college, Stockport school, Great Moor School, Stockport Grammar) and for leisure trips. Northern should be held to account and fulfill their need to ‘transform’ rail services, a word they have been so keen to use in their PR but so reluctant to deliver in their actions760 of 800 SignaturesCreated by Chris Hunt
20's Plenty for ShropshireShropshire-wide conference on the benefits of 20mph total system default speed limit on all residential roads in Shropshire. Theatre Severn, Shrewsbury, Saturday 30th September 2017, Between 13:00 – 17:00 You may already be aware that 20mph general system-wide, default speed limits are well established in the United Kingdom as a highly effective public health intervention, and an important contribution to increasing the amount of walking, cycling and creating attractive, people-friendly streets. Approximately 15 million people in England and Wales now live in areas where the majority of roads and streets have a 20mph speed limit. There is widespread public support (>70%) for 20mph mainly on road safety grounds. It is very hard to kill a pedestrian or cyclist at 20mph (9 out of 10 hit by a vehicle survive) but fatalities are more likely at 30mph (only 5 out of 10 survive being hit). There is robust scientific evidence that 20mph is a highly effective pubic health intervention, and increases the number of people walking and cycling which in turn reduces car use, congestion, greenhouse gas emissions and improves air quality. Many of us have argued for five years or more for a Shropshire-wide 20mph limit, but Shropshire Council refuses to adopt this policy and the Police and Crime Commissioner for West Mercia, John Campion has told us he does not support the idea. The conference will explore the degree to which the 20mph policy commitment can assist with the delivery of Shropshire Council’s priorities which include tackling obesity, reducing congestion and air pollution. 20mph limits have considerable potential to deliver 'policy CS7' in the Shropshire Council Local Development Framework Adopted Core Strategy: CS7: “It is important to recognise that the quality of opportunities for walking and cycling will encourage physical activity, and this would help to improve the health and quality of life of individuals within local communities”. We are organising a high profile conference in Shrewsbury in September 2017. This will bring together community groups, 20mph campaign groups, public health specialists and experts on the evidence that 20mph works well. 20mph is not expensive to implement, and does not impose extra burdens on policing through additional enforcement tasks. The idea is to raise public awareness and engage with the media and present Shropshire Council with a strong, irrefutable case for the idea. We are a community group with no funds. It has been estimated that paying for the venue and the travel expenses of the six speakers will cost approximately £1000. We would very much like to raise this amount through the crowdfunding route. If at all possible, can you please go to this crowdfunding site and make a donation. http://www.crowdfunder.co.uk/benefits-of-a-shropshire-wide-conference-for-20mph For further information on the conference please contact the organisers: Organisers are as below. Professor John Whitelegg Andrew e. Williams B.Sc. Psych. [email protected] [email protected]15 of 100 SignaturesCreated by James Smithers
Please let the People Parking Bay in Hackney remainWe would like to see a people parking bay or parklet in every street in Hackney. The provision of official parklets by Hackney Council in three locations in Hackney in three years is welcome and we recognise Hackney is ahead of the curve in London. However, it will take a millennium to have a significant impact on the parking environment in Hackney. Therefore, we would like to work with the Council to develop a community and business led 'parklet' programme that will allow people and businesses to invest in the public realm. This experimental community parklet allows the gauging of public support for such an idea. Please do let the experiment run its course. The bay is very popular with residents and passers by. The visitor book has hundreds of positive comments: https://goo.gl/photos/gUA8bbtaMamuCcUC8 Walking is the most common way for people to get around in Hackney but while car parking dominates kerbside space there is little provision for pedestrians to rest. Many people, including older and disabled people, and people with kids need regular rest stops while walking, and pavements are too narrow for walking let alone placing benches on them. The popularity of this people parking bay is demonstrating that resting spots for pedestrians are likely to very popular. The people parking bay was a lead article in Local Transport Today. https://www.transportxtra.com/publications/parking-review/news/53699/hackney-resident-wants-to-convert-parking-bays-into-people-places www.peopleparkingbay.com947 of 1,000 SignaturesCreated by Brenda Puech
Help Elliot 2K17I could have died.27 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Elliot Lucas
Toll free Mersey GatewayThis is going to cost the every day working man/woman £90 a month to cross the new crossing just to get to work or visit family and friends. It's not a crossing more a boarder wall for many.60 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Geoff Cook
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