Double yellow linesThe staff from the dvla park on our street causing problems for the residents to get into or out of their driveway4 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Mark Lindell
Motorcycle licence Grandad lawHaving held a full car driving license since 1995 I feel very insulted and stupid that I can only ride a 50cc moped without L plates. I'm 6'2 a push bike can go faster than me on a 50cc just imagine how fast I can go with a pillion very dangerous. I've been disabled for the last 8 years and had my motability car taken away due to cutbacks. I cannot afford to buy a car let alone keep one on the road, the only way I can go anywhere is on a 50cc moped which is dangerously slow so I traded it in for a 125cc scooter now I have to find 100 every 2 years for a CBT and display L plates if I want to go anywhere with my wife she has to get the bus, I can't get the bus because I can't walk far enough to get to the bus stop.16 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Steve Gibbons
M6 toll road open free to all during roadworksTo ease traffic and congestion and reduce financial losses to business.15 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Matthew Shilvock
Zebra crossing BuckdenA safe crossing is needed for children and adults to cross for school, nursery, shops and bus stop. Since there is no longer a post for a lollipop person the road has become difficult and dangerous to cross.175 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Vikki Brooks
Save Sankey StationAccording to staff manning an information stand relating to the new station it will come at a cost of £18 million. - At least £4 million of this will be found through the local council (local residents). - Around 1 in 4 residents in established Penketh and Sankey will be disadvantaged by the new plans. - Services at Sankey station will be significantly reduced. Still not clear: - What about elderly residents who rely on Sankey Station? - What will happen to Sankey Station? Will it fall into disrepair? We need a say & we need to know more!1,826 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Andy N Sandra Moss
Companion bus passOther counties such as Nottinghamshire, Devonshire, East Sussex do pay for companion bus passes for carers of disabled people. They get grants for the government to do it. It is a discretionary thing not a mandatory. However, Lack of the findings for other counties is jeopardising people's independence as it is unfair and immoral for carers to having to pay to go on a bus with a disabled person.17 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Luke Layton
Stop the Route Changes for the 56 BusThis service is an essential link for the elderly who use it to access the shops in Broadstairs and St. Peter's and Margate, to attend the GP's surgery, to go to friends and generally to lead an independent life. Cutting out the lower part of Broadstairs High Street and taking away the stop in Hopeville Avenue will seriously affect many. Re-routing via Carlton Avenue and Green Lane makes the service much less user-friendly.473 of 500 SignaturesCreated by Jenny Matterface
Roundabout for Beanfield Ave/Cottingham Road junction CorbyThis is a dangerous junction at most time and is really bad at the school run time, sometimes the traffic backs up to way past the St. Brendan's Church and beyond. Also can cause a hazard at the Zebra Crossing. Seen many a near miss here as some people turn left then do a u-turn at the right turning a bit further down.268 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Micheal Gibbons
Burton End parking and traffic calming improvementsWhen the bypass was built this was a small side road now it is a main road into the town , with two local schools that cross at the bottle neck, traffic calming implementations are totally inadequate and parking is none existent we need it sorted before a major accident happens195 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Shelley Montgomery
Northamptonshire County CouncilThis junction is dangerous and congestion backs down from the junction to the Jamb in Corby. This is made worse during peak times causing delays for workers, children travelling to and from school and businesses.200 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Robert Riley
Allow Ambulances on non-emergency journeys to use Bus LanesMost people are aware of the pressures the Ambulance Service and the NHS are under. What many may be unaware of is the wideranging variances there are in Bus Lane use between Local Authorities. This makes it confusing, and reliant upon local knowledge, as to whether a Bus Lane may be used or not. Ambulances sitting in queues of traffic while Bus Lanes are free doesn't make much sense, as it delays patients and Ambulances when there is an alternative.571 of 600 SignaturesCreated by Chloe Reese
Bus waiting area seating in HarrisDespite availability of private cars throughout the Western Isles generally many local inhabitants still depend on public transport, and should therefore be afforded every comfort and convenience in this regard.18 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Roderick MacSween
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