• Save Our 394 Glossop - Marple - Stepping Hill Hospital Bus
    The bus is the only link between Glossop and Stepping Hill Hospital (Stockport). Withdrawal of this service on the 28th March will result in the total removal of the only public transport link for residents on Glossop Road, Marple Bridge, Lane Ends and Chisworth. The link from the Charlesworth to the doctors surgeries, shops of Marple Bridge and Marple will be lost. Hawk Green will lose its link High Lane / Hazel Grove and its direct link to Stepping Hill Hospital. There are already problems with availability of car parking at Marple Bridge, Marple Station, Marple, Hazel Grove and Stepping Hill hospital. Withdrawal of the 394 service will exacerbate these problems. The service is used by students travelling to Marple Ridge College at various times of the day: withdrawal will restrict students to travel on the peak time college services only.
    412 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Stephen Slater
  • Save the Birnam bus service
    This has heavily impacted on the local community. Many people, especially the elderly in this rural area, rely on public transport for getting around Perthshire and to the major Scottish cities. As a popular tourist destination it also makes it much harder for visitors to reach us by bus. Please sign this petition to show that people value our public transport and how important it is in rural areas.
    326 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Dot Mechan
  • Support the Heathrow 13 and stop the new runway!
    13 climate protesters are facing prison to silence protest against new runways which would wreck Government policy to protect us from catastrophic climate change. The Paris agreement underlines the need to cut emissions now. Aviation is the fastest growing source of carbon emissions and the only way to reduce emissions from aviation to a safe level is to reduce the number of flights. Despite David Cameron’s ‘no ifs, no buts’ election and manifesto promise to not build a new runway following massive public outrage at the proposals, the Government is now breaking its promise. There is more than enough aviation capacity for people’s annual holidays and the declining number of business flights. Airport growth is driven by a minority of frequent fliers who take the majority of UK flights to second homes and tax havens. Meanwhile, emissions from aviation are destroying people’s lives. People in the Heathrow area, who already have to breathe illegal levels of air pollution and suffer intolerable noise, would now see their homes destroyed. People across the UK have been flooded at Christmas, and every year hundreds of thousands more people die due to climate change - mostly in poor countries in the Global South, the people least responsible for emissions. The Government is expected to make its decision on whether to expand Heathrow or Gatwick – or neither, if we are successful – this year. It’s one or the other: build new runways or protect us from climate chaos. The people in the Global South who are dying due to climate change already have no voice in the debate. We can show them that jailing peaceful protesters will not silence those of us who do.
    656 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Plane Stupid
  • Lothian Buses to continue to accept Adult City Single Tickets
    Services working with vulnerable people hand out single bus tickets to enable people to get to health appointments and to meet with other vital services. The decision to stop accepting Adult City Single Tickets restricts the ability for services to offer such provision. Users of food banks have been particularly impacted by the decision. Foodbanks use these single tickets to issue to clients who have walked quite a distance to receive 12-25kgs of food to carry home. When previous client stated ‘When I accessed a foodbank in the intervening time between losing my house and going to a homeless hostel I went to the foodbank on Madeira Street and they gave me a bus ticket to get back to Lothian Road, which was as you can imagine a massive help!’. Alternative ticketing systems that Lothian Buses could consider are listed below: • Adult City Single Scratchcards are less likely to be counterfeited. • Using two prepaid child tickets to allow an adult to board a bus (no plans as yet to cease the sale of books of child singles) • Single journey citysmart cards with only one journey loaded on them • Day saver scratch cards solds to charities for £1.60 each • Annual donations of scratch cards to charities that are existing customers of Lothian Buses as part of LB’s corporate social responsibility
    2,236 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by PAUL STEVENSON
  • Safety for Pedestrian Crossing - Prevention is better than Death!
    At present drivers go through the pelican crossing when it's turning red, and also when it is red. This crossing is used by many school pupils including those at Queens Park Community School, Capital Academy and Malorees Junior School. It is only a matter of time before a child gets killed by a driver. Brent Council needs to put a red light trigger camera and warning sign at the pelican crossing before a death not after one. Prevention is better than Death!
    220 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Kaya Xxxx
  • Unfair car parking charge increase in Herefordshire
    Herefordshire Councils Cabinet signed off last December/November a raise in the car park charges which came into effect on the 1st of February. As a example Herefords Merton Meadow car park before the increase was £3 all day as of the 1st of Feb this went up to £5 this is a raise of 66%!! Whilst in leominster the car park in Broad street went from £1 to £2.50 which represents a 150% increase!! Further information on car parking price changes can be found at https://www.herefordshire.gov.uk/media/3921502/car_park_notice_of_variation_of_charges_feb_2016.pdf This is unfair because this now means that people that work in Hereford will now have to work for 3/4 of an hour just to park their car. I also believe that with more and more chain stores moving in Hereford the increased car parking charges will impact on local residents, tourism and business people not coming at staying in Herefordshire. Many local small independent shops haven't got e commerce websites and therefore people can't buy their products/services online. This in turn is playing into the hands of major business and taking money away from local business. The other day a work colleague was paying for parking in Herefords Merton Meadow car park. The lady in front of here was from Cardiff for the day she said "£5 for parking, thats the last time that I come to Hereford." Their argument that this was done to try and get the public to use more public transport is floored when in their last budget they reduced the bus services that they subsidise therefore meaning that less services are now running. Also how many councillors do you see actively using and promoting public transport?? If you agree with any of the points that I raise please please sign my petition against Herefordshire Councils Cabinet and maybe Cllr Rone will take note and review the parking charges decision that has been made. Thank you for your time.
    609 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Robert Williams
  • Re-instate the Leven rail link NOW!
    1. Scotland's largest urban area without a rail link. Even Beeching's Report recommended this stretch remain open 2. Strong business case for both passenger and freight use (Diageo, Fife Energy Park, Methil Docks etc) 3. Address high levels of deprivation following closure of traditional industries 4. Road links to Levenmouth are poor so rail services would cut road congestion and carbon 5. Existing Fife Circle services offering hourly connections to Edinburgh and the wider network are easily extended, while the track is fully intact. The investment cost is modest. 6. Justice demands this area should receive similar transport services to other, much smaller communities across the country
    692 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Levenmouth Rail Campaign Picture
  • Stop the reduction of mooring times at Berkhamsted, Braunston and Marsworth
    Recently, the Canal & River Trust (CRT) announced a proposal to change the mooring times in three locations on the southern Grand Union canal, at Berkhamsted, Braunston and Marsworth. These proposals will reduce 14 day moorings to 7 days, 48 and 24 hours. Reducing these time limits, as seen in prior changes in other areas, has had a detrimental effect on the local community, canal side businesses, canal traders and boaters with or without a home mooring. The proposals will further concentrate boaters to ever decreasing areas therefore causing more issues for CRT enforcement and those boaters who wish to stay in these areas for 14 days. There is an ongoing consultation and we encourage signatories to put in their objections before the end of February via the following link: https://canalrivertrust.org.uk/enjoy-the-waterways/boating/mooring-your-boat/south-east-visitor-moorings/south-east-visitor-mooring-consultation-january/february-2016 The reducing of mooring times at Batchworth, Braunston and Marsworth must be stopped.
    915 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Marcus Trower
  • Introduce stringent test for Taxi / Private hire drivers licence.
    The reason for the petition is the "well being of public safety" Wolverhampton Private Hire Drivers Group has joined a growing band of campaigners who have raised safety concerns over 'falling standards' in the trade since the city council changed the way drivers need to qualify for a taxi badge. They now have only to pass a one-day course.
    476 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Ebrahim Ali Suleman
  • Stop the introduction of parking charges at Lake Pier, Poole
    Users of the park visit the Ham Common (An SSSI area " of great beauty and interest.") and engage in sport & leisure activities that are based at Lake Pier. Perhaps most significantly they are residents of the local area including the youth of the borough, adults previously encouraged under ‘well being’ schemes, mature residents who visit to enjoy the environment and many others; fishermen, children and families - ‘crabbing’ and enjoying the shoreline. Most unfortunately the Poole Harbour Canoe club that has recently been encouraged to invest in a new boathouse at the site and who support the engagement of all ages in enjoying canoeing and kayaking may also suffer. Juniors, families and adults will all now sadly be discouraged by the introduction of these charges negating the good work of many in the borough who have previously encouraged active participation of these diverse groups of the community. The club has "Top Club" status from the National Governing body - the British Canoe Union through the diverse nature of its work and activities. http://www.pooleharbourcanoeclub.uk
    1,535 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Bill Richmond
  • Driving Assessments for drivers over 70/75
    I understand from the Institute of Advanced Motorists that there is a government backed 'Older Drivers Task Force' consultation in progress, that should be reporting in the summer (2016). We hope something positive will come from this. The population is ageing, there are going to be more and more people driving into old age. We need a way of controlling those who may have got beyond safe driving, and becoming a danger to themselves and others on the roads around them. It is very difficult for family members to tell a relative that they should stop driving, our medics seem loath to broach the subject. Something needs to be done, and regular testing/assessment could be a way to solve the problem.
    16 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Peter Logan
  • Reinstate Loughborough Hospital Bus Stop
    The hospital offers both inpatient and outpatient care, as well as an Urgent Care Centre. With limited onsite parking, access to the health and care services offered at the hospital has become a major problem to elderly patients and those with mobility issues or without transport. Mental Health services has just been moved to the site, meaning even more patients use the hospital. Local bus companies need to be held to account for providing a service that meets the needs of customers and this includes maintaining adequate transport links to our local hospital for patients with accessibility needs.
    680 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Emma Ward Picture