• Campaign for Disability Access for North Reddish Train Station
    It is important so that people like Leon Evans who uses a wheelchair can gain access to public transportation and others like him
    82 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jeanette Doyle
  • WSCC cabinet member challenged to risk DEADLY A259 junctions in rush hour
    We want URGENT ACTION before any more LIVES ARE LOST!
    582 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Tony Dixon Picture
  • licensed disabled taxis must have working ramps at all times to operate
    My friends and their daughter were unable to get home one Saturday evening, having to push their daughter in her wheelchair several miles, after having approached four dissabled carrying taxis in a row parked together in a taxi rank, all claiming their ramps for wheelchair access were not functional.
    59 of 100 Signatures
    Created by John Collins
  • Save the 19 & 20 bus services in York!
    The 19 and 20 bus routes serve areas of the city which are not covered by other bus services, so the council's proposals will cut off a vital lifeline to the residents living along those routes, especially those who are old or have limited mobility. Reliable and frequent bus services near to where people live reduce congestion and air pollution, both of which are major problems for the whole city. Cutting these services will force even more people to drive, making these problems worse. This is part of a major consultation on bus services in York and we will be submitting this petition as part of the response to the consultation.
    190 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Jenny Cooke
  • Stop this shambolic Sussex Ambulance privatisation
    On April 1st a woefully-ill-equipped private firm, Coperforma, replaced the NHS’s South East Coast Ambulance Service in a botched privatisation of NHS services. The mobile phone app the company uses often doesn’t work, especially in areas of poor mobile reception and its own ambulance drivers have said the company is ‘out of its depth’. The result? • Cancer patients have missed oncology appointments after ambulances failed to turn up to collect them. • Patients with kidney failure have not been able to receive scheduled sessions of kidney dialysis for the same reason, with some missing two of their three treatments in a week. • So many patients have become stuck at the Royal Sussex County hospital in Brighton because their transport has not arrived that it has paid for taxis and other private vehicle suppliers to take them home. • Staff there have had to stay until midnight to ensure kidney patients arriving hours after their scheduled start time have received vital dialysis. • Coperforma vehicles have turned up to collect patients who have already died. Patients, relatives, NHS bodies, Trade Unions and local MPs have severely criticised the service’s performance but still local CCGs persist with the untenable private company. The previous public provider regularly had approval ratings of over 90%. For more information http://www.theguardian.com/society/2016/apr/12/patients-wait-hours-for-ambulances-nhs-transport-service-privatised-sussex http://www.theargus.co.uk/news/local/14432002.Patient_transport_company_out_of_its_depth__say_its_own_drivers/
    11,165 of 15,000 Signatures
    Created by Carl Walker
  • Save City of York Council School Bus Contracts- Manor School
    As this means that families who get free travel will have to pay ridiculous prices.
    19 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Dylan Jennison
  • PLEASE replace and widen footpath urgently!
    As only weeds grow either side of that path maybe consider widening it making much more accessible to local nursery, school children and the local elderly residents. Come the summer the nettles grow and last summer were 4ft tall for a lengthy period of time before cut back. Long nettles hardly a safety net for the numerous excitable Young children on scooters and bicycles. After all are we not constantly striving to promote children being active? A high volume of children use this footpath daily and it's in a terrible condition. Also many local elderly residents use this footpath. Yesterday mid morning I tripped on this uneven and unsafe footpath and suffered mild head injury and a nasty bruise to my chin. I work as a Teaching Assistant in the local school and arrived visibly upset and shaken. I could have been that elderly resident, expectant mother or other.
    120 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Anita Johnston
  • Remove the exclusion of ostomy patients from the Blue Badge scheme
    Currently those with colinic/bowel disorders and who have a permanent condition as a result of this are rejected from the Blue Badge scheme. Granted that this is true of many others as well, but ostomates usually have to carry with them a set of spares (from clothing to appliances) and having easy and close access to these would be a huge relief, especially in an emergency. Believe me, walking through a supermarket car park knowing that you clothes are soiled is not pleasant, and being able to be back at the car and safety would be a huge physical and psychological benefit. Likewise, many ostomates end up with hernias as a result of their surgery, meaning that carrying heavy items and distance can be challenging if not actually harmful, let alone the issues of having to stack/pack these into a boot or onto a back seat. There are over 100,000 ostomates in the UK currently who have to fend for themselves (I speak as one of these). Seeing others abuse the scheme of course makes one think that it should be tightened, but not to the exclusion of those with genuine needs.
    1,479 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Nigel Ashton
  • Sufficient parking for users of NHS facilities in Scotland
    It is stressful for people to have to drive around, for example with a sick relative, or going to work, going for treatment or trying to visit a loved one. Imagine how you feel if you are a grandmother, taking your grandchild to hospital after he/she sustains a painful injury only to find yourself looking for a parking space for 40 minutes. You find a space but have a twenty minute walk, carrying one child, another child in hand. You have a long wait for treatment then get two fretful children back to your car. It has been bashed, and you have a parking ticket. Yes, this really did happen. The effects of that experience stayed with the grandmother for days after the event. Imagine taking a loved one for exhausting radiotherapy. You drive round and round. You and your loved one end up with stress over and above the anticipatory stress about the treatment. This happens at every visit. Imagine trying to get to work. You cannot car share. You have children and carers to drop off/pick up before your shift starts. You get a parking space eventually, you rush a fifteen minute walk before your shift begins, but find the inevitable parking ticket at the end of your shift. People do not live simple hassle free lives in today's world. These example do not fit with government policy in relation to exercise, or reducing pollution. These situation do not harmonise with policy to improve well-being. We need action now.
    42 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Grace Moore
  • Bring Back Our Bus To Frimley Park Hospital
    Currently the journey requires two or three buses to the hospital and can take up to three hours to travel there from some parts of Fleet and Church Crookham. Clearly this journey is not viable for many local people. An alternative route to include the train is complicated and saves little time and a return taxi can cost £40. A direct bus between Fleet and Frimley Park Hospital would allow everyone to have access to the hospital to attend regular appointments, visit relatives and get to work without transport concerns. It isn't just older and vulnerable people who would benefit, drivers can quickly become non drivers either temporarily or permanently due to misfortune. Congestion and pollution around Frimley would be eased by enabling both patients, visitors and staff to get there by bus and would take away the stress and expense of parking at the already overflowing car park at a time when housing numbers are rapidly increasing in Hart and Rushmoor. A bus to the local hospital is a social necessity and we believe that this needs to be implemented for Fleet and Church Crookham. Please sign the petition to add your support for this campaign
    1,574 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Sarah Horton
  • Eden Lane Traffic Calming
    Nothing is more important than keeping children safe. There have been several speeding car near misses with young children on Eden Lane. Installing traffic calming measures on Eden Lane will hopefully prevent any future serious injury or death due to speeding.
    143 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Andrew Watson
  • Safety in Church Lane, Newington, Kent, ME9
    Following the most recent accident of many, and multiple near misses, we demand that Swale Borough Council install safety calming measures in Church Lane, Newington This is the main route to the village school and Church and is used by many people, from the very young to the elderly, both driving and on foot, every day. Speed is a main factor in many of these incidents, and the usable road width is approximately no more than one car width. The lane is used by a large amount of traffic everyday; including cars, farm traffic and large lorries. We already have the support of the Parish Council and we would like the support of both the Borough Council and the County Council to install traffic calming measures forthwith.
    146 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Jayne Venables