• Keep free school transport for Grammar School pupils in Lincolnshire.
    As a parent I want what is best for my children. My son was given an OPPORTUNITY when he was offered a Grammar School place. If free school transport is withdrawn, a grammar school education would become a PRIVILEGE which many parents across Lincolnshire would be unable to afford.
    172 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Mick Flindall
  • No charging points
    It is important for people as electric cars are cheaper to run, they don't send out a lot of harmful emissions & its better for the eviroment
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Aaron Hollingsworth
  • Scrap HS2 and build a Hyperloop
    High speed 2 has been predicted to cost between 43 and 80 billion pounds, at a time when the government is making cuts to services that we depend on. This is an outdated service, as a 'normal' train service becoming fully completed in 2033 an insult to humanity. Surely we have a better dream for our future. The obvious alternative is to build a hyperloop system. Such a system has been predicted to cost a quarter to an eighth of the cost of HS2, whilst being three times HS2's speed, making it six times faster than current trains. These attributes could make the hyperloop incredibly low cost, maybe even free. There is no better way to balance London with northern cities than free tickets from London to Manchester with a journey times of less then twenty minutes. The destructive impact of HS2 would be mostly negated if a hyperloop system was built instead. HS2's current proposed route damages at least seven Sites of Special Scientific Interest and 66 Local Wildlife Sites. Hyperloop is elevated above the ground and in a sealed tube, meaning that little damage is done to wildlife on the ground and cannot be harmed by moving vehicles. An example of someone who has to move due to HS2 was shown in the Guardian. This person keeps birds of prey and has to move for fear of the birds harming themselves on passing trains. A hyperloop would not have such problems. Finally, a hyperloop has the potential to reinstate Britain's place as one of the most innovative countries. The transport pioneers of old would be disappointed to see that we have progressed little since their time. A transonic transport system is very possible, and our world class university system could provide the engineering skill base for such a project. We need to make sure we take the cheaper, smarter and greener option.
    215 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Chris Long
  • Save our local bus services in Oxfordshire
    ALL SUBSIDISED bus routes in the county are set to lose their funding from Oxfordshire County Council under proposals approved in November 2015 by the Council. The subsidies are paid to bus companies and community groups so they can run 118 bus routes, mainly in rural areas, that would otherwise not be commercially viable. The bus network is vital to the health of local communities and especially important to vulnerable members of the community who use the network to access support and care and avoid social isolation. These cuts are totally unacceptable and a false economy as they will have hidden costs in terms of additional social care and health spending to support those who currently use the bus service to access support and life opportunities. The cuts also make a mockery of the County Council’s integrated transport plan and environmental targets. We are calling on the Leader of the County Council Council and the Prime Minister, who is MP for Winey and who has in correspondence questioned whether the cuts to front line council services are necessary in Oxfordshire, to resolve their disagreement about council funding and withdraw these cuts proposals before the new County Council budget is agreed in February. Deadline for completion January 12th (to be presented to the Council’s Transport Advisory Panel on the 14th January).
    1,764 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by David Radford
  • Make bad driving a thing of the past!!
    It will serve to make our roads safer and will make work easier for the Police. It will potentially help to drive down insurance premium costs.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Aled Brewerton
  • Pets on Eurostar
    Pets on Eurostar believe that non drivers are being discriminated against by this ban from Eurostar. If you agree, please sign the petition on our home page. We intend to approach not only the directors of Eurostar but our Ministers for Transport at Whitehall and Brussels.
    170 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Martha de Monclin
  • National Express: Racist?
    It's completely unacceptable that someone has, allegedly, been denied access to travel because of the colour of their skin. From Rosa Parks to Bristol's own Paul Stephenson, activists have struggled to ensure, and maintain, equal access to public transport for everyone regardless of their skin colour. Not tackling this head-on sets a dangerous precedent and will surely lead to more incidents of discrimination. National Express needs to address this serious allegation and win back public confidence. It should take this opportunity to become an industry leader and set an example in this time of tension when discrimination against Muslims is on the rise. Labour Councillor for Easton, Afzal Shah, said: “Have we really returned to days where people are kicked off buses because of the colour of skin, their appearance or religion? National Express has a lot of questions to answer. Yes, people who are behaving suspiciously on public transport should be challenged, but when someone is apparently asked to leave a bus because they are a Muslim carrying a bag, that is unacceptable and Islamophobic.” The allegations are serious and could amount to a criminal offence under the discrimination act. This petition is supported by ACORN Bristol, Bristol Somali Forum and Bristol Green Party. Links: - B24/7 Marvin Rees' article: http://www.bristol247.com/channel/opinion/your-say/politics/mayor-should-confront-national-express - Bristol Post - latest article about the protest: http://www.bristolpost.co.uk/Bristol-bus-station-protest-way-Muslim-treated/story-28387134-detail/story.html - Bristol Cable: https://thebristolcable.org/2015/12/muslim-man-thrown-off-bus-full-inquiry-demanded/ - The Mirror - http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/muslim-man-thrown-national-express-6967457 - Bristol Post - witness statements: http://www.bristolpost.co.uk/Man-thrown-National-Express-coach-Bristol/story-28312057-detail/story.html - Bristol Post - Ibrahim Mohamed Ismail's statement: http://www.bristolpost.co.uk/Kicked-National-Express-coach-m-Muslim-Bristol/story-28320122-detail/story.html - The Independent - http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/national-express-muslim-passenger-thrown-off-bus-was-asked-to-leave-due-to-concerns-over-excess-a6763571.html - A similar incident on National Express in June 2015: http://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2015/jun/25/national-express-investigates-claim-of-drivers-racist-and-islamophobic-tirade - 'Muslim man forced off London Underground after commuter accuses him of acting 'suspiciously' with an iPad' (10th Dec 2015): http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/muslim-man-forced-off-london-underground-after-commuter-accuses-him-of-acting-suspiciously-with-an-a6766941.html
    6,647 of 7,000 Signatures
    Created by Katie Finnegan-Clarke Picture
  • A Safer V1 in Tattenhoe
    Traffic turning onto V1 at school-run times is heavy and dangerous with cars travelling at 60mph. This is only set to get worse as Tattenhoe Park is developed. Share your views on our facebook page https://www.facebook.com/tattenhoecommunitynews/?ref=hl Fill in the survey on what restrictions we should fight for https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/6ZHRRZH
    16 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Anthony Brown
  • Stop Proposed Caravan Road Tax
    Touring caravan users are already paying road tax on the vehicles used to tow the caravan. The caravan when connected becomes part of the towing unit, would this also mean all articulated vehicles would also be required to pay road tax on each trailer?
    9 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ivan Wilson
  • Dual The A90 North Of Ellon To Fraserburgh Via Peterhead
    The variety of vehicles travelling on these routes are causing to many accidents as well as extremely slow travelling times. I have never known a route take as long or have as many accidents as this section. Because of the wide variety of vehicles, vehicles are having to overtake to avoid tailbacks and congestion. There have been many meetings, newspaper articles etc. I think it's about time this went 'National' so people can see the situation of a road in 2015 in Scotland
    2,399 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Helen Graham
  • Don't extend the trams in Edinburgh
    The existing trams finally came into service several years later than planned, eight stops short and 50% over its budget, at a cost of £776 million.The project has left Edinburgh the second most indebted council in Scotland, with total borrowing of more than £1.4 billion – nearly £3,000 for every resident. The new extension is estimated to cost over £162 million. The project would be part-financed by securing a £25 million “extraordinary dividend” from publicly-owned Lothian Buses, which means reduced investment in buses, job cuts, fare rises and a possible sell-off - another rip-off for the local people. Edinburgh has one of the best and most affordable bus services in the UK, so there is no need of trams extension. The City of Edinburgh Council should not come to a decision to extend the lines before the Tram Public Enquiry is completed. The money that will be spent on the needless trams extension could be used on community services, so The Council doesn't need to cut any services.
    1,221 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Georgi Ivanov
  • No to the renaming of Tamesides bus stations to Tameside Interchange, Interchange number 2 and 3.
    Tameside Council are wishing to rename Ashton Bus Station to Tameside Interchange. Stalybridge and Hyde will in future be known as Interchange #2 and #3. This is very wrong. Not only will it confuse everyone the risk of school children, old folk, people with learning disabilities and people with illnesses such as dementia getting lost, confused and upset is high. We must fight to keep the identity, history and the heritage of our town centres. We do not want them to dissapear.
    284 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Charlotte Hughes