• Oppose high speed rail link HS2
    HS2 is merely a politicians' vanity project. With passenger numbers forecast to increase even further, the aim of current and future rail improvements should be to increase train, stations and line capacity; to make life more bearable for current and future passengers, not to shave half an hour off a single route from London to the north. There are already many environmental opponents to this vast waste of taxpayers money. Surely a majority of taxpayers would support using rail money in a far more efficient way.
    5,530 of 6,000 Signatures
    Created by David Shevels
  • Say No to School Transport Costs
    Staffordshire County Council is proposing to charge £380 a year per child for transport where children are not attending the nearest school. The figure does not take proper account of income and could be increased. For thousands of families their nearest school is not the local catchment school there is no way of avoiding this cost. An estimated 72 schools are affected and could face losing pupils. http://www.thisisstaffordshire.co.uk/Staffordshire-pupils-facing-pound-380-school-bus/story-19171776-detail/story.html In Perton where I live the nearest school is in Wolverhampton which is another Local Education Authority. We have no choice but to send children to Codsall if we want them to go to the local catchment school. The council is suggesting that pupils should walk to school if parents can't afford the transport costs or drive them, but with many of the those affected living in rural areas, walking along unlit 60 mile an hour roads is not a safe or viable option. It will also lead to a increased volume of cars on many roads causing disruption and congestion to other travellers. This policy is poorly thought through and unfair especially at a time when many families are already struggling to make ends meet.
    2,459 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Debbie Swan Picture
  • Stop the Bexhill to Hastings Link Road
    East Sussex County Council want to build a link road from Bexhill to Hastings to regenerate the local area. On both counts, they are misguided. A landmark study from the University of Toronto (The Fundamental Law of Road Congestion: Evidence from US cities, 2010), showed that building more roads (or widening existing ones) leads to more traffic. The more roads you build, the more cars you have. And with cars comes more noise, more congestion, and more CO2. Indeed the Department of Transport has gone on record to say that the new road will be a significant producer of carbon emissions. But that’s not all. The new road will border Combe Haven nature reserve - disrupting wildlife and adding noise and pollution to an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. This is bad for animals, and humans who want to enjoy the outdoors. And it will destroy the original site of the battle of hastings. And it’s been assessed as number 39 in the 40 priority road schemes in the country We don’t need this road. We call on East Sussex County Council to stop this project and invest in quieter, cleaner, more equitable public transport. Not only will this reduce congestion much more effectively, it will improve access for everyone, just just those with cars.
    135 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Robin Young
  • Hydrogen Highways Hydrogen Filling Points at all Motorway Service Areas
    Over one and a half million hydrogen powered vehicles could be on UK roads by 2030 according to a joint Government-industry study published today. The forecast is made in an interim report commissioned to evaluate the benefits of hydrogen fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs) and ensure the UK is well positioned for their commercial roll-out. For more see: http://news.bis.gov.uk/content/detail.aspx?NewsAreaId=2&ReleaseID=422877&SubjectId=2
    347 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Miles Stapleton
  • 20's Plenty in Rural Wiltshire
    20mph speed limits should be the norm in communties in Wiltshire, making them nicer, safer and healthier places to live. Many forward thinking Councils already have widespread 20mph limits and Wiltshire Council should follow their example.
    490 of 500 Signatures
    Created by TERRY CHIVERS
  • Re-nationalise Britain's Infrastructure
    Why should a select minority make a profit from services which we all need and which could, with proper strategic investment, make Britain a more competitive player in the world.
    1,879 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by phil milston
  • We need safe crossings of the A326/Hythe Bypass to prevent further tragedies
    “The crossing where the latest tragedy happened is popular with pedestrians, including children and people walking dogs, because it leads from a skate park and recreation ground to a broad gravel track in the New Forest National Park. There are at least seven similar crossings on the A326 between the Hardley and Applemore roundabouts and all of them are lethal. The road is very busy, the speed limit is 60mph and drivers often exceed even this high limit and overtake dangerously.  We demand immediate intervention: safe pedestrian crossings, a reduced speed limit, warning signs and enhanced visibility measures. We cannot afford more delays, nor can our community endure further preventable tragedies. We are fortunate in the Waterside to live next to a beautiful national park but the A326 acts as a barrier, cutting people off from reaching the forest safely on foot, on a mobility scooter, horse or bicycle. There is just one safe crossing on the 3.3 mile stretch of the A326 between the Hardley and Dibden roundabouts. That safe crossing is just north of the Heath Roundabout but that it is too far away for people living in Butts Ash and Netley View. An area with many households on low income has the least access to a safe crossing into the national park, worsening social inequality. This is unacceptable. ”
    1,630 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Ashleigh Mutimear-MacMillan
  • Bus pass for pensioners who turn 60 in England
    Because its unfair that we in England can't have a buss pass until we 65 when everyone else gets one in the country we should be treated the same as other pensioners some pensioners are more well off than others and can get out better than other people you can go all over the country if you want to and see family and friends as some pensioners don't drive 
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Pauline Winson
  • Free travel for ALL students, apprentices, and graduates
    We are in a cost of living crisis, and nearly everybody is struggling, and students are no exception to this. I have had to personally miss out on many opportunities because of the high price of travel, and it risks derailing my entire future plans if nothing is done about it.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sam Hobbs
  • Bring back low pressure sodium street lighting
    It’s a mark of progress in achieving less intrusive lighting with less light pollution emitted compared to existing street lights
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Charles Burgess
  • Clean up private parking. Clamp the cowboys
    Individual motorists too often find themselves in a situation where a £2 transaction has gone wrong - the machine misoperates or the credit card process says it has worked when it hasn't. The operator begins quasi-legal exercise which quickly ramps up from an initial £100 to £300+. It is a racket that is UK-wide. It is only when people get together that dubious enforcement patterns become visible and the operators can be encouraged to improve their practice.
    45 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Dee Gee
    Kingsway in Kirkby in Ashfield is having car accidents constantly because of people driving too fast and not paying attention. The central bollards have not stopped the issue. We need an average speed camera system to try and slow people down. This road has a school on it and many residents have vehicles parked on the road. These vehicles are the ones that get damaged and destroyed when speeders hit them. One day it will be the school kids getting knocked over.
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Callum Turner