• HS2 threatens Ancient Woodland
    1. Ancient woodland is irreplaceable. Once it's gone, its gone forever. It cannot be recreated. 2. Ancient woods are our richest land-based habitat. They have had relatively little disturbance over the centuries, which has allowed them to develop complex and diverse ecological communities of plants and animals. 3. Ancient woods are of archaeological importance, providing living records of the past and, are also some of our most beautiful places to visit. 4. Ancient woodland covers just two per cent of the UK and much of it is highly fragmented. 5. 256 species of conservation concern live in ancient woodland.
    216 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Constituent Wood
    UPDATE: I saw on 25th July that Councillor Ellcome has approved the reopening of the street. Sources: Portsmouth News: http://www.portsmouth.co.uk/news/business/local-business/palmerston-road-pedestrian-zone-to-be-opened-to-cars-again-1-6200011 Team Local: http://www.teamlocals.co.uk/palmerston-road-south-to-be-reopened-to-traffic-700000-osborne-road-scheme-approved Whilst a minority of businesses in the southern end of Palmerston Road at the heart of Southsea's shopping area claim the pedestrianisation of the precinct is an underlying factor in their downturn, a majority passionately believe the pedestrianisation of the zone has made for a more affluent area with anti-social behaviour being tackled. In December 2013, 29 of 31 businesses responded to a survey created to find the opinions of business owners in the southern end of Palmerston Road regarding the pedestrian zone. 59% were in favour of the zone remaining in place with an 11:00am delivery window. In December 2013 another survey was undertaken and hand-delivered to residents of the southern end of Palmerston Road, asking the same questions posed to businesses. 40 out of 127 residents responded to the survey and the results were in favour of keeping the pedestrian zone. 26/40 said the zone should remain. CCTV, a core force against anti-social behaviour, will be made more effective due to vehicles not obstructing the view of potential incidents in the southern end of Palmerston Road. Safety is also a strong concern for business owners in the area, especially with the presence of pubs where alcohol can lower people's inhibitions and potentially lead to endangerment of customers should the road be opened to vehicles.
    403 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Craig Cook
  • Stop HS2
    The cost of HS2 is huge and the long term benefits must be fully justified. Existing cost benefit analysis shows the investment will never be repaid - this is an unnecessary cost to the nation that we cannot afford. At the same time, the project will blight huge areas of southern Britain for many years of construction and in perpetuity - and for no gain. The government should upgrade the existing rail infrastructure and minimise the environmental impact for the same economic benefits and at much reduced cost.
    156 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Jamie Wilkinson
  • Keep Safety Critical Conductors On The Train at Northern Rail
    It is important to retain Safety Critical Conductors on Train Services ran by this franchise as they provide an effective security presence on board for all passengers, they are also there to carry out "emergency protection" of running lines in the event of an incident. Safety Critical Conductors also take on the emergency protection duties of the Train Driver should the driver become incapacitated in the unfortunate event of an incident. Safety Critical Conductors are responsible for the provision of customer service and a punctual train service also. Ensuring a punctual, safe and efficient service for all customers.
    4,450 of 5,000 Signatures
    Created by Richie Veitch
  • Billy Boy's Safety Campaign
    On Sunday the 21st of July 2013 our brother the eldest of eight siblings(Billy piercy) who had down syndrome and learning difficulties returning to his home following an outing. The minibus he was traveling in came to an abrupt halt. A car in the wrong lane turned right into the side street, forcing the driver of the minibus to break hard. Billy was propelled forward and hit his head on a ledge on the floor of the minibus. It is thought that Billy had unfastened his seat belt unknown to his carer. Billy died three days later on the 24th of July 2013 at 11:50pm surrounded by loved ones. We believe as a family that Billy would still be with us today if the mini bus had been fitted with a seat belt alarm. These alarms cost as little as £4.99. One of the first questions me and my family asked was why didn't the alarm go off when Billy had unfastened his seat belt? This is why we want to make seat belt alarms compulsorily for organisations carrying vulnerable adults and children with learning difficulties. This is why we have set up the Billy Boys Safety Campaign. As a parent of three children they have all undone their seat belts at a young age. I am asking you to please help by signing this partition and share your experiences by leaving a comment. Thank you from the piercy family .
    5,895 of 6,000 Signatures
    Created by Jayne Fawcett
  • Fare Deal for Bath Families
    Last school holidays I took my two children on the number 14 bus to Victoria Park playground. The return fare for one adult and two children from Bear Flat was £10. That's £10 to travel about one and half miles to a local park. If a child needs to take the bus to school it costs a fortune. A weekly pass is £15.50. If two children take the bus it costs the family £31 a week. That works out at roughly £1,200 a year for two kids in term time alone. These prices are just not affordable. You responded to consumer pressure in Bristol and reduced the cost of bus travel. We are asking you to act fairly in Bath because right now most families are priced off your buses.
    386 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Melanie Delargy
  • Please bring back the No 30 bus
    The number 30 bus from Richmond to Keld in North Yorkshire is very important to me as it is my lifeline. Living in a rural area, independence is very important for me but following cuts by North Yorkshire County Council my bus service has been withdrawn completely meaning a loss of independence which in turn has triggered a return of severe depression and anxiety. I travel by bus regularly for my dentist,doctors and psychiatric appointments all of which are over 9 miles away. I am now no longer able to go shopping and do any kind of leisure pursuits with my son as I am unable to get a connection from Richmond to travel by train should I wish to do so. My son who also uses the bus has now had to stop drama classes as he can no longer get home in the evening. The loss of this service is having a detrimental impact on my state of mind and well-being and we feel our right to public transport has been taken away leaving us in total isolation. Richmond our nearest town is over 20 miles away. I cannot drive and I am unable to afford a taxi or costs of other transport as I live on a limited budget. Having to move away from this area would have a devastating impact on my mental health as I would have to leave my job, where my employers are totally supportive of my mental illness, my home where my landladies are also supportive of my mental illness. Many other people in the surrounding areas have also been badly affected. Both the Government and local council must understand that cutting bus services to make short term savings has hugely detrimental effects on people. Upper Swaledale also gets a lot of tourists and walkers along the Coast 2 Coast path and Pennine Way during the year who also use the bus services. Cutting off access to the countryside means that businesses and the tourist industry will also suffer. Please sign my petition to Leader of North Yorkshire County Council: Councillor John Weighell calling for them to think again and reinstate the number 30 bus service between Richmond to Keld.
    289 of 300 Signatures
    Created by nina davies
  • Restoring the disused railway line from Chepstow to Tintern for a shared use path
    The permission was granted by the Forest of Dean District Council for their ownership, but the Monmouthshire Council have been making excuses for the last few years since the original proposal. All over the UK county after county's citizens have been benefiting from these valuable resources for leisure and transport purposes. Why are we waiting and consistently fobbed off with trivial excuses all the time? There are no cycle paths through Chepstow while everywhere else benefits. Despite all the Bills, Papers, and Consultations you pass and now 'The Wales we Want' campaign, we are ignored. This path would enable less able bodied people to access the beauty of the Wye Valley, it would provide business and opportunities locally, and hold these opportunities within Chepstow and surrounding villages where presently people go further afield for leisure facilities. Also it would encourage forms of sustainable transport such as cycling and walking, enabling many people to leave their cars at home. The already established paths in the UK are used by thousands everyday for multiple purpose. Why are we denied this resource, is it because our Council is blind to the future?
    7,708 of 8,000 Signatures
    Created by Jennifer Goslin Picture
  • Cancel Bath Bus Gate Fines
    Almost 9000 people have been fined £30 or more for accidentally driving through the bus gate. It is a very easy mistake to make as the signage is inadequate and there are no road markings. The Council has not made the bus gate restrictions clear enough, as evidenced by the huge number of people driving through it. Innocent people are being fined. Many of these will be visitors to the city who will be left with a bad experience of our beautiful city. This has brought shame to the city of Bath. IF YOU WANT TO APPEAL YOUR FINE, YOU CAN DO SO ONLINE: https://parking.bathnes.gov.uk/pages/home.aspx Please also visit the Facebook Campaign Page at: www.facebook.com/cancelbusgatefines
    3,340 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Joe Scofield
  • Stop the Zone 'E' Pay-for-Parking Scheme in Brighton and Hove
    The initial consultation was manipulated to include responses from people who wouldn't be affected by the scheme. This 'fix' enabled the council to claim a 50%/50% split vote, but their own guidance (document HP 4/15) states "Experience has shown that Resident Parking Schemes will not be successful unless they have majority support of responses received". 50% is not a majority, but members of all parties (including the Greens!) decided to go ahead anyway. There is neither the wish nor the need to move from free parking to permits of £120 per year plus the cost of visitor permits. Council officers and members deny that the scheme is about the money. But a FOI (Freedom of Information) request showed that, in this zone alone, they could expect net profits (ie profits after costs) of £700,000 over 10 years: and that without any increase to permit or parking costs. The Council intends to continue rolling out its pay-for-parking schemes right across Brighton and Hove, in every area: these schemes are viral. Once an area has a scheme, displaced parkers create parking problems in neighbouring areas, who then also feel forced into having a scheme, and so it goes on. It is a completely deliberate attempt to create a 'cash cow'. The council was so keen to instigate its scheme (we had already refused it twice) that its contractors worked all over Bank Holiday weekend (starting at 8am with angle grinders, diggers etc). The lines are painted and some of the sign posts are already in. We are already being harassed by 'fake' parking tickets and bully-boy tactics by the council's contractors (and have plenty of evidence). The schemes spoil our environments, discourage visitors and threaten local businesses. In other areas, people have dug up front gardens to create off-road parking: flora and fauna lost, as well as the original parking space that was there. Some of us have organised ourselves, but the Ombudsman will not take our case, and we cannot afford a Judicial Review (complaints investigated' by the council themselves have got precisely nowhere, unsurprisingly). The council called the police twice to arrest our local lay priest - he was only exercising his right to peaceful protest, and - thankfully - the police saw this. We need your help, please, in getting the council to stop and pause, and re-run a fair consultation by which we will all stand.
    250 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Chris Moore
  • Havant Road crossing
    The lack of a pedestrian crossing of any description concerns me and other residents/parents greatly. As I said above, this is a main school route for parents walking their children to the local Infant and junior schools. As a househusband, I also walk my 6 and 9 year old to these schools every day. I designed a simple petition and collected nearly 200 signatures requesting the council to install an official pedestrian controlled crossing. I sent the petition off a long time ago, and have had numerous emails and telephone calls to, and from various people at Portsmouth City Council, local MP’s, local councillors and both head teachers, all supporting myself and other residents for our wish to see a crossing installed, but so far nothing has been done. At a recent council meeting, I was informed that there had been a cut in funding, and although my proposal for a crossing wasn’t dismissed outright, I quote from an email from the council that;- “this scheme has been put forward and we will await confirmation of the 2014/15 LTP programme early next year after proposals are taken to Cabinet. This usually occurs annually around March. After scheme submission, officers have little involvement and await feedback from senior managers early next year.” On a relevant issue, my son's friend got knocked over on Havant Road a few years ago, albeit at the pedestrian crossing near the small Tescos and Post Office further along Havant Road. Yet this simply reiterates the need for an official crossing, proving that this road is a busy thoroughfare, and accidents can happen even when there are pedestrian crossing installed. So to avoid another accident, there must be a pedestrian controlled crossing installed.
    628 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Simon Thornton Picture
  • Turn Hereford Traffic Lights To Part-Time Status 7pm-7am
    All of these traffic lights are relatively pointless during off peak times and often motorists become frustrated and impatient while being forced to sit at red lights, this can often be at 2am when there are clearly no other vehicles in sight! By signing our petition you are in strong favour of these signals being changed to PART-TIME status from 7pm-7am
    414 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Colin James Picture