• Get the Government to Renationalise Britains Railways
    We are fed up with overpriced rail fares, over crammed trains, Train Companies not wanting to deal with passenger issues and Bosses getting large bonuses from passengers being used as cash cows
    123 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Graham Henderson
  • Stop live animals being exported for slaughter
    If you have any feelings whatsoever for animals and the manner in which they end their lives as food for us, then you will care for their wellbeing.
    133 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Robert Forrest-Webb
  • STOP 2nd runway at gatwick
    To save counless homes, conservation areas, the daily lives of innocent people, the farms its going to destroy, the pollution it will cause,
    165 of 200 Signatures
    Created by LORRAINE BRASS
  • Stur newton-Poole bus route
    To give us the opportunity to go where the work is, give our young people the widest choice to access education and to stop the gentrification of our rural areas.
    437 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Isabelle Allison
  • Halton Against Tolls
    The Runcorn Bridge connects two parts of the same town, Runcorn and Widnes, known collectively as Halton. The cost to local people who must use this bridge to go to work, to the hospital, to local shops, ice rink, cinema, cemetery, to Liverpool City and Airport, visit relations and many other reasons, the people of Halton will have to pay a local tax otherwise known as a toll. A voucher system has been offered giving locals a small discount but the bridge should be toll free for all.
    11,231 of 15,000 Signatures
    Created by Vince Clark
    Exit from Dalmahoy and Ratho (road opposite) onto A71 is life threatening and one day someone will die and then it will be too late. An offer of a SLOW DOWN sign is not good enough after 15 yrs of complaining.The morning rush hour traffic is horrendous with no one giving way and the cars pile up the roads on either side. Maybe someone could just try this out and see how they feel risking their lives just trying to get home.
    2,132 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Margaret Delaney
  • No Park and Ride at Linton
    Heath road where the site is proposed is an established boundary helping to maintain the vital balance between urban and rural areas. Dumping thousands of tons of tarmac over 17 acres of prime farmland near the Greensands Ridge breaches that boundary and threatens our rural heritage. And worse still, for no proven benefit.
    1,208 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Ron Leagas
  • Let's make Tooting High Street safe for all
    Tooting High Street is an 'A' road, and as such is an important route for people moving both within, and passing through the area. The width of the road, not including the pavement, varies from 10m to 12m in width (from Tooting Broadway to the junction with Blackshaw Road). Using this road, on foot, or by bicycle is not straightforward. We believe space exists for high quality separated cycle routes to be placed on the road ensuring that people of whatever age or ability can choose to cycle locally. 'Armadillos' and planters which have been used on Royal College Street in Camden have been super-imposed onto the visual to give a simple idea of what could be. Parking/delivery bays can be provided from adjacent roads. The space currently used between buses and delivery bays could be re-purposed. This narrowing of the carriageway should result in lower speeds by motorists, and make it easier for pedestrians and the less able to cross the road. With 50% of car trips in London being less than or equal to two miles, many of those journeys could be cycled if the streets were designed in a more inviting manner. Local businesses suffer from the dominance of motor traffic that the current street design facilitates. A more inviting and attractive public realm would boost footfall, and in turn increase trade for local businesses. We need to show significant local support for this so that TfL listen to us and can ensure the next update / resurfacing includes installing proper cycle tracks. This post from the Cycling Embassy of Great Britain illustrates how using existing legislation, officers can install high quality cycle tracks: http://www.cycling-embassy.org.uk/blog/2013/07/26/a-view-from-the-drawing-board-cycle-track-priority-across-side-roads Supported by Wandsworth Cycling Campaign, Wandsworth Living Streets and Tooting Lib Dems
    604 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Jon Irwin Picture
  • Bus service for Finchley Memorial Hospital
    We have a brand new, gleaming hospital which people cannot reach because it is not on a bus route. Many of the services based there: physiotherapy, falls prevention, community dieticians, are geared towards people who are frail and cannot walk long distances. 500m might not seem a long distance for most people, but on a zimmer frame or crutches it is forever. Parts of the hospital are empty because local GPs do not want to move to a building which their patients cannot access. The plans for this building always included a bus stop, but what we need now is a bus which will actually stop outside the hospital door. There is a cross party consensus that this needs to happen urgently. Please add your voice so the Mayor of London understands how important this is. Thanks.
    2,023 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Julia Hines
  • Ban Cars from Richmond Park
    Richmond Park is a National Nature Reserve, an SSSI and a Grade 1 Listed landscape. The weekend closure would not only enhance the experience for cyclists and other users but would also promote the conservation, protection and improvement of the natural and physical environment of the Park, and its peace and natural beauty for the benefit the public and future generations. The park is a great asset for SW London, it should be a safe place for families to explore and for people to ride bicycles around without having the roads jammed up with cars.
    1,366 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Mike Head
  • Reopen Poulton-Fleetwood/Open A New Fleetwood-Lancaster Railway Line/A New Garstang Train Station
    If the population increases and grows, it would be ideal to make the possible train service to those who want it back, that's if the people petition to have the old lines reopened, SELRAP have also done their part too for the Colne-Skipton rail line.
    109 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Johnathan Riley
  • Proposal for crossing person/pedestrian crossing on Wheel Lane, Lichfield
    We feel this is an important step to ensure optimum safety while crossing what can be a busy road. It is en route to shops and schools, and more recently a Post Office. From personal experience it can be a tricky road to cross at school run times and I believe having a crossing would make it significantly safer and easier to cross, particularly for children who are able to walk to school by themselves. Although it is a 20mph road, I have seen many motorists exceeding the limit and think a crossing would help slow traffic down. I have spoken to a few parents who agree it would work well. My husband tells me there used to be a crossing lady at this point when he was a child. A pedestrian crossing was installed on Beacon Street where the Post Office used to be so I think a crossing on Wheel Lane would be well used by customers of the Post Office and shops also.
    158 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Mia Webb