• Bring home relatives from Australia
    We have relatives stuck out in Australia who need to come back to the UK. They cannot book flights home as some airlines have closed, please help us and sign this petition to get them home.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Clare Cross-Hall
  • No restrictions on travel passes for the elderly
    Supermarkets have shopping hours for the elderly from 8-9 in the morning but travel passes don’t work until 9am meaning many can not access the shops. Many can not afford this - I met one elderly woman yesterday who told me this exact problem meaning she has to go to the supermarket when it had already been stripped but also when it was much busier and therefore with a higher likelihood of infection. This stress needs removing as these are not normal times.
    37 of 100 Signatures
    Created by David Shorten
  • Bus service alterations
    In order to prevent runaway climate change carbon emissions need to fall drastically as soon as possible. Public transport needs to be joined up to encourage people to leave their cars at home. Matlock Interchange stop (outside Matlock rail station) provides easy access for people who get off trains and need to get onto buses. Current plans to cut services from this point give people only 3 minutes to get from the train to another bus stop for the bus to Chatsworth. It is nearly impossible to get to this in time as it involves crossing two busy roads. If the bus is missed people will have to wait for an hour for the next bus.
    36 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Christine Grocott
  • 1 way roads Barry town
    For ease of traffic and avoid accidents and damage to residents cars
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by David Watts
  • Alcohol free trains
    Trains should be a safe community space for all ages. The antisocial behaviour and language associated with even moderate alcohol consumption is scary for children and their families and it is increasingly prevalent. More and more children are witnessing bad role modelling by adults on trains due to alcohol. In other social spaces it's possible to move away but not on a train, due to the enclosed space and ticket system. When the problems escalate, journeys are delayed awaiting interventions. Surely everyone can manage a train journey without an alcoholic drink but managing a train journey with kids when it's populated with people drinking is hard work and for many others just unpleasant. Put on separate drinking carriages if need be.
    9 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Amelia Hunter
  • Better Pay and conditions for Drivers (HGV, C+E)
    As there is a current driver shortage within the UK, it is important that Drivers pay and conditions were improved, having a structured pay system like other industries, and better conditions for parking would improve the recruitment in the transport industries. We want to have better facilities for drivers, there are not enough truck stops in the country, those that there are overcharge and the facilities are inadequate
    82 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mieczyslaw Kedzierski
  • Bring back the Number 2 bus to Willen
    They have taken a major transport link for elderly + disabled residents who are unable to walk to the next stop to get the bus.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Michael Gurden
  • Frequent 309 bus or new bus
    The public and kids rely on this bus in morning and evening to travel to and from school efficiently, no more buses pass by bus stop as full. No more travel delay or late to school or detention.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by R Begum
  • Weekend bus service
    People, like my own mother who is in her 80s, are basically confined to the village every weekend. It’s a lovely place, but many people are unable go shopping, attend a religious service, go for lunch or have tea and cake in a cafe; basically the things you and I take for granted IF we are able to drive/have access to a car/have access to regular lifts/ can afford a 11 mile round trip in a taxi. Being independent, being able to access services and have social interaction is vital for physical and mental health: it’s not optional optional, it’s a fundamental human right.
    43 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Anna Copley
  • New Traffic Order at top of Stoke Hill Stoke Bishop BS9
    This is important as the position as it is, is an accident waiting to happen.
    63 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Robert Bradshaw
  • Traffic lights needed at narrow bridge, Curbridge
    The speed limit on this section of the A3051 Botley Road by the Horse & Jockey pub at Curbridge, near Botley, Hants is 40 mph. The narrow width of the bridge causes a serious hazard to vehicles when they round the bend approaching it and find an HGV straddling the centre of the bridge. Crossing the bridge for motorists and cyclists using this route has become particularly dangerous. The new development of North Whiteley is partly responsible for a significant increase in the number of the HGV’s using this road. A recent 10 hour tally we carried out showed over 6,704 vehicles plus 263 HGV's used the bridge. We need to bring this to the attention of Hampshire County Council in order that action is taken to prevent a serious accident or worse a fatality.
    77 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Margaret Holt
  • Make bus fares fair!
    When local residents take an Uber rather than the bus, because it’s cheaper, something has gone catastrophically wrong with the public transport system. First Buses are cherry picking the profitable routes and ratcheting up the fares on them, leaving the local authority to find alternatives for the less profitable routes. This is profiteering from the public, not public transport! In environmentally uncertain times, the government should be doing all it can to encourage people to use mass public transport. Unfortunately, privatised public transport is having the opposite effect. London mayor, Sadiq Khan has changed this in his city, so all residents and visitors can cross London for less than we pay to get from the suburbs to the centre of Oldham. See article at: https://amp.theguardian.com/uk-news/2019/may/05/oldham-greater-manchester-bus-riders-tire-high-fares-unreliable-service
    23 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Natasha Brison