Traffic lights needed at narrow bridge, CurbridgeThe speed limit on this section of the A3051 Botley Road by the Horse & Jockey pub at Curbridge, near Botley, Hants is 40 mph. The narrow width of the bridge causes a serious hazard to vehicles when they round the bend approaching it and find an HGV straddling the centre of the bridge. Crossing the bridge for motorists and cyclists using this route has become particularly dangerous. The new development of North Whiteley is partly responsible for a significant increase in the number of the HGV’s using this road. A recent 10 hour tally we carried out showed over 6,704 vehicles plus 263 HGV's used the bridge. We need to bring this to the attention of Hampshire County Council in order that action is taken to prevent a serious accident or worse a fatality.77 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Margaret Holt
Make bus fares fair!When local residents take an Uber rather than the bus, because it’s cheaper, something has gone catastrophically wrong with the public transport system. First Buses are cherry picking the profitable routes and ratcheting up the fares on them, leaving the local authority to find alternatives for the less profitable routes. This is profiteering from the public, not public transport! In environmentally uncertain times, the government should be doing all it can to encourage people to use mass public transport. Unfortunately, privatised public transport is having the opposite effect. London mayor, Sadiq Khan has changed this in his city, so all residents and visitors can cross London for less than we pay to get from the suburbs to the centre of Oldham. See article at: https://amp.theguardian.com/uk-news/2019/may/05/oldham-greater-manchester-bus-riders-tire-high-fares-unreliable-service23 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Natasha Brison
Network Rail to give a basic education and understanding of dangers of the RailwayI think this is of vital importance because children from primary school right through to secondary school need a basic understanding and education of the dangers of a railway line after the death of the poor boy who sadly died on the railway line at Bedford Road Bootle Liverpool. This will give our children the understanding that they need to know that Merseyside and further afield operates on a third rail system which has 750v DC running through the line if you come in contact with this it will kill you instantly.8 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Elliott Duncan
Northern rail gaps dangerSome one will die. People have fallen down to the tracks including staff and a conductor in 2015. It's a danger stop train company's before it could be you. A simple signature could make a huge difference to safety for a child on a train. Shipley train station is one of the worst.10 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Kyle Caddick
Amber LED Street Lights for the UK: New tech without the health risksThe UK government is pressing forward with replacing old High Intensity Discharge (HID) lamps with new, solid-state LED lighting. It is clear that technology must go forward, but there are better ways of doing it. Citizens in the UK and other countries have already complained about the invasive aesthetic of bright-white LED lights, and health experts have warned about possible health risks. These lights are interfering with our biology and they WILL affect us. John O'Hagan of Public Health England wanred that high qauntities of blue light can 'cause damage to the retina', and the frequency of these lights can 'result in headaches and migraines'. This is of course, on top of the well-known fact that blue light interrupts our circadian rhythm, leading to sleep problems. However, there is already a credible solution. Many companies already offer PCA (Phosphor Converted Amber) options for road lighting that lowers the lamp colour temperature from a blinding 4000 kelvin down to a warm and comfortable range of 1800-2000-2200 kelvin. This would alleviate a great many problems with the new street lights, while maintaining the economic advantages and energy efficiency of LED technology. Companies that offer Amber LED lights include, but are not limited to: -OSRAM https://www.osram.com/corporate/ -SITECO https://www.siteco.com/en/home?catalogue=uk_en -LUMICAN http://lumican.com/darkskyseries/ -PHILIPS LUMEC https://www.signify.com/en-us/brands/lumec Consider this, and keep our streets safe and warm!70 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Steven Brown
20mph Limit on Hadlow Road (B5151) in WillastonThe plans are for a 20mph speed limit on the minor roads (many of which barely see a traffic speed much more than that) adjoining Hadlow Road, however there is no proposal to reduce the speed limit on Hadlow Road itself. Hadlow Road is home to several young families, elderly residents, and is used heavily by equestrians and cyclists. An extension of the 20mph limit to the length of Hadlow Road, from the (already 20mph) centre of Willaston, to the junction with the A540 would significantly reduce danger to residents (many of whom are elderly), their children, users of the Wirral Way and Hadlow Road Station, cyclists and equestrians, reduce pollution, noise, potentially traffic levels and be of benefit to Willaston as a community by encouraging more residents out. The centre of Willaston has already been successfully turned into a 20mph limit. Residents and users of Hadlow road regularly face aggression from drivers who do not slow after coming from the 50mph stretch of Hadlow Road, and have to brake hard to avoid people crossing, or even lose control on the bends. Cars have mounted pavements at speed and crashed into garden walls on several occasions. Young children cross this road every day to get to and from School. If action is not taken to reduce the speeds on Hadlow Road, it is a matter of 'when' not 'if' someone gets killed or seriously injured.65 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Gregory Leach
Pedestrianise Union Streetif Union Street does not back on the car free then shops will become empty apart from the big brands5 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Patrick Lang
Warning on TV ads for new cars.The glossy TV ads give no indication of the harm that cars do every day. Only electric cars are tolerable.10 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Malcolm Scott
Increase the number of trains on the Northern LineMajor overcrowding on the platforms comes with serious safety concerns related to people on the tracks. Major overcrowding of people in tube carriages carries serious concerns related to both health and safety. What happens if the train develops a fault, has to stop in a tunnel for any reason or worse, there is another terrorist attack similar to 7/7? Over the years this problem has been getting worse so I feel now is the time to lobby TfL to provide more trains to accommodate the ever-growing population of London.46 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Jennifer Lau
Stop the Cancelling of London's buses and Limiting Bus routesThis text is taken directly from an article i read and could not agree more; “Hackney residents will be disproportionately affected; these bus routes offer more affordable travel for some of our borough’s poorest residents in our least connected neighbourhoods. In my own words despite the amount of money which the goverment has spent on transport supposedly the buses seem to be left on the back burner, although I use both bus and train there are a significant amount of people who solely rely on Bus services especially our senior citizens and changing them for the worst in my opinion is no help for anybody. If they can get away with this who knows what they might try to get away with in the future. I believe we can apply positive pressure and make sure we are all counted whether tube/train or bus user. These changes in the long run could see buses continually over crowded and people having longer commutes to and from home/work for e.g. I am sure there is a better solution especially with the continual rising costs to travel each and every year, we are owed a service which is effective for all and to allow it to expand not be restricted.5 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Malachi Baptiste
Pedestrian crossing Goldstone CrescentThe increasing danger of crossing this road for Pedestrians, especially Children on their way to and from school. This has greatly increased due to the new parking restrictions in the surrounding area. The speeding traffic is a hazard, where the speed limit is still 30mph as opposed to 20mph along the rest of Goldstone Crescent. There have been a numerous near misses with children and cars on a daily basis.588 of 600 SignaturesCreated by Rachel Weinstein
Extend “ULEZ extension” Exemption for Residents until 2025No resident will be able to afford the charge so will be forced to sell theirs cars and buy new more compliant cars, the problem is the cars will loose significant value , or may be impossible to sell, what is being done about the losses that people will face due this law being introduced?69 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Ashlee Barnes
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